Message: #77527
Buckshee » 18 Feb 2017, 02:49

The Seven Stages of Self-Realization Volume III Stage Six. Sri Paramahamsa Yogananda

ideas you can absorb is not decisive into the brain, but how much knowledge the brain can retain by increasing their perceptual abilities. How can you increase the capacity of your brain?
The Saints have come to the conclusion that you can manifest Cosmic Consciousness in a shorter time if you know the highest method. For example, if a piece of your body is cut off about 1 centimeter and gradually cut off from you piece by piece, it will take a long time for you to be able to die, however, if you are wounded in the medulla, you will immediately die. So образом, святые нашли, что каждое развитие, которое начинается с мозга, может ускорить человеческую эволюцию.
Is it possible to know the Truth in a short time? It takes 1 million years to know the Truth about the universe and its history. Does the human brain have time to learn all these truths - the truth about the stars and the earth's crust and the planets? How can we know the whole history of life, the sky, etc., in a short space of time?
Космическое Сознание означает всезнание - знать все, находящееся в объединенном Божественном царстве, на небе, над землей, в природе и в человеческой life. Can you acquire all this knowledge in one lifetime? Only through the correct practice of the Kriya technique.
Pranayama or control of the life force
Calming the heart, eyes and breath is a sign that you have control over the life force. The meaning of this control of the life force is the control of the force that binds you to the world. Without such training, you will never be able to achieve deep peace. There is no point in suggesting that students remain calm when they do not know the methods by which they can control this life force.
Holding your breath for a short time is very good because you are getting oxygenated and cleansing the blood, but it is not breath control. Pranayama does not mean only holding the breath in the lungs, it means controlling the activity of the heart. If a вы способны контролировать сердце, вы можете исключить энергию. Slowing down the activity of the heart is pranayama. If a вы знаете, как это сделать, то вы можете практиковать глубокий мир и Крийю. Without this, you cannot know God. You must have control over the breath and life.
If a вы можете оттянуть энергию от органов чувств, тогда вы можете обратить свой ум к Богу и вы подготовлены к практикованию Крийи. Life Control Creates a Deep Conscious State rest. In a dream you experience a perfect world. Why? Because your energy is disconnected from the eyes and all the senses.
Repetition of the third part
Through the process of breathing, the carbon accumulated in the blood is burned off and impurities are expelled from the lungs. In this process, carbon is not only burned, but also changed into full-fledged atomic energy, which in turn is purified, turning into life energy. Through continuous regulated breathing, as described in the Kriya technique, all the carbon in the body is burned off. When this is done, then there is no more dark, impure venous blood to flow in the body, and then no poisonous blood is pumped into the lungs for purification. Therefore, practicing the Kriya technique gives peace to the heart and lungs.
The purpose of burning carbon is to calm the heart. The purpose of calming the heart is to control the five sense telephones and draw energy from them into the spine. The state of sleep gives unconscious tranquility and the peace that accompanies it. The Kriya technique leads to an ever-abiding, ever-growing, ever-new and ever-joyful state of consciousness.
The Saints discovered that if it were possible for a person to live without disease and old age, then by means of solar and chemical energy, he could develop in a million years a brain capable of expressing the Cosmic Consciousness or the knowledge of the entire Universe.
The Saints also learned that through the right method this evolutionary process could be accelerated by changing the brain cells through magnetization. it может быть достигнуто посредством практикования техники Крийи даже в такой мере, что Космическое Сознание может быть достигнуто в течение одной человеческой life.

Part IV
Kriya gives mathematical results. Everyone who will practice it correctly and regularly will see for themselves. Through the systematic practice of Kriya 14 times in the morning and in the evening, in good health, the spinal cord, brain and mind will be completely changed. It takes 1 year to achieve such a change through natural progressive development. By conscientiously applying Kriya 14 times in the morning and 14 times in the evening successively, 2 years of natural development are achieved in 1 day. itт научный путь переменит материальное телесное сознание на Космическое Сознание Spiritа.
Preparatory exercises
Before starting the practice of the Kriya technique, it is recommended to do the following preparatory exercises.
Exercise A. Станьте прямо, плечи назад, грудь вперед, руки по швам; now exhale slowly, bend your head and chest, and arch forward at the waist until your hands touch the floor. Then slowly inhale while straightening the body, raising the arms above the head and arching the body back with the head and arms as far as possible. Hold your breath. Then exhale slowly, repeating the exercise. Do this exercise 3 times.
Exercise B. Ходьба на месте: станьте прямо, плечи назад, грудь вперед, подбородок вверх. Stand fairly close to an open window with bare feet. Now raise your arms and legs as if you were walking normally, but stay in place. Practice this exercise for 5 minutes.
Exercise B. Теперь практикуйте упражнение Б по ходьбе на месте ускоренным образом, в темпе обыкновенной ускоренной ходьбы, приблизительно 3 минуты или более. it упражнение укрепит все ваше тело.
Prayer Before Practicing Kriya
О, Spirit, великие святые всех религий, величайший учитель Бабаджи, великий Учитель Лахири Махасайя, Учитель Свами Шри Юктешвар и Свами Йогананда, Учитель Гуру, я преклоняюсь перед всеми вами. May your love and your wisdom manifest through me. Release my spiritual path from all difficulties and guide me to the shores of eternal bliss and wisdom. My Heavenly Father, let Your Love shine over the sanctuary of my soul, so that I can awaken Your Love in all hearts.
Special Preparation for Kriya
1. Before subsequent exercises, brush the inside of the throat with a little olive oil or ghee without salt. The oil should not be swallowed quickly, but should be drunk slowly. It is very important to observe this condition, because the throat must be well lubricated.
2. Turn your face to the east or north. Choose a straight chair without a back, which you need to cover with a woolen blanket that falls under your feet.
3. Примите правильное положение body. Keep your back straight, shoulder blades together, rest your palms on your sides, chest forward, stomach back, chin parallel to the floor, eyes half open or closed, eyeballs directed upward and gaze directed without tension to the point between the eyebrows, release tension from the whole body, holding back straight. Correct posture is extremely important, doing these exercises with a hunched back will not give any results.
4. Освободите все мускулы и члены, держа back straight. When practicing this exercise, the back often bends forward unconsciously due to bad habits. Straighten it now to achieve the desired result.
5. On no account should any instruction given here be deviated from. it только некоторые правила. Observe them carefully.
Introductory exercises
1. Clench your hands into fists so that a small tube forms between your fingers and palm, put your fists together, one on top of the other and press to your mouth. Slowly draw cool air into your mouth through this tube formed by two fists, paying attention to the cool, refreshing sensation that arises in clenched fists. Then lower your fists slightly under your mouth and slowly exhale warm breath over your fists, carefully taking in the irritating sensation of warmth that arises on the surface of your hands. Be very careful in observing these two sensations, because they must be strictly observed in the practice of these introductory instructions.
2. Imagine that the spine is an empty tube that runs from the base of the spine, or from the last vertebra, and continues through the top of the spine at the throat (cervical center) and reaches the point between the eyebrows, or the spiritual Third Eye. Through this imaginary tube, the cool current and life force rises, while the warm current and life force flows down the outside of this tube, thus forming an imaginary circle or circuit.
Kriya technique is divided into 3 important parts
Part 1 - preparatory Kriya,
Part 2 - Maha mudra,
Part 3 - Yoni mudra.
In the next lesson (part V) we will be teaching part 1. Маха мудра и Йони мудра последуют в первом уроке седьмой steps.
These instructions are intended to create a home experimental laboratory where the student could weigh, test and apply each new technique on himself, logically assimilating and understanding the true laws of yoga and scientifically reaching the heights of self-realization.
Just as a child first learns to walk quietly and then only learns to run, so it is with the practice of Kriya. None fears about the practice of Kriya should not accompany these instructions, because Kriya is the highest technique taught by spiritual experts - the Masters of India for the complete destruction of all physical, mental and spiritual diseases.
Repetition of the fourth part
The Kriya technique is the scientific mathematical path for material, bodily consciousness into Cosmic Consciousness. Practicing the Kriya technique 14 times is equivalent to one natural progressive year of evolution.
Few prescriptions need to be observed, but they must


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