Message: #77543
Buckshee » 18 Feb 2017, 03:02

Kundalini Yoga. Sri Swami Sivananda

Sri Swami Sivananda. Kundalini Yoga


Oh, Divine mother Kundalini, the treasury of Cosmic Energy, which is hidden in man. Thou, Kali, Durga, Adishakti, Rajesvari, Sundari, Mahalakshmi, Mahasaraswati. You who can take on any name and form. You, manifesting as Prana, electricity, magnetism in the Universe. The whole universe remains in your chest. Lead me along the Sushumna Nadi from Chakra to Chakra to Sahasrara, and immerse me in Yourself and in Your spouse Shiva.
Kundalini Yoga имеет дело с Кундалини Шакти и шестью Чакрами. The awakening of the Kundalini and its union with Shiva in the crown of the head is an exact science. It is also known as Laya Yoga. Kundala means "coiled". Her form is like a coiled snake. Everyone agrees that the only goal of man is to maintain his happiness. The highest in man attracts infinite, unbreakable happiness. This happiness can only be contained in itself, as in the Atman. Therefore, searching within oneself attracts higher happiness. The ability to think is unique to man. A person is able to discuss, reflect and perform certain actions. Only a person is able to compare, compare, analyze and draw logical conclusions. A man who only eats and sleeps is a simple animal.
O people with worldly concerns, wake up from the sleep of ignorance to know your soul (Atman). Do spiritual Sadhana, awaken Kundalini Shakti, and you will achieve waking sleep - Samadhi. Immerse yourself in the Atman. Chitta is a mental Substance that takes various forms. These forms make up the Vritgas. They are transformed (Parinama). These modifications of thoughts are Vritgas. For example, you think about work and countless Vrittis rise and fall in the ocean of Chipa. They cause non-stop work of the mind. Why do Vrittis arise in Chitta? Because of Samskaras and Vasanas. If you destroy all the Vasanas, then all the Vrittis will destroy themselves.
Vasanas are impressions that remain in the memory. When Vritgas disappear, they leave a certain trace in the memory, in the subconscious. These traces are known as Samskaras or hidden impressions. The totality of all Samskaras is known as Karmasaya, the storehouse of actions, and also Sangeet Karma, or accumulated Karma (stored actions). When a person leaves the physical body, he takes away in the astral body 17 Tattvas and Karmasaya also on mental plan. Karmasaya is finally destroyed by the highest knowledge obtained through Asamprajnata Samadhi.
During concentration, you will carefully collect the scattering rays of the mind, but the waves of Vritti will constantly arise from the ocean of Chitta. You will have to suppress these waves. When they are all suppressed, the mind becomes calm and serene. Real happiness is within you. You can achieve it through mind control. The fire of Yoga burns Karma. The Yogi attains Kaivalya, and through Samadhi, Intuition. Real knowledge in it is manifested instantly. Neti, Dhauti, Basti, Nauli, Asanas and Mudras make the body healthy and strong and give perfect control over it. But they are not everything and not final in Yoga. These Kriyas will help you in your Dhyana practice culminating in Samadhi, Self Realization. A Hatha Yogi who practices Krinya is not yet a full Yogi. A perfect Yogi is one who enters the Asamprajnata Samadhi. He is called Svatantara (Totally Independent).
Samadhi is of two kinds: Jada and Chaitanya. Hatha Yogis, thanks to Khechari Mudra, can lock themselves in a box and remain buried underground for many years. No supernatural Knowledge is attained in such Samadhi. This is Jada Samadhi. In Chaitanya Samadhi Perfect Knowledge is attained. The Yogi comes to his senses with a new, supernatural Wisdom. When various yogic Kriyas are practiced, Siddhis are achieved - transcendental perfections. However, Siddhis are obstacles to Self-Realization. The Yogi must pay no attention to the Siddhis if he wants to achieve the ultimate goal - the Highest Realization. The goal of man is Self-realization.
The Universal Knowledge of the Universe is nothing compared to the spiritual Knowledge obtained through Self-Realization. Climb the path of Yoga carefully. Push back thorns, weeds and sharp stones on the way. The flow of lust is weeds. Family, children, work are thorns. The adept achieves a false satisfaction (Gushti) and stops the Sadhana, foolishly imagining that he has reached the goal and tries to become superior to others. He is like a blind man leading the blind. The real Bairagya gradually decreases and he loses everything he has achieved.
Nirvikalpa or Yogaruda is the state of Superconsciousness. There is no special kind of Vikalpa in this state. This is the Purpose of Life. All mental manifestations, functions of the intellect and the ten Indrns are completely rejected. You rest in Atman. There is no distinction between subject and object. The world and the flow of opposites are completely rejected. This is the state behind the worldly current, everything relative. Адепт достигает знания себя, Youсшего Мира и Бесконечного, неописуемого Блаженства. Perfect Samadhi is achieved when Kundalini is carried to the Sahasrara and unites with Shiva there. Now Kundalini is doing your work. Om Santi! Om Santi!

Let's look at one definition. Dvaita is divided, and Advaita is One with the inner Spiritual Essence. According to one of the schools, there are 4 main forms of Yoga: Mantra, Hatha, Laya, Raja. There is another classification: Jnana, Laya, Hatha, Mantra. This school is based on the idea that there are 5 aspects of Spiritual life, namely Dharma, Kriya, Bhava, Jnana and Yoga.
Mantra Yoga is of two kinds: Kriya and Bhava. There are 7 Sadhanas of Yoga: Sat-Karma, Asana, Mudra, Pratyahara, Pranayama, Dhyana and Samadhi.
Samadhi is an abstraction of the sense organs from their objects (Sratyahara), breath control (Sranayama), meditation and Ecstasy (Samadhi proper).
Samadhi is of two types: Savikalpa (in which dualism is not completely overcome) and Perfect Ecstasy E1irvikalpa (Realization of Truth), or Brahmasmi - Knowledge and feeling of Realization, which does not give Liberation, but is Self-Liberation. Samadhi of Laya Yoga is Savikalpa, and in Raja Yoga it is Nirvikalpa. The first 4 steps of Sadhanas are physical, and the last 3 are mental and supramental. These processes achieve the following qualities:
Purity (Sadhana), Strength (Dhirata), Fortitude (Shtirata), Permanence (Dhairiya), Lightness (Legha), Realization (Pratyaksha) and separation leading to Liberation. What is known as Yoga 8 Limbs (Ashtanga Yoga) contains the 5 Sadhanas (Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dhyana and Samadhi) and also includes Yama, Niyama and Dharana.
Man is like the Cosmos. Everything that is in the Cosmos exists in it. The center of the human body is located in the middle of the spinal cord. The body and legs below the center make up the 7 lower worlds supported by Shakti, or the forces of the Universe. Above are 7 Lokas, forming Lokayanta (what we see), which express themselves and give the fruits of Karma in the form of specific births. These Lokas are Bhu, Bhuvah, Swah, Tapo, Maha, Jnana and Satya, and they correspond to 7 centers: the 5th in trunk, the 6th in the lower region of the brain, and the 7th in the brain, or Satyaloka, the seat of the Supreme Shakti. There are the main centers - Manas Lalana and Soma Chakra. However, the 7th region is above them. Existence is realized by entering and passing through the highest manifestation of the mind (Satvamayi Buddhi), above which and behind it are Chitta and Chidrupini Shakti. From them, Shiva Shakti is visible, developing the mind in the form of Buddhi, Ahamkara, Manas and the feelings (Iidris) associated with it.
The center of Shiva Shakti is above A rot, but below Sahasrara. From Ahamkara, Tanmatras, or that which governs the senses, are manifested, which give 5 forms of sentient matter (Buta), but Akash, Vayu, Agni, Apas and Prittvi are simply different states of matter. For example, Prittvi manifests through the sense of smell. In short, man as a Microcosm is an all-encompassing Soul, fully manifested in the Sahasrara. The connected Shakti in the form of mind and matter is located in the five nerve centers of the body, and they correspond to the S Chakras. Ida and Pingala, two streams, are connected with each other in the solar plexus. At the base of the spinal cord is Brahma Dwara, or the Gate of Brahman. Agni connects with the Sushumnaya triple point - Triveni. This point is the beginning of the sympathetic nervous system.
Существуют два главных направления в Йоге: Дхьяна, или Бхавана, и Kundalini Yoga. In the first way, Samadhi is achieved by a purely intellectual process (Kriya Jiana) of meditation. For this purpose, one can also use Mantra or Hatha Yoga (non-kundalini exercises) and rejection of the surrounding world. Although the Yogi does not awaken the Kundalini, he receives Knowledge, or Jnana. The Dhyana Yogi gets in touch with the Supreme State through his own powers arising from meditation through the powers of the body. These two forms of Yoga differ both in methods and results. Kundalini Yoga дает соединение с Шивой и приобретение Сиддхи. There is a known risk in this. But if you want only liberation, then it can be achieved with pure Jnana, rejecting the world, with a special system of exercises.
The first path is the path of joy, and the second is the path of asceticism. The Dhyana Yogi should not neglect the knowledge of the body. It is possible to achieve success in Dhyana Yoga, but have a weak body and health. Such a Yogi cannot die at will. When he is in Samadhi, Kundalini sleeps in Muladhara and there are no physical symptoms or symptoms. supernatural forces (Siddhis) that always accompany the rise of the Kundalini. Ecstatic state (liberation during life) - Jivanmukti


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