Message: #352820
Ольга Княгиня » 07 Jun 2018, 23:52

Separate meals. A new approach to diet and healthy eating. Jean Dries, Inga Dries

из кориандра
4 servings

100 g (4 oz) carrots

100 g (4 oz) kohlrabi

100 g (4 oz) zucchini squash

1 young onion

1 st. a spoonful of butter

2 чайные spoons молотого кориандра

250 ml {1/2 pint; 1 чашка) sour cream

1. Wash the carrots, kohlrabi and zucchini zucchini and cut them into thin strips using a special grater (remove the seeds from the zucchini).

2. Blanch vegetable sticks for 2-3 minutes or steam them.

3. Finely chop the onion and fry in butter.

4. Mix fried onions with sour cream, add coriander (or any other seasoning). Полейте овощную соломку sauce и подавайте к столу.

Брокколи со сметанным sauce и луком-пореем
4 servings

500 g (18 oz) broccoli

1 leek

1 st. a spoonful of butter

125 ml (1/4 pint; 1/2 cup) сметанного соуса

curry powder

черный pepper

1. Вымойте брокколи и сварите на пару до readiness.

2. Peel the leeks from greens, cut into rings.

3. In a small skillet, heat the butter and fry the leek.

4. Prepare sour cream sauce. Смешайте лук-порей с sauce и приправьте карри и черным перцем.

5. Подавайте брокколи к столу вместе с sauce из sour cream и лука-порея. You can serve potatoes or pasta with this dish.

Brussels sprouts with carrots and sour cream
4 servings

800 g (1 lb 14 oz) Brussels sprouts

6 young carrots

125 ml (1/4 pint; 1/2 cup) sour cream

4 измельченных свежих листика basilа

черный pepper


1. Peel the Brussels sprouts. Cut.

2. Wash and scrape the carrots, cut into pieces. Сварите брюссельскую капусту и морковь на пару до readiness.

3. В подогретую сметану добавьте мелко нарезанный basil.

4. Полейте овощи сметанным sauce, приправьте черным перцем и паприкой. Serve with potatoes or pasta.

Steamed Carrots with Zucchini and Sage
4 servings

1 bunch of young carrots

1 courgette zucchini

a few sage leaves

1 small onion

1 st. a spoonful of butter

125 ml (1/4 pint; 1/2 cup) sour cream

1. Peel and wash carrots. Cut.

2. Cut the zucchini into slices or cubes. Steam the vegetables.

3. Dry the sage and chop finely.

4. Peel and finely chop the onion. Sauté the onion in a small saucepan in the butter (over low heat). Add sage and sour cream.

Полейте горячие овощи сметанным sauce и подавайте к столу. Potatoes can be served with this dish.

Brussels sprouts and cherry tomatoes in oil with herbs
2 portions

300 g (11 oz) Brussels sprouts

200 g (7 oz) small cherry tomatoes

1—2 ст spoons сливочного oils, смешанного с мелко нарезанной свежей greeneryю

1. Очистите и вымойте капусту и сварите до readiness.

2. Wash and dry the tomatoes.

3. In a small saucepan or skillet, heat the "green" butter and simmer the tomatoes and Brussels sprouts over low heat.

4. Serve with lettuce.

Stuffed Savoy Cabbage with Rice and Spices (Savoy cabbage rolls)
4 servings

100 g (4 oz) rice

1 small onion bulb

1/2 red sweet pepper

1 st. a spoonful of butter

1 teaspoon curry powder

1 head of savoy cabbage

1. Boil the rice and let it cool down.

2. Peel and finely chop the onion.

3. Вымойте pepper, очистите от семян и мелко нарежьте.

4. In небольшой кастрюльке разогрейте растительное масло, положите лук и сладкий pepper и припустите на honeyленном огне. Add curry rice. Fry rice with vegetables.

5. Remove the outer leaves from the cabbage, wash them and boil them in water (cook no more than 6 minutes). Take the leaves out of the water.

6. In the middle of each cabbage leaf, place a tablespoon of rice filling and roll up to make cabbage rolls.

7. Serve with the remaining rice.

Vegetable stew
4 servings

1 onion bulb

1 garlic clove

1 red sweet pepper

1/2 Chinese cabbage

200 g (7 oz) mushrooms

200 g (7 oz) broccoli

2 tbsp. spoons растительного oils

2 tbsp. spoons соевого соуса

1 teaspoon ginger

1/2 чайной spoons паприки

черный pepper

1. Peel the onion, cut in half, then cut each half into thin slices.

2. Peel the garlic and cut into 4 parts.

3. Вымойте сладкий pepper, очистите от семян и нарежьте полосками Китайскую капусту вымойте, встряхните, чтобы стекла water, и также нарежьте полосками.

4. Clean the mushrooms and cut each mushroom in half.

5. Брокколи вымойте, разделите на соcolorия. Cut the stems into small pieces.

6. In a deep frying pan, heat the vegetable oil, put onions and fry for 1 minute, stirring constantly. Добавьте garlic и сладкий pepper. And, stirring, fry for 2 minutes. Then add broccoli and sauté everything together for 1 minute. Saute Chinese cabbage and mushrooms for 1 minute. Vegetable stew приправьте соевым sauce, имбирем, черным перцем и паприкой.

7. Serve with boiled rice.

Mushrooms stuffed with leeks
2 portions

12 large forest mushrooms

1 leek

3 chives with shoots

1 st. a spoonful of butter

60 ml (1/8 pint; 1/4 cup) unsweetened whipped cream

cayenne pepper


1. Thoroughly clean the mushrooms Separate the legs from the caps Finely chop the legs and set the caps aside (they will come in handy later).

2. Peel and wash the leek, remove the greens.

3. Вымойте chives, встряхните, чтобы стекла water, мелко нарежьте.

4. In небольшой кастрюльке разогрейте butter, положите лук и нарезанные грибы и обжарьте. Добавьте chives и взбитые cream.

5. Season with cayenne and paprika and mix well.

6. Fill the mushroom caps with the resulting filling and bake them in the oven until brown shade.

7. Serve the finished dish to the table along with pasta.

Eggplant with tomatoes baked in the oven
4 servings

3 eggplant

8 large fleshy tomatoes

1—2 tbsp. spoons оливкового oils



«southern lettuce»

1. Wash the eggplant, cut into slices, salt and leave for 1 hour.

2. Wash the tomatoes and cut into circles.

3. Simmer eggplant in olive oil.

4. Place eggplant slices on a fireproof dish or baking sheet, alternating them with tomatoes.

5. Посыпьте сверху oregano и basilом. Bake the dish in an oven heated to 200 ° C for 40 minutes.

6. Serve at the table with the South salad.

Cucumber with sour cream
4 servings

1 shallotа

1 cucumber

1 st. a spoonful of butter

2 чайные spoons сухого бульонного концентрата в гранулах или порошке

125 ml (1/4 pint; 1/2 cup) sour cream

cayenne pepper

2 tbsp. spoons измельченной свежей зелени укропа

1. Peel and finely chop shallots.

2. Очистите cucumber и нарежьте кубиками.

3. В небольшой кастрюле или сковороде потушите лук шалот и cucumber в сливочном масле.

4. Mix sour cream with bouillon concentrate and add to stewed vegetables. Remove saucepan from heat and season vegetables with cayenne and dill.

5. Serve with pasta.

Kohlrabi O'gratin
4 servings

4 heads of kohlrabi

1 small onion bulb

200 g (7 oz) mushrooms

1 st. ложа сливочного oils

1 crushed зубчик garlicа

черный pepper

1 teaspoon bouillon concentrate granules or powder

100 g (4 oz) low-fat grated cheese

125 ml (1/4 pint; 1/2 cup) sour cream

1. Peel and cut the kohlrabi into cubes.

2. Peel and chop the onion.

3. Clean the mushrooms and cut into thin slices.

4. In небольшой кастрюле или сковороде разогрейте butter и потушите лук, кольраби и грибы.

5. Добавьте garlic, приправьте блюдо перцем и бульонным концентратом.

6. Add grated cheese and sour cream and mix everything.

7. Serve hot, with several types of salad.

Stuffed eggplant
4 servings

4 small eggplants

1 shallot

1/2 red sweet pepper

2 tomatoes

1 st. a spoonful of olive oil

1 garlic clove, измельченный

2 листика basilа, мелко нарезанных

3 pieces of mozzarella cheese

1. Wash the eggplant, cut in half and cut out the pulp. Cut the pulp into pieces.

2. Peel and finely chop shallots.

3. Сладкий pepper вымойте, очистите от семян и мелко нарежьте.

4. Remove the skin from the tomatoes and cut the flesh into pieces.

5. В небольшой сковороде разогрейте оливковое масло, положите туда баклажаны, шалот, pepper и tomatoы и потушите. Добавьте garlic.

6. Remove the pan from the heat. Приправьте овощи basilом.

7. Fill eggplant halves with vegetable stew and place them on a greased baking sheet. Cut the mozzarella cheese into thin slices (you can use an egg cutter). Lay the cheese slices on top of the stuffed eggplants.

Bake in an oven heated to 180°C for 40 minutes.

Vegetables в сырном соусе
4 servings

1 небольшой кочан colorной капусты

300 g (11 oz) broccoli

4 carrots

cheese sauce

мелко chopped parsley

1. Цветную капусту и брокколи вымойте и разделите на соcolorия.

2. Peel the carrots, cut into pieces. Steam all vegetables.

3. Приготовьте cheese sauce. Готовые овощи залейте sauce.

4. Sprinkle vegetables with parsley.

5. Serve the finished dish with a green salad.

Steamed vegetables on a platter
2 portions

2 fennel roots

1/2 red sweet pepper

1/2 yellow sweet pepper

1 head of onion

3 carrots

1 bay leaf

1 st. a bed of dry bouillon concentrate in granules or powder

2—3 art. spoons сливочного oils, смешанного с мелко порезанной свежей greeneryю

1. Cut the fennel roots into 4 pieces and wash.

2. Wash the pepper, remove the seeds and cut into large slices.

3. Peel the onions and carrots and also chop coarsely.

4. Place the vegetables in a steamer or colander. Add bay leaf to the water. Варите овощи на пару до readiness.

5. Выложите овощи на блюдо, поверх положите кусочки сливочного oils с greeneryю.

6. Serve with boiled potatoes.

2-3 portions

2 bunches asparagus (green and/or white)

2 sprigs of parsley

1 st. a spoonful of butter

125 ml (1/4 pint; 1/2 cup) взбитых cream без сахара

cayenne pepper

1. Clean and steam the asparagus.

2. Wash the parsley, shake vigorously to remove water, and finely chop.

3. Melt butter, stir in whipped cream and season with cayenne pepper.

4. Полейте спаржу sauce, украсьте greeneryю петрушки и подавайте к столу вместе с воздушным картофелем или молодым отварным картофелем.

Vegetable stew
4 servings

1 shallot

1/2 red sweet pepper

200 g (7 oz) broccoli

100 g (4 oz) mushrooms

2 tbsp. spoons сливочного oils

черный pepper, молотый


ground curry

1. Peel and chop the shallots.

2. Сладкий pepper вымойте, очистите от семян и мелко нарежьте.

3. Wash broccoli, dry and cut into pieces.

4. Clean the mushrooms and cut them into slices.

5. Heat the butter in a frying pan and simmer the vegetables over low heat. Season the vegetables with black pepper, curry and paprika.

6. Serve with rice or mashed potatoes.

Chicory endive in puff pastry
4 servings

1 large head of endive chicory


125 ml (1/4 pint; 1/2 cup) сметанного соуса

1 garlic clove, измельченный

dry bouillon concentrate in granules or powder

4 raw dough puffs


1. Цикорий-эндивий вымойте и разварите в небольшом количестве воды с добавлением сливочного oils (цикорий должен превратиться в однородную массу).

2. Remove the pan from the heat and add the sour cream sauce.

3. Приправьте цикорий-эндивий garlicом, мускатным орехом, добавьте бульонный концентрат и хорошо перемешайте.

Fill the raw dough puffs with the resulting filling (you can just make puff pastry pies) and bake


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