Message: #86988
Ольга Княгиня » 10 Mar 2017, 19:16

Secrets of Chinese medicine. 300 questions about qigong. Lin Huusheng

the old, inhale the new) - daoyin - anqiao, or close all the passages. As a rule, qi is accumulated with the help of the form (body), and the form is filled with qi. If qi and form are in harmony, then the nature is durable ... ".
Among the writings of this period specifically devoted to "cultivating life" are Zhao Zihua's "Notes on Feeding [Health] for the Four Seasons" ("Si shi and yang lu") and "A New Book on Life Extension and Support in Old Age" ("Show tribute yang lao xin shu") by Chen Zhen. Also, Su Dongpo [K] summarized the previous experience of qigong practice, added his personal experience to it, and on this basis wrote a special essay, which was later included in the book “Mr. Su's Best Recipes” (“Su chen liang fang”).
Lu Yu [K] wrote a poem with a close description of the details: “The heart is like in a whirlpool, calmness - not a breeze. While I am sitting, I have already taken several thousand breaths and exhalations. The night was half past, and suddenly an amazing thing happened. I saw the sun rise above the mighty ramparts.
AT стихотворении показаны специфические ощущения человека, погрузившегося в состояние покоя.
Zhang Andao in his essay “Secrets of Yangsheng” (“Yangsheng Jue”) writes: “Every night after the third watch (from 11 p.m. to 1 a.m.) you should throw on your clothes, turn your face to the east or south, sit down with your legs tucked into a ball, 36 times knock your teeth against each other, squeeze them tightly, stop breathing, internally focus on the five dense organs ... wait for the moment when the stomach is filled with qi; by the time the breath is regulated, press the tongue on the lips and teeth, wash them inside and out… when the saliva fills the mouth, one should tilt the head and swallow [saliva], thus qi will enter the dan tian…”. Here is a detailed description of the methodology of exercises, which has retained a certain scientific value to this day.
При династии Южная Сун появилось также сочинение неизвестного автора «ATосемь кусков парчи» («Ба дуань цзинь») – a relatively early work specifically dedicated to yangsheng and daoyin. It is also claimed that tai chiquan was formed on the basis of the generalizing works of the period of the Northern Song Dynasty.
AT период Цзинь-Юань Лю ATаньсу [TO] в сочинении «Простые вопросы. Secret Truths about the Origin of Various Diseases” (“Su wen. Xuan ji yuan bing shi”) proposed the “six-word spell” for use and specifically discussed ways to maintain life. Zhang Zihe, in his book “Caring for Relatives in Service Homes” (“Zhu Men Shi Qin”), outlined the method of blowing qi to treat external injuries: “Think to yourself about the east side, when the sun rises, start receiving qi [by mouth], and then blow on the sore spot.
Li Gao [K] in the essay “Secrets kept in the orchid chambers” [K] (“Lan shi mi tsang”) in the section “On disorders from overwork” (“Lao juan so shang lun”) writes: “... If the mood is uneven, daily life has no routine, there are disorders from overwork, then all this damages qi, the weakening of qi leads to the blossoming of the [element] of fire, and the flowering of the [element] of fire multiplies the [element] of the earth of the spleen ... [appears] relaxation in speech and movements, shortness of breath, superficial fever, sweating, irritability. ATо время болезни необходимо успокоить сердце и сесть спокойно, чтобы питатьци; also use sweet and cold to dampen the fire; use sour to collect scattered qi; use sweets to tonify qi.” AT этом отрывке объясняется не только то, что переутомление может довести селезенку до болезни, но и то, как во время страданий можно излечиться, «успокоив сердце и сев спокойно». This is a method of complex application of qigong and medicines.
Zhu Danxi [K] in his essay “An Untold Discourse on Comprehension of the Nature of Things” (“Ge Zhi Yu Lun”) explores the following issues: “numbness, blockage, cold caused by qi stagnation are treated with the help of daoyin”; "By prescribing to follow the four seasons, by regulating the breath and state of mind, the basis of disease can be cured." In this way, he explains the application of "regulating breathing and mental state" exercises, as well as ways to "cultivate" the correct (healthy) qi (zheng qi) to treat the basis of diseases, gives a correct interpretation of the role of qigong in the treatment of ailments.

AT середине правления династии Мин Сюй Чуньфу составил «Энциклопедию древних методов медицины» («Гу фа и тун да цюань»), в которой обобщил определенный опыт врачей прежних времен по практике qigong. He also proved that since the Song Yuan era, the technique of "cultivating life" has been studied as one of the 13 recognized scientific disciplines.
Li Shizhen [K] in his work "Investigation of the eight wonderful channels" ("Cijing ba mai kao") wrote: "Only one who [repeatedly] returns to observations can clearly reflect the hidden paths in the interior." He pointed out the close relationship between qigong practice and the theory of channels and collaterals.
Cao Yuanbo in the book "Secrets of Preservation of Life" ("Yang Sheng Bi Yao") presented 46 types of movements of the healing daoyin. He paid special attention to the simultaneous execution of movement and staying in a state of rest, concretized the qigong methods given in Mr. Chao's book on the origin of diseases.
Chen Jirhu, in his essay “The Superficial Conversation on the Cultivation of Life” (“Yangsheng Fu Yu”), argued that jing, qi and shen are the main products and the main medicine for the body. The main recipes for longevity are “preserve jing”, “enrich qi”, “cultivate shen”. He expressed the point of view that in the practice of qigong, empty and full, cold and hot are distinguished. AT соответствии с опытом лечения он заключил: «Корень лечения болезней в способе движения. Diseases of emptiness require special binding, strengthening of the will; the influence concentrated inside is used for filling. Fullness diseases require massage and daoyin, you need to inhale strongly and fixation; the outward impact is used for dissipation. ATсе болезни с жаром требуют выдыхать старое и вдыхать новое, чтобы входило через рот, а выходило через нос, что способствует охлаждению; cold diseases require the preservation of qi and retention of breath in order to create fire with the consciousness, which contributes to warming. With these four methods, a cure can be achieved in the shortest way, leaving far behind the treatment with medicines obtained from herbs, trees, metals and minerals.
Zheng Jingyue [K] in the treatise “The Canon of Categories” (“Lei Jing”) wrote: “Someone who seeks to master life must clearly regulate qi for this ...”, thereby unambiguously proclaiming connection of "cultivating life" and regulation of qi.
Fu Renyu's "Precious Letter on Close Observations" ("Shen shi yao han") is the earliest record of cataract treatment by qigong methods using the "six-word incantation"; it has retained its scientific significance up to the present day.
ATан Кэнтан [TO] в сочинении «Точно определенные симптомы и лечение» («Чжунь шэн чжэн тай») в разделе «О болезнях слепоты» («Лунь цин ман чжэн») говорил: «Если некто сохраняет истинное ци, следуя Пустоте, удерживает primordial qi, strictly adhering to the One, then usually, although not treated, the disease passes. He also pointed out that exercises can cure diseases of vision loss.
Определенным мастерством в практике статических, сидячих форм цигуна обладал ATан Янмин [TO] , автор книги «Записки, посвященные обучению» («Чуань си лу»), который преподавал эту практику своим ученикам.
AT начале династии Цин ATан Жэньань приложил к своему труду «Сборник медицинских рецептов с пояснениями» («И фан цзи цзе») главу «Лечение без лекарств» («У яо юань цюань»), в которой свел вместе некоторые виды упражнений, разработанных учителями- predecessors. AT числе прочего там содержится такая запись: «Методика регуляции дыхания не ограничивается во времени; you should sit down freely, align the body so as not to lean or bend, unfasten clothes and loosen the belt; achieve coherence in actions, rotate the tongue several times in the mouth; exhale dirty qi little by little; also inhale little by little through the nose, repeat either three to five times, or one or two times; to swallow the available saliva; hit each other with teeth several times; both eyes are closed, as if covered with a haze. Gradually breathing is regulated, being neither frequent nor abrupt; so exhale several times and inhale several times, from one to 10, from 10 to 100, consciously control the count and avoid failure.
AT начальной главе труда Чэнь Цзиньао «Книга господина Чэня о почитании жизни» («Чэнь ши цзунь шэн шу») описаны общие методы движения, причем особое внимание уделено упражнению ци. ATсего выделено 12 движений. For example, “if someone does not have even a small drop of speed in his body, then he needs to move swiftly; if [quickness] is avoided for a long time, then stagnation, accumulating, turns into a big illness”; "when moving it is necessary [to renounce] from the surrounding people and from oneself, to apply calm breathing. The author also pointed out ways to get rid of extraneous thoughts: "collect all feelings together, concentrate them in one place, allow only the right thoughts." This method is similar to the method of concentrating attention in one place, for example, on the dan tian.
AT поздний период династии Цин ATан Цзуюань составил книгу «Схемы с разъяснениями по внутренним упражнениям» («Нэй гун ту шо») [TO] , в которой представлены общая формула комплекса «12 кусков парчи» («ши эр ду дуань цзинь»), a diagram of this complex with an explanation, a diagram with an explanation of the “basics of muscle transformation” (“and jin chi”) complex, and

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