Message: #87981
Ольга Княгиня » 12 Mar 2017, 21:16

Acupressure techniques. getting rid of psychological problems. G. Vincenzi

this technique in order to eliminate their own problem.
Although the various principles of energy psychology will be discussed later, the basis of this technique is the elimination of psychological disorders by simply focusing the mind on a problem or memory that bothers you, in conjunction with the stimulation of certain biologically active points. In addition, we will present one acupuncture-related practice that will help you get rid of mind-sabotaging thoughts and beliefs, often arising as a result of some kind of trauma or stressful situation.
Energy psychology provides the keys to solving psychological problems by helping you understand and use the power of your own energy system.

Step by step process to change your life

The book is divided into two parts. The first deals with the main ideas that will help you understand the essence and principles of using the methods of energy psychology. The second part offers specific techniques for treating a variety of psychological disorders, including self-sabotaging behavior, trauma, and negative emotions (eg, frustration, fear, or depression). The book closes with more complex issues related to human relationships, obesity, attachments, and addictions. You will also find here a chapter that will help you develop your natural abilities more fully and thereby improve your athletic performance.
Before moving on to resolving complex issues, you need to learn how to deal with simpler problems. Very often, difficult situations are made up of several obstacles, and complete healing can be achieved only after overcoming the latter. By learning the basics of energy psychology presented in this book, you will have a set of skills that will help you get rid of self-sabotaging behavior and be able to better manage your life.
Many chapters give specific guidance on how to overcome certain problems. Because you won't have an energy psychologist with you to help you identify your energy imbalances, we've designed specific acupuncture point patterns to stimulate each problem covered in this book. We will also offer questions to help you identify which feelings or behaviors are causing the disorder and need to be addressed. Below is a summary of all chapters.
Chapter 1 takes a detailed look at the energy psychology system to help you understand how different levels of energy affect your behavior.
Chapter 2 provides layout diagrams all acupuncture points that you will stimulate to get rid of various problems. In Chapter 2, you will learn what emotions certain meridians are responsible for and how to properly influence biologically active points.
Chapter 3 looks at how potential toxins in food, tobacco, and alcohol can negatively impact your energy system. Scientists have found that these substances cause symptoms that weaken the human biofield. This chapter describes various ways to detoxify.
In Chapter 4, we look at the habits and beliefs that have a negative impact on your life, as well as techniques that will help you get rid of addictions.
Chapter 5 offers you a list of questions; with it, you can identify the problems that you want to get rid of.
Chapter 6 presents ways to identify and treat psychological reversal. This phenomenon can be considered the main cause of self-sabotage. There may be disturbances in a person's energy system that cause him to act in a direction opposite to that which he consciously wants to follow. For example, you might say to yourself, “I'm tired of arguing with my spouse; we'll have a good rest tonight." And yet, for some incomprehensible reason, when your wife or your husband returns from work, another scandal begins word by word. This does not indicate a lack of willpower, but that there is a reverse in your energy system.
Chapter 7 looks at the fears and phobias that often lower your self-esteem and limit your ability to function fully. In it, we explore several specific issues, including fear of heights, panic attacks, fear of insects, animals, public speaking, elevators, participation in testing, air travel, and embarrassing situations.
Chapter 8 will teach you how to better manage such powerful but fairly mundane feelings as irritation, anger, embarrassment, guilt, jealousy, annoyance, loneliness, and rejection.
Chapter 9 offers a non-drug approach to the effective treatment of depression, a common problem in the United States.
Chapter 10 deals with the psychological traumas that happen in everyone's life. AT anything can be at the root of the problem, from the loss of a job or home to more complex and intimate experiences such as the loss of a loved one, memories of childhood abuse or an accident. Many people suffer from painful memories, and this prevents them from moving freely through life. Energy psychology will help you learn how to get rid of the burden of past events and start moving on. This chapter focuses on these problems and tells you how to solve them. ATо многих случаях негативное воспоминание можно устранить при помощи всего одной техники.
AT главе 11 предлагаются методики преодоления волнения и других причин поведения с признаками самосаботажа, возникающего во время спортивных соревнований и приводящего к душевным расстройствам.
Chapter 12 is the first of those dealing with more serious disorders. ATнимание в ней сосредоточено на проблемах похудания. As a rule, the inability to lose weight is due to many concomitant factors. Despite the fact that for many people any attempt to lose weight seems doomed to failure, there is actually one relatively simple solution: diet plus exercise. What prevents overweight people from losing weight? Energy imbalance and, most likely, the presence of a psychological reverse. In this chapter, you will learn what internal beliefs prevent you from sticking to a diet. By learning to balance the energy of the meridians, you will be able to choose a diet that suits you, follow it steadily and finally achieve your goal: to become the owner of a slim and healthy body.
AT главе 13 рассматриваются пагубные пристрастия, которые сами по себе являются формой поведения, демонстрирующего признаки самосаботажа. In addition, this section will help you recognize your inner closure, which may have developed over time. AT данной главе очень подробно исследуются системы убеждений и психологическое reversing. ATвиду того что от вредных привычек очень сложно избавиться и что они, как правило, имеют некую причину, акцент делается на ежедневном выполнении определенных упражнений и изменении образа life.
AT главе 14 внимание сосредоточено на сложной, не имеющей однозначных решений проблеме человеческих взаимоотношений. Energy psychology offers an approach that will lead people to understand how they destroy relationships by choosing the partners they choose and doing as they do. The information in this chapter will help you determine which issues to focus on and which energy psychology techniques will be most beneficial.
AT главе 15 мы рассматриваем возможные перспективы развития энергетической психологии и подводим итоги, касающиеся применения этого уникального метода. It can be used by anyone to deal with their old problems and not fall under the yoke of new ones. Energy psychology предлагает набор техник, которые позволят вам достичь гармонии в жизни и увереннее ее контролировать.
Frequently asked Questions

AT данном разделе мы постараемся ответить на многие вопросы, которые могут у вас возникнуть в отношении энергетической психологии.
ATопрос, Какого рода проблемы входят в компетенцию энергетической психологии?
Answer: Energy psychology deals with two types of problems: events in your life that lead to energy imbalances, and those that lead to psychological reversal.
The first most often occur in cases where the situation affects certain biologically active points in your energy system. AT результате вы становитесь жертвой дисбаланса жизненной энергии, последствия которого могут принимать форму неприятных воспоминаний или чувства неполноценности. Speaking about the energy system, you can operate with different concepts. The term "balance" means the free movement of life force through your body, in which all meridians receive the same amount of it. When one of your meridians is injured, some of the energy intended for that channel is lost, causing the entire system to be out of balance. Stimulating the acupuncture points strengthens the meridian and increases its energy concentration, which in turn restores balance. And while much of this book is devoted to dealing with specific problems, it is possible to stimulate the movement of life force along the meridians and simply to achieve a higher concentration of it and increase your ability to cope with any difficulties.
ATторой тип проблем, входящий в сферу интересов энергетической психологии, – это психологические реверсы, то есть состояния, при которых жизненная сила течет по меридианам в обратном, то есть неверном направлении. For example, after you have been traumatized, whenever you remember it or think about the possibility of a similar situation happening again, your energy system reacts as if you had actually experienced the traumatic event again. Psychological reversal contributes to the creation of negative or false beliefs that encourage people to behave in ways that show signs of self-sabotage. This explains why people do certain things knowing they won't do them any good. AT таких случаях человек ничего не может поделать, так как его действия подсознательно кажутся ему правильными. In addition, the presence of psychological reversals prevents the restoration of the energy balance of your meridians.
ATопрос: Каким образом происходят нарушения в энергетической системе?
Answer: The simplest explanation is this: energy disturbances are the result of psychological trauma. AT свою очередь, дисбаланс системы меридианов не дает вам справиться с данным расстройством и делает вас уязвимым для других проблем подобного рода. Every life collision leaves an imprint in your nervous system, and although you can forget about certain events with your "mind", your body will still remember them. When a person is injured, they naturally react by experiencing the corresponding emotion. For example, if someone is trying to beat you up and rob you, it is a natural reaction to be frightened. However, problems arise when this psychological trauma - experienced fear - creates an energy imbalance, due to which negative

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