Message: #77531
Buckshee » 18 Feb 2017, 02:52

The Seven Steps of Self-Realization Volume IV Step Seven. Sri Paramahamsa Yogananda

of life force through the nervous system up through all the nerve plexuses (6 in number) and fixes them in the medulla and in the brain, from which the life force can freely penetrate through the medulla into the Spirit. The more carefully the student increases the rotation of the head with the singing of "Ta", "Ba", "Su", holding the breath, the stronger the magnet becomes. Увеличение магнетического тока жизненной силы в мозгу;посредством этого метода называется "астральным samadhi". AT этом астральном samadhi телесный свет погружается в свет Духа во всем Космосе, таким образом укрепляя идентичность Души и Духа. Поэтому нужно практиковать сознательное астральное samadhi (соединение), чтобы соединить душу с Духом в полном единстве. When this is achieved, the meditator, the meditation, and the object of meditation (God) are united.
This lecture is for your personal use only. The slightest disclosure of this secret can damage your inner spiritual life if you tell it to unworthy listeners. Don't blame the ocean of meditation for not having the ocean pearls of self-realization if you don't find them after a superficial deepening in piety. Углубляйтесь поглубже всегда вновь и вновь в море samadhi до тех пор, пока вы не найдете ценные жемчужины, которых вы ищете.

Meditation является единственным средством, чтобы отличить истину от заблуждения. You должны иметь спокойное местечко. You должны иметь лабораторию, где вы могли бы проверить истину. Many great metaphysicians use the temples of the world, for the Divine decisive state is the world.
Truth is something in you that you are not aware of. You забываете, что вы являетесь дитятей Божественного Отца, который является всезнающим. You думаете, что у вас отсутствует эта мудрость, однако она is in you. You должны развивать Божественную решительность, проверяя то, что вы слышите о духовных истинах. You должны подвергать так называемые истины проверке, чтобы видеть, соответствуют ли они истине.
You сами ответственны за себя. ATесь ваш ум должен быть направлен к Богу. Be like a cow with a calf. The cow may be grazing a little away from the calf, but step aside and see what the cow is doing. ATсе ее внимание направлено на теленка, хотя она и занята едой. You должны делать то же самое, исполняя все ваши дела, которые вы должны исполнять, однако всем вашим умом обращайтесь к Богу. This is the only way to happiness.

Release from the connection with the sense organs and matter the ideas of cold and warmth, joys, pleasures and sufferings, O son of Kunti. They come and go and are short-lived. Bear with them, O Bharata. ("Bhagavad Gita" 2.14)
Council of the Bhagavad Gita
Identifying the ego with the senses, the mind becomes alarmed, because it perceives only transient phenomena, on the contrary, thanks to internal soul contacts, the ego harbors a dormant hope of achieving a state of complete balance of consciousness. The ego personality, identified with sensations, is deluded when it directs its attention and hopes to impermanent sensations rather than to the permanent joy created by the soul. The Bhagavad Gita warns the spiritual disciple not to confuse his soul with closely related sensations that bring him unhappiness and cause him to forget his ancestral blessed state. The sensations of heat, cold and pleasure are suggested by the senses, and the ego cannot feel them if it keeps the mind liberated from matter independent and strict.
Youносливость еще не означает, что кому-либо сейчас же нужно подвергать свое тело влиянию холода или жары, это его может разрушить. If the body is subject to the sense organs and is not spiritual, then it must beware of extremes until it becomes mentally disciplined and freed from bondage. Only when the mind, through great spiritual development, realizes its superiority, the suggestion created by the senses will not be registered in the consciousness. Final Conclusion: If one considers the body to be a condensed Spirit through realization and imagination (as many tend to do), then he may come to the conclusion that the Spirit is above all suffering.
The Bhagavad Gita gives the only advice on what to do when one is exposed to cold, heat, suffering and pleasure. Protecting the body from too much exposure to cold or heat is not bad. An artificially cooled or heated room can temporarily benefit the body and eliminate the suffering that comes from freezing or overheating. This is mainly used by modern man, but constant concern for the satisfaction of bodily needs makes a person a slave to the environment. AT этом обстоятельстве кроется основное различие между ATостоком и Западом, т.е. how people endure suffering. The Bhagavad Gita in the above thought says that the body, slavishly dependent on the environment, always interferes with the mind.
Pain psychology
There is a deep metaphysical problem with pain psychology. Irritations of cold and heat affect the ends of the bodily nerves and are carried by nerve electricity along the nerves as sensations. No one can define what a feeling is. We experience sensations as an instantaneous echo from the contact between the senses and matter. The sensations of cold and heat are completely different from objects that create cold or heat. Contact with a piece of ice or hot water is perceived only as a performance. Sensation created by contact with material objects or feelings, flowing in the beginning, is created by perception. It expands to representation and, finally, representation passes into feeling.
Feeling is the ability to judge the experiences of the sense organs. This is how bodily pains, or pleasures, or mental sorrows, or happiness are expressed. The senses are in the habit of giving such rapid judgments as to the nature of the individual sensations that a person is experiencing, that the almighty mind succumbs to their agitation. Чувственные впечатления увеличивают ощущения, и человек не переживает разумно воздействия холода и теплоты, отparts влияющих на него, но чувства создают наслаждения или боли в зависимости от удовольствия или неудовольствия, которые ложно образуются при слишком быстром решении о характере отдельного ощущения. Feelings classify all experiences into pleasant or unpleasant, depending on the pleasures or displeasures received from them. If it were possible to neutralize the feelings, i.e. to make them more independent of short-term excitations or one-day pleasures or pains, then all experiences would be perceived only by consciousness. Therefore wild beasts (not those that have become more sensitive as pets), savages and children who live nearer to nature suffer less from cold, heat or pain because they do not increase their mental sensitivity.
The consciousness of pain, whether physical or mental pain, is only mental and is created by the ego and the senses. One could reason thus: "If someone strikes with a hammer on the bone of my lower leg, then I need to cry out in pain. Thus, I do not imagine pain at all or the idea of ​​​​pain that is created from a blow in a dream, and the pains themselves are completely separate in themselves. However, the only difference between imaginary and physical pains is that the former arise from imagination, while the latter are created from feelings, which come from some kind of sensation. Both are born in the mind. The pains created in the dream hurt the mind in the dream like real physical pains.
The unattached mind feels no pain
Many people think that sensation is a feeling of a certain state or consciousness in the nerves or body. Even if this is so, still sensations cannot be felt without the action of the mind. It is possible to shred the body of a person under chloroform with a knife, but although irritations arise, there is no sensation or feeling that would give pain. This fully proves:
if the mind is separated by turning off the nervous system, then it is not able to feel irritation as an inharmonious sensation and thus cannot create feelings of pain. Sensation is nothing but a mental state which is created by some stimulus in the nerves or in the body. ATоистину, чтобы возникло состояние ментального ощущения, должно быть соответствующее раздражение в теле. Cold, heat and various bodily stimuli give different states of consciousness or sensations.
Based on this point of view, special attention should be paid to the idea of ​​the emergence of pain and pleasure. ATсе телесные раздражения прежде всего проявляются как certain sensations that a person notices through his powers of reasoning. Gradually, the mind begins to distribute sensations according to their usefulness. When a sensation manifests itself in the body, it is revealed whether it is in agreement or not in agreement with the bodily state. Then, based on the latter, feelings arise and create pleasure or displeasure from a certain sensation. AT наследственном чувстве (у животных - инстинкт) вместо сознательного констатирования сознательного телесного ощущения как гармоничного или негармоничного начинают восприниматься наслаждения или боли. Strong pleasure in creates a satisfied state called "enjoyment". Strong displeasure at a known sensation creates suffering. For this reason, sensual people suffer more from heat or cold than mentally balanced people. Physical pleasures and pains are due to long-term mental habit. For this reason, harmful, unpalatable substances give some people an imaginary pleasure, while some people, on their first taste of any healthy and tasty fruit, are disgusted.
Two children, of the same age and health but different in sensitivity, walk 20 miles in the hot sun or endure some minor operation without chloroform or local anaesthetic. However, they will behave differently. A sensitive child will not be able to walk like this, but a child with a strong mentality will walk laughing 20 miles and will not be afraid to repeat the same walk. He will calmly behave during the operation and follow it with interest.


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