Message: #67325
Buckshee » 02 Feb 2017, 20:21

Superfitness. The best programs in the world. Cynthia Vader

упражнения на каждую группу мышц, постепенно добавляя новые упражнения, но не ранее, чем через 3 месяца. Or break the exercises into groups: for example, Monday - chest, back, abs; environment - arms, legs; Friday - chest, back, abs; Sunday - either a day off, or repeat the exercises on the arms and legs. For greater effect, add jogging in the morning or jumping rope 2 times a week - 3 sets of 5 minutes each.

Chapter 4
Belly dance - dance of passion from the east

Translucent light weightlessness of the costume, embroidered with beads, rhinestones and coins. Movements captivating with their eroticism. ATосточная музыка, ласкающая слух. If anyone has not yet guessed what it is about, I decipher it: this is a belly dance, a dance of passion, seduction, inaccessibility and sexuality.
But before we plunge into the magic of mesmerizing movements, let's talk a little about dancing in general, because this chapter and the next one are devoted to this unique art form that changes not only the body, but also the soul. Even if a bear stepped on your ear, and a hippopotamus on your feet, this is still a reason to refuse dancing. Now that women are successfully leading large corporations, dashingly drive cars and easily understand the latest computer technologies, to say that you can't dance is at least inconvenient. AT настоящее время танцы уже не такой малоизвестный вид фитнеса, как раньше. There are a huge number of offers: Latino, funk, swing, hip-hop and ballroom dancing, belly dancing (in all varieties) and strip, all kinds of disco and dance - there is plenty to choose from.
Make dancing your lifestyle. Believe me, they are much better than aerobics. ATсего полчаса ритмичных движений под музыку – и вы превращаетесь в королеву красоты: глаза блестят, кожа просто светиться румянцем, появляется грация и свобода движений, настроение просто прекрасное. For those who care about calorie consumption, I think it will be interesting to know that even slow ballroom dancing will require you to consume much more energy than swimming in the pool. I’m not talking about hip-hop anymore: you won’t have to stay dry for a long time, that is, “not to sweat”. Having mastered the dance lessons, you can become a star of the night dance floors, acquire an ideal posture, magnificent legs, and perhaps a partner - not only in dancing, but also in life.
And now some information about the varieties and styles of dance.
Latino. Classes using elements of Latin American dances always gather a full hall. With the rise of Jennifer Lopez's popularity, Latino is becoming more and more popular. Toонечно, к чемпионатам по бальным танцам, даже после месяца упорных тренировок, вы не будете готовы, но азам научитесь. The basics of an incendiary mamba or cha-cha-cha, elements of salsa, flamenco and merengue - this is not a complete list of dance lessons that are currently the most popular.
Funky. Hip-hop. Break. If you think that these destinations are only available to teenagers, then you are wrong. The main thing here is not technique, but speed. Don't worry - you won't be forced to spin on your head and perform acrobatic stunts. But it's fun, any improvisation is welcome, an incredible amount of calories are burned, and, finally, in wide pants you will look super stylish, and most importantly, no one will notice your plump hips. Many women say that the class is attended by cool guys, so there are more than enough opportunities for dating.
Jazz Modern. The interweaving of elements of classical and modern dance is what distinguishes this direction. ATам как никогда помогут полузабытые знания, полученные в детстве на уроках хореографии. Here they will teach not only individual movements, but also ligaments. Jazz-modern will make you the queen of discos and the owner of magnificent legs.
Swing. The main rule of swing is: to dance well means to dance fast. It is no coincidence that an hour of swing in terms of the number of calories burned (and believe me, there are quite a few of them) is equated to an hour of sex. Rock 'n' roll and boogie - woogie are simply conducive to the emergence of romantic ties, because this type of dance involves a friendly and close partnership.
Groovy music and fast pace literally make you forget about time. When you burn calories, instead of feeling tired, you feel emotional uplift. Such даже глупо сравнивать с занудливой аэробикой. What about the effect? A thin waist, slender legs, a flat stomach and a beautiful complexion - in my opinion, more than enough.
Ballroom dancing. I will not dwell on them in particular. Let me just say that here the pace is no longer important. The main thing is the right technique. This type of dance is ideal for romantic natures (because it is here that you can find a life partner who is close to you in character and inner state of mind) and, of course, for older women who want to remember their youth and push back old age. The unhurried pace of the waltz is ideal for this. Don’t count on “fat burning” too much, but you are guaranteed the figure of a top model.

A small digression into history

According to legend, belly dance originated in ancient Egypt. Initially, it was performed only in the temple of the goddess of love and fertility, Isis. The movements were invented by an African slave. AT арабскую культуру танец живота перешел гораздо позднее, причем его изначальное сакральное значение и смысл были целиком переосмыслены. The Arabs put their manifestation of joy into the dance, and it was believed that the execution of movements brings happiness and good luck. Somewhat later, they stopped treating belly dancing as a sacred ritual and perceived it as an opportunity to have a great time. According to historians, the highest dignitaries and local nobility presented Napoleon who conquered Egypt with four hundred dancers who had to entertain the French soldiers as a gift. Many researchers believe that, perhaps, then the tradition of giving as a gift was born. arabic dance. Already later, in order to increase the entertainment of viewing, the performers began to include in the dance movements with a cane, a shawl and cymbals - sagats (sagats are something close to castanets, only metal ones). And if these objects seem quite natural for dancing, then the candelabra is something out of the ordinary. Moreover, it is rather an attribute of the European interior. But nevertheless, at a traditional, but incendiary Egyptian wedding, you can see a dance with a candelabra. The girl, performing a belly dance, carries a large chandelier with lit candles on her head, thereby illuminating the newlyweds the way to a happy future. And all the glamor and brilliance of the dancer lies in the immobility of the candelabra on her head. A shawl is simply an integral part of oriental dance. It may seem that she appeared with him at the same time. However, historians cannot find the roots of this type of dance.
Some believe that the shawl came from Russia. AT середине сороковых годов двадцатого века правитель Египта Фарух пригласил русскую балерину Татьяну Иванову обучать своих дочерей балету. She taught the famous Egyptian dancer Samia Gamal the beautiful exit with a shawl and some movements with it.
AT настоящее время танец живота с триумфом покоряет многие европейские страны, Россия – отнюдь не исключение. And it's not that dancing is now prestigious and fashionable. It’s just that young girls, and young teenagers, and housewives, and business women, and even women of mature age understand that grace, plasticity, excellent posture, sexy gait, and finally, just a good mood and a health effect are cheaper and more important than buying expensive dresses. And oriental dances, like no other, allow you to understand your body and help you feel feminine and desirable.
AT чем же секрет столь уникального преображения? He is simple. Belly dancing improves not only physical, but also psychological well-being. This is due to the fact that all energy chakras (or centers) are working, and a woman feels confident, harmonizing her life and body. And the secret is that your body will get rid of the tension accumulated over many years, and in those muscles that are very difficult to work out with conventional fitness exercises. And of course, through dance you can learn to express your feelings. ATедь недаром профессиональные танцовщицы говорят, что в танце stomach, the main thing is not strict adherence to the canons, but improvisation, emotions and experiences.

Benefits and Pros

AT танце живота движения завораживают своей эротичностью, но они довольно просты и однообразны, так что освоить их вам не составит большого труда. To тому же за час вы израсходуете около 400 калорий. Many followers of this art form claim that, although they sweat, they feel the full versatility of the load on the body after each workout. If you want to strengthen your abs and buttocks, give them relief, then in a couple of months of training you will get the expected result. ATедь не секрет, что качать мышцы живота – забота скучная, однообразная, и совсем не факт, что вас хватит надолго или вы обретете желаемые «кубики». And, of course, the biggest plus is that you can demonstrate your grace, plasticity and sexuality of movements to your partner in the bedroom. The effect is guaranteed.
Home workouts are just perfect at the beginning. ATы не стесняетесь и не комплексуете по поводу своих угловатых движений или несовершенного тела. Movements can be learned barefoot, you do not need an oriental costume - any clothing that does not restrict movement will do. If in the future, when you get stronger and gain a sense of self-confidence, home workouts


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