Message: #352820
Ольга Княгиня » 07 Jun 2018, 23:52

Separate meals. A new approach to diet and healthy eating. Jean Dries, Inga Dries

in a hot oven.

Potato Dishes
Mashed potatoes
4 servings

1 kg (2 lb 4 oz) potatoes

1/8 liter (1/4 pint; 1/2 cup) cream

1/8 liter (1/4 pint; 1/2 cup) vegetable broth

25 г (1 унция) сливочного oils


мускатный color (сушеная шелуха мускатного walnut)

черный pepper, молотый

1. Очистите картофель, сварите его в воде до readiness. Drain the water.

2. Добавьте cream, масло и овощной бульон и сделайте пюре (с помощью деревянной толкушки или блендера). Приправьте шоре мускатным орехом, мускатным colorом и ground black pepper.

air potato

For того чтобы приготовить воздушный картофель, сделайте картофельное гаоре несколько более густой консистенции С помощью кондитерского мешка выдавите на противень небольшие шарики пюре и запеките в духовке до золотисто-коричневого colorа.

Potato O'gratin (baked potato)
2 portions

500 g (18 oz) potatoes

1 garlic clove

125 ml (1/4 pint; 1/2 cup) sour cream

черный pepper, молотый

100 g (3.5 oz; 1/2 cup) breadcrumbs

1. Peel and cut the potatoes into thin slices (it is better to use a food processor). Steam the potato slices (but don't overcook or the slices will fall apart).

2. Смажьте противень жиром и натрите garlicом. Spread the potatoes on a baking sheet, pour sour cream over them, and sprinkle with pepper and breadcrumbs on top.

3. Bake in the oven until the potatoes turn brown.

French fried potatoes or chips
4 servings

6 large firm potatoes



черный pepper

4 tbsp. spoons растительного oils

1. Картофель очистите и нарежьте тонкими ломтиками Уложите ломтики картофеля на смазанный жиром противень, посыпьте паприкой, saltю и черным перцем (по вкусу).

2. Drizzle the chips with vegetable oil, cover with aluminum foil. Place the tray in the preheated oven and bake at 220°C for 30 minutes. Затем снимите фольгу и запекайте чипсы еще около 15 минут до тех пор, пока они не приобретут золотисто-коричневый color (периодически ломтики картофеля надо переворачивать).

Potato peel with sour cream
2 portions

4 large new potatoes



sour cream


1. Scrape potatoes, boil in water. Cut each potato lengthwise into 4 pieces. With a sharp knife, cut out the flesh, leaving 1/2 cm at the peel.

2. Spread potato skins on a greased baking sheet, pour melted butter on top. Посыпьте greeneryю и запекайте в духовке при температуре 230 °C (450 °F) в течение 15–20 минут, пока картофель не станет хрустящим.

3. Serve warm or hot, with sour cream and chives. Salad can be served with potato skins.

stewed potatoes
4 servings

1 kg (2 lb 4 oz) potatoes

1 onion bulb

1 ст a spoonful of butter

1 bay leaf

черный pepper, молотый

dry broth concentrate in powder or granules

1. Peel and cut potatoes into cubes.

2. Peel and chop the onion.

3. В небольшой сковороде с крышкой разогрейте butter, положите картофеж и лук и тушите на honeyленном огне. Add bay leaf and season the stew with pepper and bouillon concentrate.

all sorts of things
4 servings

mashed potatoes

variety of vegetables

1. Mashed potatoes (приготовленное из 1 кг картофеля) смешайте с вареными, сырыми или приготовленными на пару овощами (морковью, colorной капустой, шпинатом и т. д.).

2. Serve with chilled salad.

4 servings

4 large potatoes

1 st. a spoonful of butter


черный pepper

1. Peel and grate the potatoes on a coarse grater (or chop in a food processor). Place the grated potatoes on a clean kitchen towel and squeeze well.

2. В сковороде подогрейте butter. Pour the potato mixture into the hot skillet and flatten lightly with a fork to form an even cake. Salt, pepper. Обжаривайте до тех пор, пока нижняя сторона не приобретет золотисто-коричневый color, затем переверните и обжарьте другую сторону.

Potato salad
4 servings

3 medium sized potatoes

1/2 shallot или репчатого лука

a few chives

1 sprig of parsley

1/4 celery root

2 carrots


1. Boil potatoes in their skins, cool, peel and cut into cubes.

2. Peel and cut the onion.

3. Wash chives and parsley, shake to glass water, finely chop. Смешайте greenery с нарезанным картофелем.

4. Peel and grate carrots and celery on a coarse grater.

5. Mix all the vegetables in a salad bowl and garnish with a few lettuce leaves.

Картофель со сливочным маслом и greeneryю
4 servings

1 kg (2 lb 4 oz) potatoes

butter, смешанное с мелко нарезанной greeneryю

1. Boil potatoes (peeled or peeled).

2. Положите в горячий картофель несколько кусочков сливочного oils с greeneryю.

3. Serve with boiled or steam vegetables.

Potato salad со сметаной
4 servings

500 g (18 oz) potatoes

1 sweet pepper

2 tbsp. spoons sour cream


1. Boil potatoes in their skins, peel and cut into cubes.

2. Wash the pepper, remove seeds, cut and mix with potatoes. Добавьте sour cream, перемешайте салат иукрасьте зеленым луком.

3. Serve with salad.

Potato and celery puree
4 servings

500 g (18 oz) potatoes

300 g (11 oz) peeled celery root


60 ml (1/8 pint; 1/4 cup) sour cream


черный pepper

1. Peel potatoes. Boil potatoes and celery.

2. Remove the pan from the heat, drain the water and put in the butter and sour cream.

3. Puree vegetables and season with pepper and nutmeg.

Пюре с greeneryю
4 servings

mashed potatoes

3 art. spoons finely chopped fresh herbs (зеленый лук, parsley, кервеж и т. д.)

1. Смешайте картофежное пюре (приготовленное из 1 кг картофеля) со свежей greeneryю. Mix well.

2. Serve with steamed vegetables.

Pasta and rice dishes
Pasta (homemade dough for pasta and noodles)
2 portions

200 g (7 oz) durum wheat flour

2 eggs

1 st. a spoonful of vegetable oil

1. Pour the flour into a bowl, make a well in the middle and beat in the eggs.

2. Add oil and knead a stiff dough. Roll the dough into a ball, cover with a lid and leave for 30 minutes.

3. Divide the dough into equal parts and roll out with a rolling pin. Cut the rolled dough into strips, plates, etc., depending on what dish you will be preparing. (The following recipes indicate the amount of product (weight) based on dry pasta. If you use fresh dough, you need to take twice the amount (multiply the weight indicated in the recipe by two).

Паста с greeneryю
4 servings

500 g (18 oz) pasta

4 tbsp. spoons оливкового oils

2 tbsp. spoons мелко нарезанного basilа или петрушки

1. Cook the pasta so that it is cooked but not soft.

2. Drizzle with warmed olive oil.

3. Посыпьте greeneryю петрушки или basilа.

Spaghetti with vegetables
4 servings

300 g (11 oz) thin spaghetti

400 g (14 oz) green green peas (sugar pods)

12 corn cobs

300 g (11 oz) mushrooms

3 young onions

2 tbsp. spoons сливочного oils


cayenne pepper

creamy red pepper sauce

1. Wash the peas and remove the tough fibrous membranes from the pods. Wash the corn.

2. Clean the mushrooms. Cut into slices (cook small mushrooms whole).

3. Репчатый лук очистите, удалив корешки и greenery. Cut the onions into thin slices.

4. In небольшой сковороде разогрейте butter и потушите горошек, лук, кукурузу и грибы на honeyленном огне. Salt, season with cayenne pepper.

5. While the vegetables are simmering, boil the spaghetti and drain them in a colander Divide the spaghetti into 4 preheated bowls Place a few tablespoons of the stewed vegetables with mushrooms on each plate. Подавайте к столу вместе со сливочным sauce из красного перца.

Cold pasta salad
1 portion

100 g (4 oz) assorted pasta

1 head of broccoli

a few leaves of white lettuce

1 пучок водяного watercressа

2 carrots

2 tbsp. spoons of mayonnaise

1. Boil the pasta (the dough should be cooked, but not soft). Cool down.

2. Брокколи вымойте и разделите на соcolorия. Steam the broccoli and let it cool.

3. Wash lettuce, dry and cut into strips.

4. Inымойте watercress, встряхните, чтобы стекла water. В салатнице смешайте макаронные изделия, watercress, нарезанный латук и брокколи.

5. Add coarsely grated carrots to the salad.

6. Dress the salad with mayonnaise and mix well.

Pasta with vegetables
4 servings

1 small courgette zucchini

3 young carrots

300 g (11 oz) fresh peas

3 young onions

400 g (14 oz) pasta

1/2 bulbs of onion

1 st. a spoonful of butter

250 ml (1/2 pint; 1 cup) sour cream



черный pepper, молотый

fresh thyme (thyme)

1. Cut the zucchini and carrots into equal parts.

2. Wash the peas and remove the hard films from the pods.

3. Peel young bulbs from roots. Cut the greens in half, and the onions into 4 parts.

4. Steam vegetables.

5. While the vegetables are cooking, prepare the pasta (boil pasta so that they do not become soft). Throw it in a colander.

6. Chop remaining 1/2 onion and simmer in butter over low heat.

7. Залейте тушеный лук сметаной, добавьте saffron. Salt and pepper to taste.

8. Приготовленные на пару овощи залейте сметанным sauce.

9. Разложите овощи и макаронные изделия Б две отдельные емкости, украсьте greeneryю basilа и подавайте к столу.

Трехcolorная паста с sauce из лука-порея
4 servings

3 leeks

200 g (7 oz) mushrooms

500-600 г (18–21 унция) трехcolorных макаронных изделий

1 st. a spoonful of butter

curry powder

черный pepper

dry broth concentrate in powder or granules

250 ml (1/2 pint; 1 cup) sour cream

1. Очистите лук-порей (удалите корешки и greenery, которую можно будет использовать для супа). Cut the onion in half, wash well and cut into rings.

2. Peel the mushrooms, cut off the bottom of the legs. Cut the mushrooms into slices.

3. Cook pasta in such a way that they boil, but do not become soft.

4. Пока паста варится, в небольшой сковороде разогрейте butter и потушите лук-порей и грибы. Season with black pepper, curry and bouillon concentrate.

5. Mix the stewed onions and mushrooms with sour cream, mix well and pour pasta with this mixture.

6. Serve at the table with lettuce leaves.

Cold rice salad
4 servings

150 g (5 oz) rice

1/2 red sweet pepper

1 head of young onion

3 art. spoons свежеприготовленного зеленого горошка (вареного)

3 art. spoons вареной сладкой кукурузы (миниатюрные початки)

3 art. spoons of mayonnaise

1. Cook rice.

2. Сладкий pepper вымойте, очистите от семян и мелко нарежьте.

3. Peel the onion, chop finely. In a salad bowl, mix rice with onion and sweet pepper.

4. Add peas and sweet corn to rice salad. Dress the salad with mayonnaise and mix well.

5. Serve with green lettuce.

mixed rice
4 servings

150 g (5 oz) rice

50 g (2 oz) brown rice

1 shallot

1 st. ложа сливочного oils


черный pepper

мелко порезанный chives

1. Cook rice (each type - separately).

2. Peel shallots, finely cut and fry in butter.

3. Mix rice with fried onions, season with black pepper and paprika.

4. Garnish the finished dish with green onions and serve as a side dish.

Tagliatelli with mushrooms
4 servings

2 kg (2 lb 4 oz) oyster mushrooms

1 shallot

1 st. a spoonful of butter

1 st. a spoonful of olive oil

2 зубчика garlicа,


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