Message: #352713
Ольга Княгиня » 07 Jun 2018, 22:40

Omni diet. Tana Amen

today you start making the right choice in favor of your health, then soon you will see that you have much more energy, it is easier for you to concentrate, your memory and mood have improved, and your waist has become much slimmer and sexier. You can also significantly reduce the risk of developing various chronic diseases, such as heart and vascular disease, hypertension, type II diabetes, obesity and cancer. A healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition can even help to get rid of some very dangerous diseases, and in some cases, reduce or even eliminate the need for drugs. A number of modern studies have shown that a healthy diet like this dietary system is associated with a reduced risk of Alzheimer's disease and depression.

While eating your way to good health, you can also enjoy it. When I started following this diet, my attitude to food changed dramatically: I realized that food can be both healthy and surprisingly tasty. This diet was the start of my amazing relationship with food. Instead of being a slave to food that harmed me, I began to consciously enjoy the greatest variety of amazing foods that have improved my health and made me feel proud of myself. Before that, I was like a yo-yo [4]: ​​I was attracted to junk food, I overate, I hated myself for it, I again reached for junk food to ease my mental anguish ... It was too dramatic. When I started eating as described in this book, I realized that it was the best thing that happened to me, and in a positive way reflected in many different aspects of my life. I no longer want to eat junk food, because it makes me tired and starts to think badly. Instead, I want healthy food, from which the brain works better. In addition, contrary to popular belief, foods that are beneficial and have a beneficial effect on brain function are not more expensive than those that most modern people are used to eating. In fact, by eating natural healthy food, you can save a lot of money, because you will spend less money on doctors and pills, you will have much more energy and enthusiasm, you will look much better, and your waist will be noticeably slimmer. Feeling great is priceless.

This diet program is used in Amen clinics to help patients recover and maintain their health in the future. The principles that guide Tana in this model of balanced nutrition are beneficial for both our brain and body, because the diet is based on scientific evidence, and it is easy to follow it. This system will help you gradually get used to the new way of eating. With hundreds of helpful tips and suggestions that Tana has accumulated over the course of her career, it will be easier for you to start this nutrition program and achieve unprecedented success with it. Based on my own experience, I can assure you that Tana is the perfect teacher, mentor and coach, exactly the person you need to help you start eating and living in a completely new way.

Trust your doctor, neurologist, and brain health specialist: with Tana, you can feel healthier than ever in your life. Tune in, be attentive and full of enthusiasm - this diet can easily not only prolong, but also save your life. This food system will definitely change your existence. for the better.

Daniel J. Amen,

MD, neuroscientist, neuropsychiatrist,

author of 20 books, including a bestseller

"Change your brain - change your life!"

Diet Program Path
The doctor of the future will not prescribe drugs. Instead, he will awaken the patient's interest in his body, as well as in the cause and possibility of preventing the disease.

Thomas Edison[5]

I love to eat and I am convinced that food plays an important role in a person's life. Having felt on my own experience the various consequences of eating a particular food (bad and good) and observing the results of this process in my professional practice, I came to the following conclusion - what we eat can radically change our lives.

I grew up in a poor family where only my father earned money by working long hours at work, so I lived mostly on cereal, cookies, chocolate milk, fried meats, frozen pies and ice cream for dessert. My family members suffered from obesity, heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and dementia (acquired dementia). We were literally the epitome of ill health.

Due to an undiagnosed autoimmune disorder that gradually destroyed my body from the inside, I was constantly sick with something as a child. By the age of four, I had already undergone a complete examination of the gastrointestinal tract due to serious digestive problems. A few years later, I was hospitalized with mononucleosis[6] and had my tonsils removed. Due to constant infections, I had to sit on antibiotics. As a child, I had already gone through a lot.

As a teenager, in the hope of overcoming bad heredity and my health problems, I began to play sports intensively. Like many people, I naively believed that constant physical activity would allow me to eat whatever I wanted, and I continued to eat processed foods, sugar and caffeine. Yes, on the outside I looked slim and fit, but inside my body, everything was not as it should be.

At the age of 23, I was diagnosed with a terrible diagnosis - thyroid cancer with metastases in the lymph nodes.

For eleven years, while my peers fell in love and were disappointed in love, preparing for exams and engaged in career growth, I endured operations and radiotherapy. disease and its treatment brought serious health problems, including annoying depression. Very often I was overcome by a feeling of complete loneliness and hopelessness. In my thirtys, I was so tired of thyroid problems and other illnesses that I was willing to do anything to feel good, including a complete change in my diet.

Why did I decide to change my diet? The fact is that, while working as a nurse in the intensive care unit of neurosurgery with the most difficult patients, I too often witnessed the consequences of malnutrition and unhealthy lifestyles - obesity, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, stroke, death. In addition, my own health problems forced me to seek medical attention at the same hospital where I worked. As a result of this experience (work and treatment), I came to the conclusion that a person’s lifestyle at some point will definitely make itself felt - it’s simply inevitable. For some, this happens at a fairly young age, even before thirty, as happened to me, for others - later. I have been fortunate to witness the incredible transformation that has happened to people as a result of changing their diet - people were given a second chance, taking advantage of which they were able to recover from diabetes and heart disease, refuse constant use of drugs and restore their health and vitality.

Then I, too, decided to follow the USDA's recommendations and began following their nutritional program, which we all believed at the time was the ideal diet: six to eleven servings a day of cereals, rice, and pasta; five to nine servings of fruits and vegetables; two to three servings of meat; and two to three servings of milk. As for fats, vegetable oil and sweets, I used them in limited quantities.

But I didn’t even have time to blink an eye, as I again ended up in the hospital, where my gallbladder was removed. Blood tests showed that I had developed insulin resistance[7], and my triglycerides[8], cholesterol and testosterone[9] were elevated.

My doctor took out a block of prescription forms and began scribbling, one after the other, the countless names of the drugs that I needed to take, most likely until the end of his days. Some of them were intended to prevent diseases such as osteoporosis[10] and cardiovascular diseases, the risk of which I was found to be overestimated due to the drugs for treating the thyroid gland, which I constantly had to use. Others were needed to combat the side effects of those pills that I needed to take regularly. I felt tired and agitated, suffering from a rapidly beating heart, insomnia, irritability and decreased libido. The doctor explained that without medicines I am now nowhere because of bad heredity. There are people who are born with bad health, and unfortunately I was one of them.

Desperate for my “failures,” I was ready to trust the doctor, give up, give in, accept lifelong medication, and accept poor health. I felt like one big failure, a genetic marriage. But I was a medical professional, and I had access to the best medical care and the most up-to-date scientific research. So why do I continue to struggle with my health problems?

After all, giving up without a fight is not about me.

There is no point in stuffing your body with an endless amount of drugs with their unpleasant side effects, if there is even the slightest chance to free yourself from this unenviable fate.

Something in my soul told me that taking medication is far from the only way out, I felt it in my gut.

But when I began to insist and talk about the possible existence of other methods of treatment besides pharmacological ones, I was told that I was in the "denial" stage.

It was then that I realized that from now on I will have to fight for my health myself. And although I have great respect for doctors who have dedicated their lives to treating patients (damn it, I'm married to one of them), but at some point I realized that not a single doctor

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