Message: #67372
Buckshee » 02 Feb 2017, 20:36

Fitness for the chest. We increase the elasticity of the bust. Patterson

or do push-ups on the knuckles of tightly clenched fists.
Option 5 (for beginners)

Exercise 6

Bench press
This exercise is one of the variations of the bench press. You will need a fitball and a rubber shock absorber.
Pass the rubber buffer under the ball. Lie on the fitball so that your shoulders, back and lower back are on the ball (if your neck is too tense during the exercise, then position yourself so that your head is on the ball). The legs are bent at the knees and stand firmly on the floor. Pass your palms into the shock absorber handles; shoulders, forearms and hands - in the same plane; blades are connected.

As you exhale, straighten your arms, overcoming the resistance of the shock absorber. Slowly, deliberately slowly return to the starting position. Complete all given repetitions. At the initial stage do 1 set of 12-15 reps. As strength develops, increase the number of sets to 3. Rest 1-1.5 minutes between sets.

Exercise 7

Body bar press
To perform this exercise, you will need a body bar (gymnastic stick weighing up to 8 kg).
Lie on your back on any hill so that your head is slightly higher than your buttocks. Take the body bar with an overhand grip and lift it above your chest. Leaving one arm motionless, bend the other at the elbow, then straighten it again. Do 15 reps with one arm first, then the other. At the initial stage достаточно выполнить 8–10 раз.

Attention: when performing, both hands should always be in the same plane; the angle of the elbow joint of the working arm should not exceed 90°; perform the exercise without rest and pauses, because when one hand works, the second is restored. As strength develops, increase the number of sets to 2-3, and the number of repetitions to 20. Rest between sets - 30 seconds.

In order to successfully strengthen and develop the pectoral muscles, thanks to which you will become the owner of a sexual hollow and visually enlarge the bust, pay attention to the following general rules.
• When doing the bench press, do not try to set the bench at a very high angle. With an inclination of more than 30 °, it is not the pectoral muscles that come into play, but the muscles of the shoulders.
• In order not to overload the shoulder joints and protect the hands from injury, when spreading the arms, do not lower the elbows below shoulder level, do not perform the exercise with absolutely straight arms, keep a slight bend in the elbow joint.
• Do not lower your chest by raising your arms in front of you, otherwise the load on the chest muscles will decrease and the effect of the exercises will decrease (this mainly concerns dilution of arms with dumbbells).
• Be sure to stretch your chest muscles before and after your workout to avoid injury.
• Never start training without first warming up the muscles: it can be jumping rope, running, moderate cardio on simulators.
• To make your chest beautiful by lifting it up and increasing it, not only training the pectoral muscles will help you, you need to pay attention to the development of the shoulder girdle, primarily to the deltoid muscle: it covers the shoulder from behind, above and in front, giving it a beautiful roundness. That's why chest and arm exercises are combined in this book.
• So as more is not always better, break this complex into 3 parts, including push-ups, bench press and arm extension in each, and do the exercises 3 times a week with mandatory rest.
• Очень важно уделять внимание мышцам back, которые позволяют раскрыть грудную клетку, не давая плечам уйти вперед. If you pump the pectoral muscles, you will stoop, so that this does not happen, train your back more. It is important to observe the proportion: the loads on the back and chest are related as three to two.

Exercises for the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle

Exercise 1

Bent over arms
To perform the exercise, you will need dumbbells, the weight of which depends on your level of training. The choice of weight should be such that you can perform 10-12 repetitions in 1 set.
Lean with one hand and the knee of the same name on any flat surface.

The back is straight and tense, also tighten the abdominal muscles. The gaze is directed to the floor. Arm with dumbbells bent at the elbow.
Keeping your elbow stationary, slowly straighten your arm from the dumbbells. In no case should you lift your arm up: shoulder, elbow, hand - in one straight line. At the highest point, pause and turn the brush palm up. Return the brush to its original position. Slowly return the arm with the dumbbell to its original position. As strength develops, increase the number of sets to 3, and repetitions to 15.

Option 1

Exercise 2

Extension of the arm from behind the head
To perform, you will need dumbbells, the weight of which depends on your level of training. At the initial stage подбирайте вес так, чтобы выполнить 10–12 повторов в одном сете.
Сядьте прямо, напрягите мышцы пресса и back. Take the dumbbell with both hands by the neck closer to the upper pancake, bend your elbows - this will be your starting position. Slowly press the dumbbell up over your head. Without pause, return to the starting position. As strength develops, increase the number of sets to 3, and the number of repetitions to 20. When you can easily do 3 sets, complicate the execution: do movements with one hand (as in the figure). Rest 1-2 minutes between sets.
Beginner Option

Advanced option

Exercise 3

French bench press
The exercise is similar to the previous one, with the only difference being that it must be performed lying down.
Take position lying on the floor or any hill, hold the dumbbells with straight arms above your face (starting position).

Slowly bend your elbows and lower the dumbbells behind your head. Without pause, return to the starting position. If at the initial stage it is difficult for you to perform the movement with two dumbbells, modify the exercise: hold one dumbbell with both hands. When you can easily perform 3 sets of 15 repetitions each, switch to the version with two dumbbells, constantly increasing their weight. Rest 1-2 minutes between sets.

Exercise 4

Push ups
You should move on to this exercise if you can easily complete the previous three. In the fitness world, close stance push-ups are considered the most difficult yet highly effective.
At the initial stage отжимания следует выполнять, приняв упор на колени и прямые руки, и только после освоения этого варианта переходить к выполнению на прямых руках и ногах (как показано на рисунке). Take an emphasis lying down, put your palms closer so that your thumbs and forefingers form a diamond.

Tighten your abdominal muscles and, slowly bending your elbows, lower yourself to the floor - almost until your nose touches. Also slowly return to the starting position. Do not be discouraged if the first time you get less than 5 times. As strength develops, you will be able to perform movements up to 10-12, and then up to 20 times. As soon as you master 20 repetitions, move on to the classic version (with the starting position - emphasis lying on your toes).
This set of exercises is ideal for those who are not satisfied with the back surfaces of the hands (by the way, the most unpleasant place for women, because it is here that fat is deposited most readily).

Exercise 5

Dumbbell Press
The relief muscles of the shoulders will allow you to favorably emphasize not only the chest and upper body, but also visually reduce the lower one. In any open dress or top, you will look simply seductive.
The following three exercises will also help you strengthen your shoulder girdle muscles. To perform the exercise, you will need dumbbells weighing from 1.5 to 5 kg, depending on your level of training.
Place your feet shoulder-width apart, feet parallel or slightly apart, knees bent, abs tense. Hands with dumbbells are bent at the elbows and located at shoulder level, palms are directed inward, elbows are in floor.

Inhale deeply, as you exhale, slowly squeeze the dumbbells up over your head and slightly forward, your back is absolutely straight. Hold at the top for a couple of seconds and return to the starting position.
At the initial stage выполняйте 2 сета по 8–10 повторов. As strength develops, increase the number of sets to 3 and reps to 12. Rest 1-2 minutes between sets.

Exercise 6

Retracting the hand to the side
Lying on your left side on any inclined surface (bench angle 45 °), take a dumbbell in your right hand, bend your left arm at the elbow and put it under your head. Rest your toes on the floor with your legs crossed. Stretch your right arm so that it is parallel to the body, the dumbbell touches the thigh, the palm is pointing down. From this position, raise your hand with a dumbbell, pause and return to the starting position. Without lifting your shoulders, connect and lower your shoulder blades before each rep. Change the position of the body and arms and do the exercise on the other side.

Choose the weight of dumbbells depending on your level of training. At the initial stage начните с 1–2 сетов по 8-10 repetitions in each. As strength develops, increase the weight of the dumbbells and vary the high load with the low load: in one workout, train with a weight of 2 kg, in the next - 4 kg.

Attention: in order to avoid injuries to the elbow joint, keep the elbow of the working arm slightly bent, do not change the position of the dumbbell, that

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