Message: #87314
Ольга Княгиня » 11 Mar 2017, 11:00

Yoga and the secrets of longevity. Gita Sweeney

your feet towards your right hand. Repeat steps 3 and 4 on this side.
8. Оставайтесь в этом положении с повернутым позвоночником 10-20 seconds. Return to center as you exhale. Take a breath. Move your feet towards the floor before straightening your legs. Relax in Savasana.
• In the beginning, try using a block or roller under your feet (or bent knees) to reduce rotation and increase comfort.
• Try resting your buttocks against the wall with your legs up along the wall. Enter the pose by moving bent knees or straight legs down the wall to the right. Hold бедра extended, extend both pelvic bones so that they always touch the wall.
Important Actions
• Full deep breathing
• Move in sync with the breath
• Push through the heels
• Draw the spine into the body
• Shoulders, arms and hands always remain on the floor. Stretch the top leg
General Warnings
• It is most important to breathe deeply during crunches, even if that means breathing through your mouth.
• Your back should never hurt during this movement. If pain or discomfort is felt, do not twist until you have consulted with your doctor.
• Turning the head is optional, and if you are not comfortable, keep your face in the center.


Corpse Pose (relaxation pose)
Lie comfortably on your back, legs extended and slightly apart. muscles shins are pulled up to the inner surface of each leg. Be sure to keep your body warm. Pull your shoulders down and under you as you stretch your arms along the floor to the sides, palms up. Stretch your neck. Take a deep breath. Exhale and allow your entire body to release and relax comfortably. Systematically release all the tension accumulated in each part of the body. Then relax your mind, focusing on the movement of the breath through the body. Relax completely.
Completion of the pose
Deepen your breath slowly. Move your attention inside your body and gently move your fingers and toes. Inhale and bend your left knee. Hold голову в контакте с полом, когда поворачиваетесь на правую сторону. Use your hands to push yourself up into a sitting position.
Please practice Savasana in the way that suits you best (three options are shown in the pictures).
Here are some suggestions for a more comfortable practice:
• Place a small rolled towel under your neck for support.
• Cover your eyes with a piece of cloth or eyecups.
• Place a small towel under your hands to keep your wrists straight and comfortable.
• Support the ankle with a rolled up towel (approximately 7.5 cm thick).
• Cover up for warmth or comfort.
Important Actions
• Shoulders are laid down and under themselves
• Neck extended и расслаблена
• Face parallel to the floor
• Lower back in neutral position
General Warnings
For back problems, place a bolster or rolled up blankets to stretch your lower back. Place a roller under your neck to help keep your neck curved.
Yoga teachers, based on their experience, confidently assert that the practice of asanas, in the form in which it has reached modern man, is primarily a practice for men. Women's practice should be different from men's due to morphological and physiological characteristics. Природа создала женское тело с целью деторождения: у женщин длиннее талия, более гибкое тело, более широкий таз и так далher. Therefore, the same recommendations for performing asanas may differ for men and women.
A woman's training program should be drawn up depending on the menstrual cycle. Below are asanas that have a beneficial effect on women's health, helping to maintain beauty and achieve longevity - they can be safely and without harm to health performed during menstruation, pregnancy and menopause (if you are pregnant, you should still consult a doctor).


Triangle Pose
Starting position
1. Stand in Tadasana. As you exhale, place your feet 100-120 cm apart. Keep your hips pointing forward as you rotate your right leg and foot 90 degrees outward to the right. Rotate the ball of your left (back) foot 30 degrees inward to the right.
2. Get into a stable, firm position by contracting your thigh muscles (quadriceps) to pull your knees up. Distribute the weight evenly between both legs. As you lift the arches of the feet, turn both legs outward, turning them away from each other.
3. Inhale and raise your arms to shoulder level. Exhale as you stretch horizontally from your shoulder blades to your fingertips. Breathe in.
4. Exhale and stretch your right arm and right side of your torso (rotate your chest) to the right. The right side of your torso is stretched until it is parallel to the floor with a straight spine. right hand rest on the floor or right leg. It is very important that the spine is straight and not parallel to the floor.
holding a pose
1. When каждом вдохе фокусируйтесь на усилии и выравнивании стоп и ног. Hold the outside of the left heel firmly on the floor and turn the left foot outward (lifting the left thigh).
2. If you can keep your ground on the floor and your legs abducted, your spine will naturally unload and stretch with each exhalation. As your spine gets longer, open and rotate your chest towards the ceiling (with each exhalation).
Completion of the pose
Raise your body to a vertical position. As you exhale, hop your feet and hands back into Tadasana (jumping can relieve tension in your hips and legs). Stay in this asana and become aware of your well-being. Then repeat the exercise on the other side.
Important Actions
• Legs are laid aside from each other
• The arches of the feet rise
• Stretch your spine and open your chest with each exhalation
• Stretch your neck
• Stretch your arms
Stand with support against the wall, feet at a distance of 5-10 cm from the wall. Keep your back, shoulders, head and arms on the wall. Keep your lower back pressed against the wall as you open your chest and reach up. Keeping your right foot against the wall, try to bend your left arm and place your hand on your back to feel the muscles work. For a few weeks, use only your legs to master the correct position and strengthen the muscles of the thighs.
General Warnings
This position is not suitable for those who have had hip surgery.
To avoid knee injury:
1. Keep the knee of the front leg out from the ankle and keep the legs straight.
2. Убедитесь, что вы сохраняете одинаковую позицию передней ноги, когда входите в позу и когда выходите из her.
3. Hold своды стоп поднятыми, вес распределяйте на наружную часть heels задней ноги.
4. If you have excessively protruding knees, keep your front knee slightly bent. Squeeze your quads hard to support your knee.
On theклон вперед при разведенных ногах Starting position
1. Stand in Tadasana. Выдохните и поставьте ноги на ширине чуть более meters. Press your feet firmly against the surface and tighten your kneecaps. Breathe in.
2. Exhale, tilt your torso forward and down, lifting and expanding your pelvis. Rest your palms on the floor (or on a support) under your shoulders.
holding a pose
1. Breathe in. Keeping your hands pressed to the floor, raise your head, neck, and shoulders until your arms are straight and your back is in a concave position.
2. Exhale, lift your pelvis and stretch your spine, chest, neck and head down towards the floor.
Completion of the pose
Keeping your hands at your waist, rise (as you exhale) with a straight spine, pivoting at the hips. Jump your feet back into Tadasana.
Rest your hands on a wall or chair to work with straight arms and spine.
Important Actions
• Pelvic bones move apart when tilted
• Stretch your spine towards the floor
• Chest stays open – плечи назад
• Relax your neck and head
General Warnings
Not suitable for those who have had a hip replantation.
Pose Полумесяца
Starting position
1. Из Тадасаны перейдите в позу Триконасана (с. 219) на правой стороне и удерживайте her.
2. Then exhale and bend the right knee, placing the right hand on the floor at a distance of about 30 cm in front of you and a few centimeters outside of the right foot. Breathe calmly until you feel stable.
3. As you exhale, transfer part of the body weight to the hand and straighten the front supporting leg. As your weight shifts, lift your left (back) leg up and fully extend and tighten both legs. At the same time, straighten your arms and open your chest (turn it towards the ceiling).
Important Actions
• Keep both legs tense
• Shoulders and arms straight and extended
• Raise the torso up from the supporting shoulder and
• Hold the stretch from the raised heel over the top of the head.
• Stretch your spine and rotate your chest towards the ceiling
• Stretch and extend in all directions
holding a pose
1. When каждом вдохе ощущайте вашу опорную ногу прочно стоящей на полу и поднимите правую ногу, чтобы поддерживать напряжение и стабильность позы.
2. With each exhalation, stretch in all directions. Extend with your arms and legs and stretch your spine by lengthening with your neck and head. As your spine lengthens, rotate your chest toward the ceiling.
Completion of the pose
Exhale as you bend your right knee and lower your back foot (leg stays straight) down to the floor. Straighten your front leg and return to Triko Nasana. Take a breath. As you exhale, lift your torso up, turn your feet and legs forward, and jump back into Tadasana as you exhale. Stay in this asana and listen to how you feel. Then repeat on the other side.
Use the wall as support, balance, or to focus on technique. Work, опираясь о стену спиной, плечами, головой и пяткой задней ноги, стоя на расстоянии примерно 5-7 см от her.
Use a brick, chair, or bench for your supporting arm. Use the top hand to feel the

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