Message: #77512
Buckshee » 18 Feb 2017, 02:43

The Seven Stages of Self-Realization Volume I Stage Three. Sri Paramahamsa Yogananda

require more energy, in superconscious dreams breathing and heart activity are calmer. visions создаются при сознательном оттягивании энергии от мускулов и области сердца и направлении ее на переносицу (центр между бровей).
Hypnosis and somnambulism are antipodes. Somnambulism is subconscious control over conscious processes, using the muscles and limbs of the body to manifest a subconscious movie. When the will of a person works through your subconscious to control your consciousness, then this is hypnosis. Hypnosis deprives a person of mental freedom and is a danger to the brain. Never leave the mind idle, for there are wandering souls moving in the ether and arousing spiritual hypnosis.

A gemstone expresses part of the spirit, plants express a little more. Animals express the spirit more than plants, for animals, through movement, are able to cognize a large part of space. The consciousness of a small ant is limited to its small body. Elephant Consciousness spreads throughout his huge body. His consciousness is felt in all parts of his body, so that 10 people, touching his ten different parts of the body, can excite sensation in him at the same time. In the same way, the consciousness of Christ spreads along the boundaries of the entire vibrating environment. Through self-consciousness, a person can grasp the thoughts of other people and can expand his mind in space and in rays by the power of imagination.
If you want to achieve Christ consciousness, then do not look at the phenomena, but constantly strive towards it, deepening your meditation and your joy created by meditation. Do not let yourself be carried away by psychic phenomena, however surprising they may seem to you. Love for all characterizes those who are Christ conscious.

Oh Cosmic Vibration, reverberate through me as cosmic conscious sound and teach me to find in the body the being of reflected Christ consciousness. Oh holy vibration, guide me so that I can feel the Christ consciousness in You.
O Omnipresent Cosmic Sound OM, reverberate through me, expanding my consciousness from the body to the universe, and teach me to feel You as all pervading, ever-existing bliss.

Read the character in the eyes. path of intuition
Remember that the entire life history of an individual is written in his brain and that contact with the brain is reflected in the eyes, which are indicators of the mind, character, habits and which are the soul of the individual. Beware of sly, mistrustful eyes, hard-hearted eyes, and sarcastic, vengeful eyes. Beware of eyes that reflect hatred and eyes that cannot look directly into your eyes. If you feel automatic visceral revulsion when looking directly into the eyes of any individual, then definitely beware of such a face. Leave it.
spiritual path
После глубокой медитации с закрытыми глазами представьте перед собой глаза вашего будущего сотрудника or участника вашего предприятия - на месте между бровей or середине лба и изучайте ваши чувства в своем сердце. If you have fear, then do not make this person a participant in your enterprise. The first impression is important. Keep your soul clear of prejudice and look strictly into the eyes of the person you are studying for the first time, when you meet him. Your impression at first sight will be correct if you are calm and able to perceive the impression.
magnetic path
After deep meditation, affirm:
Father, send me a suitable participant in my enterprise through my spiritual magnetism, increased by Your grace.
Remember that, in the end, the greatest responsibility for the enterprise lies with you and your awakened creativity. All difficulties can be overcome through your continuous thinking and your perseverance. Don't admit failure and you will win. If you fail at something, then try to start something else and keep trying until you succeed in something. Попытайтесь работать в той отрасли, в которой у вас имеются знания or в которой у вас был соответствующий опыт.

Mind is the fabric through which Creative matter was woven. Mind was bound in matter. Sleep is a temporary numb human imagination. Creation is a comparatively longer numb imagination of God. Without mind, matter, feelings, thoughts and sensations, it is impossible to know nature. In sleep, the mind plays the same role as a material object as it does as a conscious being in sleep. Во сне ум сам себя материализует землей or солнечным светом, or цветами, реками, горами, небесами, светом, огнем эфиром or водой. Within the dreams of this world, the mind materializes into beautiful flowers, singing birds, and conscious human beings. While you are dreaming, you will feel the land you walk on is different from the water you swim in, and you breathe in the air, you feel the heat of the sun, you smell the fragrance of flowers, you feel cold and hot, and you have sensations of all kinds. In a dream you see how a baby is born, how a person dies, how some are sick and others are healthy. Во сне вы думаете, желаете, ненавидите, любите, прощаете, мстите, бываете счастливыми, богатыми, печальными, нищими or становитесь богатым собственником предприятия or нищим. During sleep, you take into account the relative difference between solids, liquids, gases, water, air, ether, fire, thoughts, sensual will, sorrow, joy, poverty, well-being, health, disease, birth and death, but after awakening you do not see the difference between solids, liquids, gases, ether, thoughts, births, deaths, darkness, light, sadness and happiness, because they are all different degrees of the vibrating mind. Darkness is a thought that is different from the thought that is called "light." So birth is a thought that is different from the thought that is called "death." Sad thoughts are different from happy thoughts, but sadness and happiness are both different degrees of vibrating thought. Happiness is a calming thought, sorrows are burning thoughts.
One day I was sitting in deep meditation. I был очень смущен разницей между материей и умом, тогда Господь послал мне видение. I увидел себя в центре какой-то битвы. I сражался в качестве капитана крейсера и приказал обратить поспешно артиллерийский огонь на врагов, которые собрались на берегу и обстреливали наш корабль. My sailors were killed and my ship was shot through with artillery shells. Eventually, a large grenade blew a large hole in the ship and it began to sink. I бросился стремглав в воду с винтовкой, висящей у меня на спине. I чувствовал, что холодная вода бушует вокруг меня, когда я бросился в воду. Затем я поплыл к берегу, и когда я побежал в сторону джунглей, вблизи берега, то я встретил команду солдат, которые направor на меня свои ружья, чтобы меня застрелить. I устал от битвы и плавания, а поэтому я поднял руки вверх, чтобы сдаться, однако было уже поздно. The fire bullet lodged in my heart and I fell to the ground, bleeding.
I живо запомнил все чувства, сопровождавшие мою смерть. I почувствовал, что у меня имеются легкие, однако я не мог больше дышать or чувствовать движение диафрагмы. I хотел пошевелить своим языком и почувствовать ощущение вкуса, однако этого я также больше не смог сделать. I чувствовал, что у меня имеются глаза, однако я не мог видеть ими, я чувствовал, что у меня имеются уши, однако я не мог слышать. My body, heart, arms and limbs were paralyzed and began to stiffen. It was a feeling like when you see your leg and know that it is yours, but you cannot move it because it is ossified, so I felt that I have a body and all the members and organs, but they are all окоченели и не двигаются, несмотря на все усorя и сильную неотступную will.
Then I thought to myself, "This is the miraculous death that I heard so often when I lived on earth." After all this, it was not so bad at all, thanks to the exclusion of physical pains, I was only in mental agony, for I was sure that I had a body, but I could not use it. My body lay motionless, inert, as if struck by a nightmare, not responding in the least to the commands of my will. In the end, when I was convinced that I was dead, and knowing that I could not do anything with my body, which was completely dead, I decided to free myself from my desire to live, and thus I flew into the space of unlimited ether.
Just at the time when I sullenly flew out of the body like an air vapor, suddenly the Lord restored to me the full consciousness of the revival of my body, and I rested in the resting place of meditation. My joy was undivided. I ощущал все свое тело, чтобы убедиться, что у меня имеются руки и ноги, которые могли двигаться. I вдохнул и выдохнул раз сто, чтобы быть уверенным, что могу употреблять свои легкие. I чувствовал биение своего сердца посредством ладоней, положенных на грудь, чтобы убедиться, что я опять живу. I был безумно рад, почти истерично рад, что я опять живу. I поблагодарил Господа опять и опять, что мне было разрешено возвратиться из царства смерти в царство жизни. Suddenly, when I was already at the peak of the sensations of joy, finding myself alive and not dead with a bullet wound in my chest, I came to the conclusion that I was obviously dead as a stone again. I истек кровью до смерти с пулей в моем сердце.
This miraculous phenomenon of life and death passed and left me for some time. When I saw myself alive, I was sure that it was true, only it was a fake when I saw myself dead, and I was convinced that I was dead. When I saw myself alive again, the

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