Message: #87981
Ольга Княгиня » 12 Mar 2017, 21:16

Acupressure techniques. getting rid of psychological problems. G. Vincenzi

emotions can live in you indefinitely. AT результате у вас могут развиться фобии, ограничивающие полноценный образ жизни и общение с окружающими людьми.
Violations in your energy system arise due to external influences. To eliminate the problem, another external influence is required (bioenergetic medicine).
There are many social causes of energy disorders in the body. For example, for at least two generations in The United States recorded one million divorces annually. Divorce is a typical example of psychological trauma from among those that give rise to negative feelings in us: irritation, despondency and distrust. Another social reason is the changes that are associated with the dynamic transformations taking place within society. As it becomes more and more normal for members of the same family to live in different cities and different parts of the country, we lose the feeling of belonging to a family clan and can no longer feel the security that the direct support of loving people provides. If a person constantly feels that no one cares about him, he can easily acquire other problems.
It is also possible that energy disorders can be transmitted from one generation to another. ATо время исследования, проведенного в 1988 году, Руперт Шелдрейк пытался понять, каким образом инстинктивная информация сообщается новым поколениям. Since there is no evidence that emotional experiences are transmitted through DNA, Sheldrake suggested that feelings and behaviors can be communicated from one generation to another through energy fields. According to this theory, the trauma experienced by your grandmother may be passed on to you in the form of an energetic disturbance. This fact may explain why children react to different situations with certain behaviors. For example, the ability of a child to cope with various depressing situations is already clearly discernible a few months after birth. Of course, immediately after birth, the energy system of an infant is influenced by his parents and the environment in which he lives. Circumstances can lead to an energetic imbalance that determines what a person thinks and how they feel. AT связи с этим можно утверждать следующее: энергетические нарушения, полученные при рождении, приводят к определенным душевным переживаниям и мыслям, которые подвергают человека риску получить определенный негативный опыт.
While knowing the real cause of an energy disturbance is not a guarantee of a solution, it can explain your behavior and the nature of the problems you are experiencing. An imbalance in the meridian system can have a significant impact on your life; and if it is not eliminated in time, it will be very difficult to get rid of the disorders that it caused.
ATопрос: Может ли энергетический дисбаланс изменять образ мыслей человека?
Answer: Scientists are well aware that when a person thinks about something, a chemical reaction occurs in his brain: neuropeptides are produced - biologically active compounds that control our thoughts. They can be found not only in the brain, but also in other parts of the body, including the stomach, kidneys, and liver. Thus, it can be argued that human thinking has a real physical embodiment. Along with this, when a person thinks about something, a field similar to an electromagnetic one can be detected around him. This is the manifestation of thought on an energetic level, which Roger Callahan (Callahan and Callahan, 1996) called the thought field.
Negative emotions arise from disturbances in the thought field, often caused by physical or emotional trauma. Theoretically, this disorder affects certain energy points, which, in turn, trigger hormonal, psychological, neurological, chemical and thought processes that lead to the experience of negative emotions. These disorders are the cause of energy imbalance, which can take the form of depression, fears or bad habits.
When damage occurs within the mental field, it always responds to one of the biologically active points on the body. That is why experts in the field of energy psychology were able to correlate the sensitive zones of the meridians with certain problems and develop a specific method of treatment.
ATопрос: Что такое психологическое реверсирование?
Answer: It is still not completely clear what happens to the energy system subject to psychological reversal. One theory boils down to the following statement: when some kind of trauma takes away part of your life force and its level becomes very low, the energy can become negatively charged. This, in turn, brings to the surface our "self-sabotaging" beliefs and corresponding behaviors, and we end up unwittingly creating unwanted situations that are the opposite of what we actually want. Hence the name - psychological reversal/psychological reversal.
Most often, reversal is situational in nature, that is, it affects only certain areas of our lives - for example, it suppresses our abilities to achieve a certain goal, overcome phobias, or build relationships with specific people. If an event happened in your life that caused a strong feeling of resentment or guilt in your soul, then it is quite possible that this led to the occurrence of a reversal, the presence of which partly explains why you are unable to cope with similar life situations today.
Another aspect of this problem is the inability of a person to accept himself as he is. For example, when you reject a part of yourself or something you once did (or what you are doing now), a psychological reversal can occur in your energy system, which often leads to unconsciously ignoring conscious goals.
The effect of the reverse can extend to the ability to achieve success. That is, at an unconscious level, a person can be dominated by the conviction: “I am not worthy of succeeding in life.” Or: "I don't deserve to be lucky." ATлияние таких убеждений становится очевидным, когда у человека есть все для того, чтобы достичь высот в определенных сферах, но успех упорно «обходит его стороной». Psychological reversals generate thoughts and feelings that sabotage those areas of your life that you do not accept or reject as "undeserved."
Psychological reversal creates situations that are familiar to all of us. We know perfectly well how we should - or should not - behave in certain circumstances, and yet we act in exactly the opposite way. A good example is when it's best to keep your mouth shut. If a person is subject to reversal, he involuntarily voices "undesirable" thoughts and complicates his situation even more. Also, when you don't accept yourself and believe that you deserve better, you will ignore any favorable situation.
For example, a woman who does not believe that she is worthy of marriage will constantly choose men who are not suitable for her as partners. Although this situation is likely to include other aspects, her behavior is a perfect example of self-sabotage. A woman seems to be actively looking for a husband, but in fact only reinforces the belief that she is "not made for marriage." And although this example is specific, self-sabotage can affect any event if you consider yourself "unworthy" in this aspect of life.
Behavior that shows signs of self-sabotage can derail years of hard work. Energy psychologists believe that self-sabotaging beliefs are the main reason why people, despite some skill and ability to achieve their goals, continue to experience life's difficulties. After reading this book, you will know how to deal with reversals that sabotage your actions. ATы также сможете полезными советами помочь преодолеть данную проблему своим друзьям и детям.
ATопрос: Как устранить энергетический дисбаланс?
Answer: The process of correcting a life energy imbalance usually involves working with a qualified energy therapist. However, the techniques in this book will teach you how to do this without the help of a doctor.
As a rule, after the client tells the specialist about the essence of his problem, he is invited to think about it and become aware of all the feelings with which it is associated. For example, if the problem is a fear of heights, the person will have to remember in detail what happened to him when he last went out onto the balcony or visited another place located high above the ground. That is, he needs to remember where, when and how the problem manifested itself.
When you focus on a problem, all you do is think about the situation that is bothering you. There is nothing supernatural or complicated about what to do outside of contemplating the traumatic event. ATам даже не надо его визуализировать (хотя это и может стать одним из способов установления связи с проблемой). As soon as you concentrate on the issue at hand, your body and mind will begin to respond little by little - as if you were really in this situation again.
If certain acupressure points require stimulation, you must direct your energy into an imaginary structure or mental field of the problem, focusing on the obstacle you are trying to overcome. Сделав это, вы подготовите себя к применению техник энергетической психологии, которые помогут вам справиться с любыми difficulties. Remember that emotional problems are just disturbances in your energy system.
When correcting an imbalance, it is necessary to act on certain acupuncture points, each of which corresponds to a particular problem. We call the layout of biologically active zones on the body (face, arms and torso) the word "algorithm". The effectiveness of using these schemes has been confirmed by years of practice. By studying the location of acupuncture points, you can easily understand the descriptions of specific treatments.
ATопрос: Что такое прикладная кинезиология и как она связана с энергетической психологией?
Answer: One of the procedures used in energy psychology is called applied kinesiology. This unique technique for diagnosing body functions consists in manual muscle testing. Most often, such a test is carried out on individual muscles, for example, on the deltoid muscle of the shoulder. ATо время процедуры человек думает о своей проблеме и одновременно вытягивает руку вперед параллельно

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