Message: #67912
Buckshee » 03 Feb 2017, 08:18

Fitness for women. Sandra Rosenzweig

легкие веса и большое количество повторений - twenty и more. Это позволит выработать мышечную выносливость, что и необходимо для успешных занятий данным видом sportа. In the warm-up, pay special attention to flexibility exercises, since when playing basketball, physical activity occurs in almost all parts of the body. Particular attention should be paid to strengthening the muscles of the legs, arms, hands, fingers.
Injuries. В баскетболе возможны серьезные травмы, потому что он является контактным видом sportа. Most often, these are knee and ankle injuries. If you do not perform a full warm-up, sprains in the groin and others are possible.
Занятия лыжным sportом способствуют развитию аэробных возможностей организма, укрепляют мышцы ног и ягодичные, мышцы туловища, плеча и предплечья.
Кроме того, это одна из наиmore доступных форм физической нагрузки, укрепляющих здоровье. Skiing is very effective for those who want to lose weight. Even if you are just skiing, the calorie consumption is very high.
Workout. The movements performed by the arms and legs while walking and skiing are very specific. Безусловно, женщины, обладающие большей силой мышц плечевого пояса, будут иметь преимущества при занятиях лыжным sportом. To prepare yourself for skiing, you should do push-ups and pull-ups (note that active work of the hands causes a higher increase in heart rate than work of the legs). In summer, you can simulate skiing on rugged terrain. Experienced skiers in the summer use ski rollers.
Поскольку занятия лыжным sportом почти не способствуют развитию гибкости, обратите особое внимание на упражнения, развивающие ее.
Although running uses other muscle groups, many skiers run cross-country in the summer and even in the competitive season include running in their training sessions. Хотя плавание и гребля способствуют укреплению мышц рук, при занятиях этими видами sportа работают другие мышечные группы. Therefore, it makes no sense for skiers to use them in their training.
Injuries. При занятиях лыжным sportом они не типичны. To avoid stretching the muscles of the legs and groin, attention should be paid to strengthening these muscles. Push-ups and pull-ups will help to avoid injuries of the shoulder muscles, which contribute to the development of the corresponding muscle groups.
Beware of hypothermia. При занятиях лыжным sportом целесообразно применять многослойную одежду, т. е. довольно легкую, но надетую одна на another. As the body warms up, they can be removed one by one, which will also help to minimize sweating. If you sweat a lot (wearing too warm clothes), the sweat can freeze, and this in turn will lead to frostbite or hypothermia. The loss of fluid by the body must be replenished by drinking various drinks and juices during long ski trips. If you have any disorders in the activity of the cardiovascular system, then before you start skiing, consult your doctor, as cold, active work of the legs and arms, movement over rugged terrain increase the load on the heart.
Field hockey
Field hockey contributes to the development of both aerobic and anaerobic capabilities of the body, strengthens the quadriceps, calf, gluteal, latissimus dorsi, as well as the deltoid and shoulder muscles. Since grass hockey sticks are short, players have to run and hit in a crouched position, which strengthens the back muscles.
Workout. Хотя занятия травяным хоккеем представляют собой одновременно аэробную и анаэробную нагрузки, вы редко когда будете играть чаще трех раз в week. For того чтобы обладать достаточными силами и проводить целиком игру, необходимо иметь хорошую общую выносливость. Вот почему в тренировках надо использовать медленный непрерывный run. But it shouldn't forget about sprint accelerations, because they will come in handy in the game. Fartlek is an excellent training tool. An even greater effect can be achieved if you perform it with a stick in your hands. For отработки силы удара следует дополнительно выполнять быстрые вращения кистями с отягощениями. It is necessary to specifically develop the muscular endurance of the trunk and arms, strengthen the muscles and ligaments of the knee, which will help to avoid injuries. Поскольку травяной хоккей не способствует развитию гибкости, уделяйте внимание упражнениям for stretching.
Injuries. The causes of most injuries in field hockey are collisions with the opponent, as well as the consequences of stick blows. Injuries to the knee joint are quite common, since sudden stops, jerks, turns - all these types of movements place increased demands on the joints. Don't forget aboutб этом и старайтесь укрепить их специальными упражнениями.
Rowing classes contribute to the development of aerobic and anaerobic capabilities of the body, strengthen the muscles of the ankle, quadriceps, abdominals, shoulder, biceps.
Помимо различных видов sportивной гребли (академической, на байдарках) существует еще прогулочная гребля. But even doing it intensively enough, you can achieve a good training effect on the body. Поскольку движения в гребле естественны, то, начав с километровой прогулки по озеру, заливу или вниз по течению реки, вы довольно быстро сможете увеличить преодолеваемую дистанцию до eight-one6 км.
Since there is not too much load on the back muscles during rowing, people suffering from pain in the lumbar region can also do it.
During rowing, the shoulder girdle works mainly, so the heart rate rises noticeably faster than when doing sports, where the main load falls on the muscles of the legs. Ваша цель - достичь ЧСС 60 - eight0% от максимальной. Make sure that the work of the arms and legs is coordinated (legs should be straightened at the moment when the hands are at the highest point of the trajectory of movement closest to the chest; legs should be bent as much as possible when the arms are straightened and the oars are at the lowest point), so both the muscles of the legs and arms will equally participate in the work. When practicing on the rowing machine, in order not to rub your feet, be sure to wear socks and shoes. It is quite possible the occurrence of scuffs on the palms from the oars. Rowing не развивает гибкость, однако надо обладать хорошей подвижностью суставов, чтобы суметь выполнить все необходимые движения по полной амплитуде.
Workout. For rowers, it is recommended to include running to build endurance, short sprints to improve anaerobic capacity, and stair climbing to strengthen leg muscles. If a по каким-либо причинам вы не можете бегать, выносливость следует повышать посредством занятий велосипедным sportом. For развития силы мышц обязательно включайте в занятия различные отжимания, подтягивания, приседания и приседания с выпрыгиваниями. Don't forget aboutб упражнениях для увеличения подвижности в тех суставах, которые работают при гребле.
В качестве тренировочного средства можно использовать плавание, поскольку оно помогает развитию мышц плечевого пояса и их подвижности, лыжные гонки, поскольку этот вид предъявляет к организму еще more высокие требования, чем бег, и заставляет в равной степени работать как мышцы ног, так и рук.
Injuries. Most injuries happen during dry land activities. The percentage of damage received in the process of rowing itself is very small.
In recent years, tennis has gained immense popularity and the number of people involved in it is growing.
If the ball during the game lasts a long time, and the blows are strong enough, then tennis can be considered as a good means of improving the aerobic capacity of the body; if the level of your skill is low, then the training effect from such classes is almost zero. The information in this section is intended for tennis players who can handle a non-stop match.
Regular workouts and tennis matches strengthen the leg muscles, biceps, triceps, and shoulder girdle muscles. Tennis also improves the flexibility of the shoulder girdle, knee and hip joints, and in some cases, the muscles of the back of the thigh.
Workout. For совершенствования координации, укрепления силы мышц ног и выносливости сердечно-сосудистой системы рекомендуются прыжки через скакалку. In addition, training with a partner is very useful. If there is no partner, you will have to deal with one. Learn to run forward first net, then from it forward with your back, then with an added step to the sides from the center of the site. Gradually increase the total time of such runs or increase their speed, this will contribute to the development of endurance. If you have a partner (partner) for classes,| then he can send the ball to different corners of the court, which will give the same effect as when jogging. In addition, when practicing with a partner, you improve your ability to hit the ball. If you want to achieve serious success, then you need to include slow continuous running (about 5 km in one session) and interval segments in your classes. Медленный непрерывный бег будет способствовать развитию общей выносливости, а интервальные отрезки помогут more эффективно выполнять в ходе игры короткие рывки за мячом. Поскольку теннис в основном состоит из коротких пробежек при принятии мяча и его передаче, выполнение интервальных беговых отрезков принесет г больше пользы, чем медленный непрерывный run.
Particular attention should be paid to exercises that strengthen the strength of the grip, the muscles of the hand, and the shoulder. For того чтобы стать хорошим игроком в теннис, следует иметь и сильные мышцы брюшного пресса. Therefore, it is necessary to include exercises for these muscle groups in the preparation. To develop the strength needed for tennis, when playing against the wall, you can leave the case on the racket or fasten a small (0.5 kg) weight on the head of an old racket and imitate hitting the ball.
Tennisистам также необходима гибкость, особенно плечевого пояса. Do the appropriate exercises for this. When performing low kicks, the flexibility of the legs in the knee and hip joints is important. Attention should also be paid to stretching the muscles of the legs with the help of special exercises.
For укрепления мышц ног можно использовать езду на велосипеде.
Injuries. The most famous, the so-called "tennis elbow", as well as damage to the shoulder joint. Warm or hot weather can cause heat stroke.
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