Message: #77543
Buckshee » 18 Feb 2017, 03:02

Kundalini Yoga. Sri Swami Sivananda

- this is not yet True Liberation, Such a Yogi will be subjected to the suffering of the body. Kundalini, on the other hand, makes it possible to move away from worries about the body.
Shiva is the supreme Bliss, manifesting in the form of a person, with all his sufferings and pleasures. Shakti is a hidden force in nature that manifests itself and acts in the form of man. The body is Shakti. Conquering death is more difficult than attaining Liberation. Shakti is divided into two types: static or potential energy (Kundalini) and the dynamic part of Shran). The center of static energy is the Muladhara Chakra. Active Shakti - Kali rests on Sadashiva's chest - the static base of pure Chipa, which is inactive. If Shakti curled up in Muladhara unfolds completely, then you leave the body in all aspects: physical, subtle and causal. This state is called Videhta Mukti. When the Kundalini is in the Sahasrara, the Yogi exists formlessly.
The 7 Chakras, or psycho-energetic centers of a person, will be described in detail below. Each Chakra has a Shakti, the Goddess (or nerve impulse) that controls its activity. Kundalini Shakti is the universal Shakti, which in turn controls the activities of all other Shaktis. She usually slumbers in the Manipura Chakra (solar plexus). Muladhara Chakra is ruled by Dakini Shakti, Svadhisthana by Vakini Shakti, Manipura by Lakini Shakti, Anahata by Kakini Shakti, Vishuddha by Shakini Shakti and Ajna by Hakini Shakti.
When Shakti leaves the body, it becomes cold like a corpse, but not due to the lack of potential energy, but due to the transformation of dynamic energy, which is usually evenly distributed throughout the body (like 5 types of Prana). When the Yogi is about to leave the body, he concentrates the dynamic energy around the axis. A static component is always constant. Kundalini acts on the dynamic force and rejects it from the tissue, gathering it along the axis. Thus, the normally diffusing dynamic equivalent becomes transformed along the axis of the body (spinal cord). When a person lives in the world, the Kundalini sleeps, and when the Kundalini awakens, the person falls asleep. When the Kundalini awakens, the Yogi passes on to a formless existence.
Sri SIVANANDA Swami Rishikesh. Forest Academy of Vedanta. 1955

Chapter I Introduction to Yoga

The basis of Kundadini Yoga, like any system of Yoga, is the exercises in Vairagya (dispassion), leading to Pratyahara. The term "Yoga" is used in its usual sense - as Unity (in this case, the unity of Shakti with Shiva in Sahasrara). Kundalini Yoga — это путь, дающий возможность полностью использовать не только силы интеллекта, но и силы тела, ъ отличие от Дхьяна Йоги. The main requirement for a diet is the limited use or complete exclusion of salt, sugar and meat.
One must read the Gita and other mystical Indian literature. It is recommended to neglect worldly concerns in order to control Yndriya. Yoga practice requires a secluded place. Start exercising in the spring or fall. The optimal age for classes is 18-50 years old (best between 20 and 40). A yoga teacher is a must. It may be a Yogi with a fairly strong reputation. Spiritual strength is primarily perseverance and perseverance when practicing Yoga. Youражаем нашу признательность слову, разуму и телу Патанджали, Вьясы и других великих Риши и Учителей Йоги, которые, подобно многочисленным Солнцам, отодвинули темноту незнания.

Chapter II. Kundalini yoga and theory

Nadis are thin astral tubes carrying psychic currents. The Sanskrit term "Nadi" comes from the root "Over" - movement. Through these Nadis pass the Vital Forces or currents of Prana. Since Nadis are made of very thin matter, they cannot be seen by any means on the physical plane. These Yoga Nadis are therefore not ordinary nerves or blood vessels. Yoga Nadis are completely different from them.
The body is filled with countless Nadis and it is impossible to count them. Different authors name from 72,000 to 350,000 Nadis. The architect of your body is Shiva himself, assisted by the engineers and masons of Maya, Prakriti, Visva Karma and others. Nadis are the most vital part of Kundalini Yoga. The Kundalini on awakening will pass through the Sushumna Nadis and this is possible only when all the Nadis are purified. Therefore, the first step in Yoga is the purification of the Nadis. A detailed knowledge of the Nadis and the Chakras is absolutely essential. Their location, functions, nature - all this must be thoroughly studied.
Subtle connections (Yoga Nadis) affect the physical body. Everything subtle is simplified manifestation in the physical body and acts in it. Ordinary nerves are closely related to subtle manifestations (Sukoma, Prana, Nadis and Chakras). Therefore, in view of the close connection of the astral and physical centers, the vibrations produced in the physical centers will influence the astral. When there is a plexus of several nerves, arteries and veins, the term "plexus" is usually used. Similarly, there are corresponding nerve centers or plexuses of Vital Energy in the Sushumna. They are known as Padmas (Lotuses), or Chakras. Detailed descriptions are known. All Nadis come from Kanda. This is the junction of the Sushumna Nadi and the Muladhara Chakra. Of the many Nadis, the most important are:
1. Sushumna
2. Ida
3. Pingala
4. Gandhari
5. Hasthajiva
6. Kuhu
7. Saraswati
8. Push
9. Shakini
10. Payasvini
eleven . Varuni
12. Alambusha
13. Vishvodhara
14. Yashasvini
Наиболее важные из всех — это Сушумна, Ида и Пингала, из них Сушумна Youсочайшая и наиболее существенная для Йога. Other Nadis obey her. Next will be described the Nadis and the method of awakening the Kundalini and moving it from Chakra to Chakra.

Vertebral column. Before studying the Nadis and the Chakras, one should consider the structure of the spinal column, with which all the Chakras are connected. The spinal column is known as Meru Danda. This is the axis of the body, just as Mount Meru is the axis of the Earth. That is why the spine is called Meru. Man is a microcosm. All things that exist in nature also exist in man. All Tattvas and Lokas (Worlds) are also in man. The body can be divided into 3 main parts: the head, the spine and the limbs, which are the centers. The spinal column extends from the first vertebra (bone of Alas) to the end of the skeleton. The spinal column consists of 33 vertebrae and is divided into 5 regions:
1) Neck (7 vertebrae)
2) Back (12 vertebrae)
3) Press, or lower back (5 vertebrae)
4) Buttocks (5 vertebrae)
5) Lower region (4 vertebrae),
The vertebrae form a column. 5 areas of the spinal cord correspond to the areas of the five Chakras: Muladhara, Svadhisthana,
Manipura, Anahata and Vishuddhi. Sushumna Nadi passes through the cylindrical cavity in the spinal column, and Ida and Pingala are located, respectively, on the left and right sides of it.

Sukoma Sharira. The physical body is formed in accordance with the nature of the astral and like water, and Sthula is its physical, gross form. When the water is heated, the steam will correspond to the astral body. The gross physical body cannot do anything without the astral body. The astral or subtle body is located within the physical. Each center of the physical body has its own astral center. Below is a description of all the centers, as well as the connections between the astral centers and the physical ones.

Kanda (sacrum). This center is located between the anus and the genitals. It has the appearance of an egg covered with scales and is located just above the Muladhara Chakra. All Nadis bodies originate from it. It is located at the point of connection between the Sushumna and the Muladhara Chakra. The 4 petals of the Muladhara Chakra are located at the edges of Kanda and this connection is called Granthi Sthan (the point of Sthan, where the influence of Maya is especially strong). In some Upanishads it is written that this center is located 12 fingers above the genitals (the width of a finger is considered to be 0.75 inches).
Kanda is the center of the astral body, from which the thin ropes of the Yoga Nadi draw out and carry Sukoma Prana (Life Energy) to various parts of the body. In the physical body there is a center corresponding to Kanda. The spinal cord branches into thin threads, and then into numerous nerve endings. In the astral body this ramification corresponds to Kanda.

Spinal cord. The central nervous system consists of the brain and spinal cords and spinal centers. The continuation of the medulla oblongata is the connection of the spinal cord and brain. The medulla oblongata is associated with the functions of breathing and swallowing, which are performed automatically; the spinal cord extends from the top of the spinal canal to the second vertebra of the coccygeal region, where it splits into thin filaments. The spinal cord is a column of very soft gray and white matter. The white matter represents the nerves proper, and the gray matter represents the nerve cells and fibers. They do not fill the spinal canal very tightly. From above, the cells are covered with scales.
The spinal cord and brain are immersed in cerebrospinal fluid, which protects them from all kinds of influences. Yes, there is a protective fat pad. The spinal cord is divided into posterior and anterior parts. There is a microscopic channel in the center. Brama Nadi runs along this channel from Muladhara to Sahasrara. Through this Nadi the awakened Kundalini rises to Brahmarandra. The spinal cord is connected to the brain directly, without partition. All brain and spinal centers are connected with this system. The organs of reproduction and digestion are connected with the spinal cord. The spinal cord enters the fourth

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