Message: #67352
Buckshee » 02 Feb 2017, 20:27

100% vision. Fitness and diet for the eyes. Margarita Zyablitseva

Manchester. They claim that the simultaneous movement of the pupils of the eyes from side to side for thirty seconds a day contributes to the activation of brain areas responsible for memory.
In the course of the studies, the group of volunteers who did this simple set of exercises for the eyes every day significantly outperformed the group in which the volunteers did not do such “gymnastics” in terms of the degree of memorization of new words, images and sounds. It is estimated that memory improves by at least ten percent.
According to Professor Andrew Parker, who led the study, the simultaneous movement of the pupils of the eyes enhances the coordination of the two hemispheres of the brain, and the greatest efficiency is provided by the simultaneous movement of the pupils from side to side, rather than up and down.[3]
What is completely beyond the control of science can truly be called a miracle. And although the poets say that “a daily miracle is not a miracle,” let the miracle eyes remain with each of us every day. It takes a little effort and quite a bit of time to do this. More on this in the next chapter.

Prevention of vigilance

Even the ancients discovered the truth that the disease is easier to prevent than to cure. Modern medicine agrees with her. Prevention is always cheaper, more pleasant, takes less time and gives excellent results. Each of us has heard about the rules for maintaining good vision since childhood - do not read while lying down, do not watch TV close, etc. But over time, we turn a blind eye to most of these prohibitions, and children follow our example. What's the matter? Perhaps such a psychological factor is triggered that many people know how to do the right thing, but the difficulty is not in knowing, but in doing the right thing. But, most likely, for the time being, we do not have sufficient motivation.
Wisdom of the great
The eye is the sense organ that brings us the most satisfaction, because it allows us to comprehend the essence of nature.
AristotleTo fix this, it is useful to visit a restaurant where only the blind work, and restaurant visitors are offered to plunge into the world of "non-sight" - pitch darkness reigns all around.
When teaching children about vision prevention, try not to act with prohibitions. Let the child draw his own conclusions. Say that if you do not protect your eyesight, it will disappear. What does it mean to be blind? Tie the child's eyes a dark bandage and offer to do the most basic things - turn on the TV, change clothes, make the bed, etc. To never end up in this situation in reality, let the child follow simple rules. And you, adults, always be an example in this. So that both children and grandchildren with wisdom, and not prohibitions, instill love and care for their eyes.

Soviets of oneeight0four

Many introductions could be made at the beginning of this chapter - both “everything ingenious is simple”, and “new is well forgotten old” ... Of course, Aristotle probably gave advice on preserving vision. But I would like to acquaint the reader with the domestic history of advice on vision prevention.
So, back in oneeight0four, an essay “for the people” was published under the title: “On the Preservation of Vision” by Fyodor Hildebrandt, Doctor of Medicine and Chemistry, Professor of Anatomy and Physiology of the Moscow Medical and Surgical Academy.
Perhaps the professor's advice to a modern person will seem too simple, even naive. Nevertheless, many of these recommendations are valuable.
Here is some of them.
“Whoever works incessantly, and especially often and for a long time is engaged in examining small uniform objects and, moreover, must still strain his spirit during his work, he will act very prudently, if he can, as much as possible, exercise his eyes by looking into the distance in the free clean air; and in this way he should act not only in the summer, but also on good winter days: for this is the surest means of strengthening the eyes for new labors ... I repeat once again that the effect of frequent walks through forests and spacious meadows is very useful for vision.
“Of all the games in which winter evenings are usually spent, billiards, as an excellent remedy for correcting eye fatigue, is highly commendable for those who are engaged almost all day in work that is difficult for the eyes.”
“In the morning, after a moderate and peaceful sleep, vision is capable of the greatest tension without harm: for then the whole body, and therefore the eyes, acquire new strength. One should not, however, rush to work immediately upon awakening: for a hasty transition from perfect rest to severe exhaustion can easily have very bad consequences.
And did you know that…
Most fish can look in two different directions at the same time. This phenomenon is called monocular vision.
"Soon after the table, and especially after eating quite well, should not be hired for work that depletes visual power, especially when they need to be exercised while sitting. In the same way, any work harmful to the eyes after heating the body, whatever kind it may be, should be carefully avoided: since in both cases there is a rush of blood to the head, from which the eyes become incapable of sudden tension.
“In the evening, in the light, all eye strain should be completely avoided, if possible. Whoever wants to preserve the sharpness of his eyesight, on winter evenings, should choose for his eyes a matter that does not require mental strength.
“Very many become nearsighted from the first circumstances of their upbringing. Why are never those who from a young age lived in the free air, such as sailors and cabbies. On the contrary, children brought up in the city, and who were not allowed out of the room during the first summers, are for the most part short-sighted. Unfortunately, a very stupid upbringing, both between certain nobles and between sufficient citizens, causes very many children to myopia from the first years, often due to the crampedness of the children's room, often due to small toys and little movement in the free air, which the child predisposes to short-sightedness ... But nothing can be more harmful to the eyes of children than when they are forced to tire their eyesight in examining small objects. If, unfortunately, with a bad upbringing, there will be a poor structure of the eyes, such as, for example, bulging and bulging eyes, then under such circumstances it is easy to conclude that the result of myopia is to a high degree. Adult young people, being sharp-sighted, from a lot of reading and writing in the light become short-sighted, just like women from refined needlework.
“Wearing a tight dress is also very harmful for the eyes. In general, it has been proven that a dress that tightly compresses the body and, consequently, prevents the movement of juices, produces a strong flow of blood to the head and eyes ... A narrow dress is especially harmful at a time when a person begins to come to a manly age and uses very nutritious and aromatic food, because then the accumulation of juices, and consequently the irritation of the optic nerve, increases so much that these victims of insane fashion in their most flourishing youth are deprived of the pleasure of enjoying visual acuity.
"There is no doubt that food and drinking act on the eyes in a special way, and frequent errors in the reasoning of the diet can cause not only incurable weakness of vision, but also complete blindness.
“In general, it is necessary to make it a rule to wash the eyes in the morning, and if necessary, also during the day, which should be especially observed by those living in large cities: for their eyes are most exposed to dust, which for the most part causes eye inflammations: however, one must beware of excessive washing: because it, irritating the eyes, multiplies the flow of juices to them. The water used at this end must be clean and cold.
“For those who study small things, such as natural scientists and artisans, it is very useful to live in places surrounded by various views and where various objects are presented to the eyes for relaxation. In free time, it is very useful for the eye to look at individual objects and find pleasure in it: for example, riding a horse, which, by a beneficial shaking of the sensitive veins, is of great benefit to the weakened optic nerves; the same can be said about riding in a carriage and walking.”

Computer work

The computer has become an integral part of our life. At work, this is the main source of this work, at home - either the continuation of work, or communication, self-education, entertainment via the Internet, or games. Our children also use the computer - some, drawing knowledge from various electronic encyclopedias, others - headlong into computer toys. Neither one nor the other parents are often unable to separate from the computer.
Therefore, if communication with a computer is inevitable, it is necessary to reduce its negative impact on the eyes and the body as a whole to a minimum.
The easiest thing to do if your working day is a sedentary job, working at a computer, is to get up and walk around from time to time. You can find many reasons for this, you can go to the cooler, to the modem, printer, photocopier for the necessary documents, to the neighboring department for information, etc. Such walks will serve as a wonderful prevention of spinal diseases.

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