Message: #67210
Buckshee » 02 Feb 2017, 18:03

The power of Shaolin. Kung Fu, Tai Chi Chuan, Qigong is the ancient secret of immortality. Yi Shen

your hands palms to each other, lower them to your hips, return to the starting position and relax.
This breathing method is used to develop composure while waiting for an enemy attack.

Rapid elimination of fatigue

Mastering the basics of proper breathing has a beneficial effect on the spirit and physical body of a person, regardless of his complexion, physical strength or gender. To quickly eliminate fatigue and restore strength after exhausting work or a duel, perform the following breathing exercises:
• 3–7 breaths of shock breathing (for ventilation of the lungs and normalization of breathing);
• 3–7 breaths of even breathing (to stabilize breathing and slow down the pulse);
• 3–7 breaths of serene breathing (for mobilization and excitation of the nervous systems).

Balance exercises

In kung fu, in order to prevent the enemy from hitting you, it is very important to maintain balance both when throwing blows and when parrying them. Therefore, before you begin to study the initial complex of kung fu, learn to keep your balance.

Exercise "Heron in the swamp"

Standing on one leg, squat down and cross your legs, placing one foot on the knee of the other.
Repeat упражнение 7–one2 раз.

Exercise "Heron in the swamp-2"

Another variant of the first exercise is that when squatting on one leg, you should keep the other leg extended straight in front of you.
Repeat упражнение 7–one2 раз.

Exercise "Monk beats bows"

Lean forward and squeeze your right ankle with both hands. Keep your left leg stretched back and up at this time.
Repeat 7–one2 раз для каждой ноги.
If you have problems with balance, then you can resort to the help of a partner or use a chair or even a wall as a support.

Exercise "Glass of water"

When you improve your balance and coordination of movements, then try to hold a glass of water in an outstretched hand for as long as possible, standing on one leg, without spilling a drop of water.
Repeat упражнение 7–one2 раз со сменой рук и ног.

Exercise "Drinking the Evil Beast"

The next exercise is a more difficult version of the previous exercise. Try to put the glass on an outstretched leg and not spill it.
Repeat упражнение 7–one2 раз со сменой ног.

Exercise "Two glasses of water"

When you have already learned how to do the previous exercises, start practicing balance in movement. The simplest exercise is to hold two glasses of water on your palms apart and walk in a straight line.
Your task is to move straight and make turns to the sides and around without spilling water.
Repeat упражнение 7–one2 раз в каждую side.

Exercise "Legs-wings"

Standing on one leg and holding glasses of water in your hands, try to swing the other leg forward, back and to the sides.
The main thing is not to spill a drop of water!
Repeat упражнение 7–one2 раз со сменой ног.

Earth rotation exercise

In a standing position, stretch one leg forward in front of you. Perform circular rotations in the hip joint with this leg, maintaining balance.
Repeat упражнение 7–one2 раз со сменой ног.

Kung Fu Health Complex

The exercises offered to the attention of readers constitute the basic complex of the kung fu system, developed back in the Taoist school and supported by elements of Buddhist techniques. It is not difficult to perform and is extremely useful for strengthening the spirit and health.

Exercises are simple movements, available for people of any age. They are very natural and, with faith in success and persistent studies, gradually relieve a person of illnesses, stimulate the development of abilities, including intellectual ones, bring peace, joy, health and longevity.

Упражнение one. «Поза отрешенности»

Starting position: stand up straight, in a relaxed state, legs together, and arms hanging helplessly on both sides (Fig. four).

Rice. four

Close your eyes, but do not strain your eyelids. Forget about all your troubles and problems. Let go even of yourself. Try to relax to such an extent that you feel the current of vital energy inside you.
If you manage to forget your "I", then you can feel yourself an integral part of the cosmos.

Exercise 2. "The appearance of the dragon and tiger"

Clench your fingers into fists, bring them to your waist.
First, move your right and then your left foot forward, becoming in the left “False foot” stance. In this stance, one half-bent leg is on the ground, and the other half-bent leg is raised and slightly set aside.
At the same time, the left palm and right fist are joined in front of the chest in the usual Shaolin greeting gesture (Fig. 5).

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Exercise 3

Move your left leg forward into a left bow and arrow stance with your right leg back and left knee slightly bent. At the same time, move your body forward a little.
At the same time, throw your right hand forward, making a blow with your fingers (all fingers are tightly clenched, and the thumb is bent inward, the palm is facing down, the fingertips form the striking surface) at neck level (Fig. 6).

Rice. 6

Упражнение four. «Два тигра готовятся к прыжку»
Return to the starting position, as in the first exercise, fists at the waist (Fig. 7).

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In forms of kung fu, any unused hand is positioned with fingers clenched into a fist at the waist.

Exercise 5

Without changing position, turn your body to the right and take a stance in the “Rider” position, when bent legs are widely spread apart.
At the same time, strike the navel with the fist of the left hand (Fig. eight).
Fix your eyes on the blow with your left hand.

Rice. eight

Exercise 6. "The black tiger steals the heart"

Without changing position, turn the body forward into the Bow and Arrow stance and strike with the fist of the right hand in the jaw area (Fig. 9).
Concentrate your vital energy in the abdomen, the gaze should be fixed on the blow with the right hand, and the mind should be focused on your movement.
Try to have all three processes of concentration of consciousness occur simultaneously and merge at one point. This will achieve unity of consciousness, energy and body.

Rice. 9

Exercise 7

Move your right leg (it should be behind) forward into the right Bow and Arrow stance, leaning your body slightly forward.
Одновременно произведите удар пальцами левой руки (рис. one0). This exercise is similar to exercise 3, only with a change in the position of the arms and legs.
As you move your right foot forward, try not to physically feel it move, but rather imagine your entire being, including your foot, body, kicking, energy and mental focus, flowing forward without tension.

Rice. one0

Упражнение eight. «Драгоценный селезень проплывает мимо лотоса-2»
Поверните тело влево, приняв позу «Всадник» и одновременно произведите удар кулаком правой руки в область пупка (рис. oneone). This exercise is the opposite of exercise 5.
Your movement should be smooth and effortless.
Concentrate on punching.

Rice. oneone

Exercise 9

Повернитесь вперед в правую стойку «Лук и стрела» и произведите удар кулаком левой руки в область челюсти (рис. one2).
The movement should be smooth, effortless. This exercise is the opposite of exercise 6.
You must forget about the existence of your body, your mind must be focused on your punching.

Rice. one2

Упражнение one0. «Красавица смотрится в зеркало»
Without changing of your position, only after correcting the angle between the feet, turn around to the left, performing the left Bow and Arrow stance.
Движением левой руки образуйте блок на уровне лица, кисть правой руки при этом располагается рядом с плечом левой руки (рис. one3).
Feel all movements as one coordinated stream of consciousness, energy and movement.

Rice. one3

Упражнение oneone. «Мах рукой из стойки „Ложная нога“»

Take the left leg (in front) slightly back so that it remains in front of the right leg located behind, taking the left “False leg” stance.
Your body is facing to the right.
Одновременно махом вниз переведите левую руку от правого плеча в положение перед левой ногой (рис. onefour).
Concentrate your attention on the hand swing - feel that you yourself are this swing.

Rice. onefour

Упражнение one2. «Зеленый дракон, прыгающий через стремнину»

Move your left foot forward into the left Bow and Arrow stance. Произведите удар ладонью правой руки в область челюсти (рис. one5).

Rice. one5

Feel the energy in your right hand jump out like a green dragon.

Упражнение one3. «Золотой дракон резвится в воде»

Take a short step back with your left foot, placing it, however, in front of your right foot (it is behind), forming the left False Leg stance.
Your body should be facing a quarter turn to the right. Stretch your left hand forward so that it resembles the figure of a dragon.
Make an arcing motion with your fingers extended forward, as if you are pulling a needle and thread. «Морда дракона» образуется при сгибании мизинца, безымянного и большого пальцев, указательный и средний пальцы при этом остаются выпрямленными (рис. one6).
Imagine that you are the dragon.

Rice. one6

Упражнение onefour. «Жёлтая иволга пьёт воду»

Strike with the instep of the right foot.
Одновременно двигайте вашу правую руку, принявшую положение, при котором она напоминает фигуру дракона, вперёд на уровень глаз, держа левую руку, все ещё сохраняющую положение, когда она сходна с фигурой дракона, рядом с плечом правой руки (рис. one7).

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Упражнение one5. «Радостная птичка прыгает на ветке»

Опустите правую ногу на пол перед собой, поверните тело вправо и произведите боковой удар левой стопой (рис. oneeight). Concentrate your attention on the punch.

Rice. oneeight

Упражнение one6. «Красавица смотрится в зеркало-2»

Turn around to the right, forming the right bow and arrow stance, adjusting the position of the legs accordingly as you turn.
Используйте правую руку в качестве блока, при этом левая ладонь находится рядом с правым плечом (рис. one9).

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Упражнение one7. «Обратное подвешивание золотого лотоса»

Lower your left foot to the floor, forming a left Arrow stance.
Strike backhand with the knuckles of the left hand, clenched into a fist, moving it from the right temple forward (Fig. twenty). Place your right palm next to your left elbow. Concentrate your attention on your left fist.

Rice. twenty

Упражнение oneeight. «Мах рукой из стойки „Ложная нога-2“»

Take the

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