Message: #87314
Ольга Княгиня » 11 Mar 2017, 11:00

Yoga and the secrets of longevity. Gita Sweeney

left ribs along the thigh and rotate the chest towards the ceiling. On the начальном этапе удерживайте асану 15-30 seconds.
Completion of the pose
Return to Dandasana and repeat on the other side.
Use a belt or towel to hold the foot of your outstretched leg so that you can lengthen your spine straight.
Important Actions
• Pull the straight leg into the hip joint to lengthen the torso
• Hold шею расслабленной, голову – между руками
• Stretch out on exhalations
• Pull the ball of your outstretched foot back.
• Shoulders down
• Chin tight
General Warnings
This pose is contraindicated for those who have problems with intervertebral discs and hip joints.


Full forward lean
Starting position
Sit in Dandasana. On the выдохе прижмите колени к полу и вытягивайтесь через heels (возможно heels будут подниматься). Inhale, raise your arms up, stretching your spine. Exhale as you twist at the hip joint, extend your arms and torso forward. Move from the lower back to move the stomach forward to the hips. Hold позвоночник прямым, а грудную клетку – открытой.
holding a pose
Stretch and tighten your legs with each breath. With each exhalation, stretch the straight spine up and forward, moving the belly towards the hips. On the начальном этапе удерживайте асану 30-60 seconds.
Completion of the pose
As you inhale, twist at the hip joints, lifting the torso into a sitting position. Take the Dandasana pose again and analyze your sensations.
Use a towel or belt around your legs to keep your back straight as you stretch your leg muscles. Rest your feet on the chair to keep the balls of your feet back, hold on to the back of the chair with your back straight.
Important Actions
• Keep your knees on the floor
• Begin the movement from the waist
• The spine stretches up and forward
• Belly protrudes
• Shoulders down вниз
• Chin tight
• Neck relaxed
• Shoulders and arms relaxed


Twisting while sitting on a chair
Starting position
1. Sit sideways on a chair. Extend the spine (check: feel the spine, pull all the protruding bones into the body). Hold вес
evenly distributed on both pelvic bones.
2. Inhale and wrap your arms around both sides of the back of the chair as shown. Exhale, rise and turn your torso to the right.
Twisting in a standing position on a chair
1. Place a chair on the side of the wall. Stand straight with your spine pulled up and tucked up. Inhale and place your right foot on a chair and your hands (shoulder-width apart) on the wall.
2. Exhale and turn your torso towards the wall to the right. Use the spine as a center of rotation and rotate the body around it.
holding a pose
1. When каждом вдохе акцентируйтесь на основных точках. With each exhalation, stretch and twist, focusing on the IMPORTANT ACTIONS.
2. Turning the head is optional. If you feel comfortable doing this, then turn your head to the right, looking over your right shoulder. Удерживайте позу 20-40 seconds.
Completion of the pose
Return to starting position. Repeat on the other side.
General Warnings
The most important thing is to breathe deeply. While twisting, breathe freely through your mouth. If you are experiencing боли в спине, перестаньте выполнять позу и проконсультируйтесь с доктором.
Important Actions
• Sit or stand straight
• Rotate the base of the spine first
• Spine rises to turn
• Belly turns
• Head turns last


Twisting Sage I
Starting position
Position #1
1. Sit in Dandasana. Bend the left leg and press the foot to the floor, the heel is close to the right hip bone. Both knees point towards the ceiling. The front of the left foot turns slightly inward.
2. Press the fingertips of your right palm to the floor and straighten your spine. Turn to the right and extend your left arm forward, resting the back of your left shoulder on internal
anterior surface of the left knee. Grab your left knee with your left hand and close your hands behind your back. 3. Sitting upright on your pelvic bones, stretch your spine up and twist to the right from the base of your spine. Hold грудную клетку открытой и вытягивайтесь через правую ногу. Optional: Turn your head to the right, looking over your right shoulder.
Position #2
Follow steps 1 and 2 of position #1. Then tilt your torso forward over a straight leg. Hold поясницу прямо, когда двигаетесь вперед. The chest is open.
holding a pose
Keep your breath constantly full and steady. On the вдохах фокусируйтесь на основных точках. Stay in each position for 10-30 seconds, breathing deeply.
Holdсь за пояс или полотенце, если кисти не дотягиваются друг к другу за спиной.


Twisting Sage II
Starting position
Sit in the previous position. Place your left foot high on the surface of your right thigh so that you are in the Half Lotus position.
holding a pose
1. Grab your left wrist with your right hand. Exhale and lean forward, lowering your head to your left knee. If possible, extend your chin beyond the knee, tilting it towards the floor.
2. Take a deep breath as you return to the sitting position. Exhale as you lean forward again. Repeat, pulling forward a little harder with each exhalation. Repeat on the other side.
Completion of the pose
Exhale, release your arms and legs, returning to Dandasana. Repeat on the other side.
Important Actions
• Breathe deeply
• Stretch your spine up and forward
• Hold грудную клетку открытой
• Feet pressed to the floor
• Belly rotated
• Move from the base of the spine
General Warnings
• If you are experiencing боли в спине, не практикуйте эти скручивания и проконсультируйтесь с доктором.
• If you have neck problems, do not turn your head.
• For Marichiasana II: make sure the hip joints are well developed before practicing Half Lotus.


Twisting Sage III
Starting position
1. Sit in Dandasana. Bend your left knee and press your foot next to your left thigh. Both kneecaps point towards the ceiling. Turn the front of your left foot slightly inward. Rest your palm on the floor and stretch spine up. Sit evenly on the pelvic bones.
2. Inhale and place the top of your right hand on the outside of your left knee using one of the three hand positions shown in the pictures.
3. Exhale and slowly turn to the left, starting from the base of the spine.
holding a pose
1. When каждом выдохе поднимите позвоночник и ребра, когда продолжаете поворачивать живот. Stretch across your right leg.
2. Inhale and turn your head to the left, looking over your left shoulder (optional). Hold for 15-30 seconds while breathing deeply.
Completion of the pose
On the выдохе вернитесь в позу Дандасана. Repeat on the other side.
If you cannot join your palms behind your back, use a belt.
Important Actions
• Pivot from the base of your spine
• Breathe deeply all the time
• Stretch your spine up
• Stretch your straight leg
General Warnings
If you are experiencing боли в спине или она возникает во время выполнения позы, не практикуйте скручивания, пока не проконсультируетесь с доктором.


Pose поворота живота
Preparing for the pose
On theчинайте лежа на спине, ноги прямые. Stretch your arms to the sides (at right angles to the body), placing them in line with the shoulders and giving the body a T-shape. We will call this position the T-shaped center. Use the Ujjayi breath and focus on making movements in sync with the breath. Both movements and breathing should be soft, long and even. On theчинайте и заканчивайте их синхронно, с одинаковой продолжительностью.
Starting position
Practice this starting position until the muscles are strong enough to support the weight of your legs, then move on to Jathara Parivartanasana.
1. Inhale and bend your knees towards your chest. Exhale as you straighten your legs, pushing your feet towards the ceiling. Stretch through your heels and pull the balls of your feet towards your face.
2. On the выдохе поверните таз на несколько сантиметров вправо. Inhale and bend your knees again and bring them to your chest.
3. On the выдохе, поверните таз и ноги влево, подводя колени вверх и под левый локоть. Stretch your spine up while arching your upper back (shoulders and arms remain on the floor). Rotate your chest back to the right. Take a breath.
On the каждый выдох stretch your spine and open your chest. On the начальном этапе оставайтесь в этой позиции с повернутым позвоночником 10-20 секунд, глубоко дыша.
4. On the вдохе отведите согнутые колени обратно в центральную позицию.
5. On the выдохе выпрямите ноги и поверните таз в центр и затем влево. Inhale, bend your knees.
6. On the выдохе медленно поверните таз и ноги вправо, поднимая колени вверх и под правый локоть.
7. Stay in this position with your spine rotated for a few breaths (10-20 seconds). Return to center on an inhale. Exhale as you move your feet toward the floor before straightening your legs. Relax in Savasana.
Jathara Parivartanasana
1. Inhale and bend your knees towards your chest. Exhale as you straighten your legs, pushing your feet towards the ceiling. Stretch through your heels.
2. On the выдохе поверните таз на несколько сантиметров вправо. Take a breath.
3. On the выдохе выпрямите ноги и вытянитесь через heels. Slowly lower straight legs to the left, bringing the feet to the left hand. The outer side of the left foot touches the floor (or your hand). Hold стопы и ноги вместе.
4. Stretch your spine up as if you were arching your back. Rotate your chest back to the right as you extend your legs to the left. As you inhale, tighten and stretch your legs through your heels. При каждом выдохе stretch your spine and open your chest. On the начальном этапе оставайтесь в этой позиции с повернутым позвоночником 10-20 секунд, глубоко дыша.
5. On the выдохе верните ноги в центр. Remember to move and breathe in a meditative frame of mind.
6. On the вдохе поверните таз к центру и затем влево.
7. As you exhale, slowly lower your straight legs to the right, bringing


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