Message: #77512
Buckshee » 18 Feb 2017, 02:43

The Seven Stages of Self-Realization Volume I Stage Three. Sri Paramahamsa Yogananda

свете or ночью. There is no difference. When you meditate for a long time, these things are like toys - "if you have this, then no other acquisition will be greater than this."

Important mental states
Полусверхсознательные сны or сверхсознательно-возбужденные сны обыкновенно сбываются. They appear almost like visions, only not superconsciously aroused. Сверхсознание и душа используют подсознание, чтобы проявить полусон or полусверхсознательный сон, однако различие между этими сверхсознательно-возбужденными снами и истинными видениями является следующим:
True vision is awakened consciously, consciously you act on the superconscious and then manifest the vision, but the semi-superconscious dream appears during sleep. The soul awakens and uses intuition, then is experienced as the ego when it awakens and can предупреждаться or развлекаться.
Hysteria is very harmful. Это происходит, когда ваш сознательный ум и известная неуравновешенная мозговая энергия неожиданно релаксируют мускулы or члены и направляют ментальную волну в подсознательный ум.
Галлюцинации проявляются подсознательным умом, при употреблении известных релаксированных телесных энергий и проявлении ментальных картин, которые вы можете видеть открытыми or закрытыми глазами, однако которые не имеют соответствующей реальной действительности.
Sleepwalking is a movement of the limbs and a hallucination and manifests itself in increased muscular activity.
Бессознательный транс может наступить, когда вы становитесь неподвижными, физически несознательными, но когда вы остаетесь на границе полуподсознания or полусверхсознания - когда внутреннее переживание является миром и дополняется полусверхсознательными и иногда сверхсознательными снами. Unconsciousness means that you are unconscious externally and internally, and you can be as conscious internally as you are externally unconscious. The last degree means the simultaneous loss of inner and outer consciousness. This means being aware of both Nature and God at the same time.

Part IV
intuition and soul
Объективное зрение называется "интуицией", которая является экраном, и фильмы репрезентируют сверхсознание or интуитивную способность, которая воспринимает разные картины из эфира и вкладывает в них интуитивное сознание плюс релаксированную энергию, которая воспроизводит видения. The screen is an objective vision and a force that photographs superconscious experiences and is called "subjective intuition".
Subjective vision is called "soul". The soul is a pure reflection of the Spirit. The soul uses intuition from lentils - the eyes photograph known events on the air, which are filmed. Then she uses part of the intuition behind the scenes, which is divided into subjective and objective intuition. You can define consciousness in this way. The screen is intuition and the force that photographs objects on film and is called "subjective intuition", superconscious experiences also appear in the intuitive screen.
The soul uses subjective intuition to photograph known superconscious experiences, then she uses this subjective intuition plus these superconscious films and adds to them relaxed energy from the body and materializes visions on the screen of objective intuition, and manifests moving picture-visions.
Superconsciously awakened dreams evoked by the subconscious mind are dreams in which the soul has a real intuitive experience and through that intuition reproduces the dream. In superconscious dreams, the soul, as an operator in an intuitive screen, manifests pictures, and because this same soul does not take any images from the subconscious, it photographs events from the ether by means of intuitive lentils and manifests them as superconscious dreams.
Making up dreams
Your normal sleeping habit indicates your normal mental state. There is a way to distinguish between all these different states. Это является утонченными вещами, которые вы должны знать, потому что это является путем к самоimplementation.
Never forget that there is an element of energy in dreams; energy combined with imagination. Without energy you cannot see. Energy materializes thought. The thought of God was materialized, combined with energy to produce this Universe. God shows us that if we dominate energy, then we can create just as He does.
Behind nature is Cosmic consciousness plus energy. Energy is the missing link between matter and consciousness. Energy and consciousness are everything. Also, God shows us the realm of dreams, how we can reproduce this realm of dreams, if only we have consciousness and energy. If you can somehow keep the energy away from the brain, then you won't have hallucinations. If you are calm and quiet daily, you will not have dreams either. However, by consciously awakening the energy in the brain, you will be able to see visions.
Dreams are made up of consciousness, relaxed energy and some idea. The idea is the film, the relaxed energy is the current, and the consciousness is the spotlight. For example, dream projection, the subconscious is the screen and the relaxed energy from the nerves in the brain and the film is the experience imprinted in the brain cells. And what is a spotlight? - Ego. Thus, when a person dreams, the energy of that person relaxed in the brain, the medulla is an operating closet, and it perceives this current and conducts it into its consciousness - the ego further through experiences into the brain cells. And it manifests itself as subconscious dreams. The subconscious in dreams - the ego plus relaxed energy, plus the experiences in the brain - manifest dreams.
Nightmares are referred to as "subconsciously aroused dreams". During nightmares, most of the energy is used to circulate the blood, and breathing becomes more agitated. In superconsciously aroused dreams, you will feel a calmer effect on the body. Your breath, heart and all physical and vital processes will be calm. When you have a superconscious dream, your breathing and heart activity will be much calmer than when you have a nightmare. Superconscious dreams don't always come true.
The difference between visions and dreams
Sleep is the unconscious relaxation of the muscles and the senses. You don't know that energy is being pulled back. An ordinary person can only relax the energy from the muscles, but if you look again at the previous lectures on concentration and meditation, you will remember that you relax the energy from the heart, but in a dream you relax the energy passively. So in ordinary sleep, when your mind becomes passive and your energy relaxes from the brain, then the relaxed energy passes through the grooves where the subconscious experiences that you see in a dream are located.
visions проявляются, когда вы оказываетесь способными сознательно оттягивать энергию от мускулов и окружности сердца и направлять ее на место между бровей. As soon as superconscious vision appears, your breathing and heart activity become calmer.
The half-visions are not consciously awakened, but they have the tinge of a superconscious dream. A superconscious dream is one that materializes like a vision, only the superconscious is not so active directly, but is active through the subconscious.
Superconscious dreams occur when the superconscious mind directly transmits some experience to the subconscious mind and it manifests a vision. Эго здесь не принимает сознательного уpartsя. Иногда, когда вы дремлете, вы видите небольшое видение, проявленное отparts подсознательным умом, отparts сверхсознательным умом, и отparts и сознательным умом.
In consciously manifested superconscious dreams you are half dormant and what you see is a mixture of subconscious, semi-superconscious and conscious mind activity. Иногда же, когда вы недостаточно внимательны, вы бываете внезапно пробуждены or видите что-либо. A mixture of all these states can manifest semi-superconscious vision.

The difference between hypnosis and sleepwalking
Sleepwalking occurs when the ego uses certain subconscious movies, not only to manifest the pictures, but also uses the muscles and limbs of the body to perform that movie. This is the execution of conscious processes under the influence of subconscious orders. When you walk consciously, you know what you yourself consciously want to do. In sleepwalking, this is done through the subconscious. Sleepwalking is a dangerous phenomenon. Known subconscious experiences capture conscious processes, and the body executes this subconscious impulse and performs in the film.
Hypnosis, on the other hand, occurs when someone else influences your subconscious to control your consciousness, when, with certain suggestions, you raise the subconscious and command it to dominate the consciousness - and this lasts only a short time. When you argue under hypnosis, you will not be able to speak, but will only think what the other person suggests to you. Hypnosis takes away mental freedom. Гипноз использует подсознание, и если оно пересorт сознание, то оно угрожает мозгу.
Spiritual hypnosis occurs when the soul, released from the body, takes possession of your conscious and subconscious mind and uses them at will. Wandering souls are always wandering in the ether, and therefore it is not safe to leave the mind idle. Do not let your mind be idle, but always concentrate it on some thought.
Revisiting Part Four
When the student during meditation by self-control astrally separates the life force from the sensory nerves, it begins to flow inward and to the central point between the eyebrows in the form of an opal moving light. This inner astral outflow and inner light are soul experiences of human wisdom for the ego and intuition. This vitality, together with its inwardly penetrating spiritual perception and the light of the spiritual eye, is necessary for the development of the psychic faculties. Your normal sleeping habit expresses your normal mental state. Iвляется возможным разъединить все эти отдельные состояния, и решающая способность поможет вам обнаружить, где вам нужны исправления.
Сверхсознание в снах, как оператор, проявляет картины на экране intuition. It shoots films from the subconscious, but photographs events from the ether with lentils of intuition, using the released bodily energy to manifest superconscious dreams.
В снах всегда участвует элемент energy. Without energy you cannot see. Energy materializes thoughts. The thought of God, united with energy, creates the universe. God shows us that we too can create if we have control over the energy, just as He does. Energy is the link between matter and consciousness.
Dreams are created through consciousness, liberated energy and ideas. This idea is a film, the released energy is a current, and consciousness is a searchlight.
Nightmares are classified as "subconscious dreams" (dreams aroused by the subconscious). They


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