Message: #352702
Ольга Княгиня » 07 Jun 2018, 22:23

Kefir and sour-milk diets. Slimming, rejuvenation, healthy eating. Linisa Zhuvanovna Zhalpanova

Kefir and dairy diets. Slimming, rejuvenation, healthy eating. Liniza Zhuvanovna Zhalpanova

Milk is the only food for a child in the first months of his life. Milk is also very important in the nutrition of an adult.

Milk is an easily digestible product prepared by nature itself and suitable for consumption by people of any age. The substances that make up milk are well balanced, which makes it possible to use dairy products as the basis of dietary nutrition.

Milk is very helpful. It regulates cholesterol metabolism in the body, preventing the development of atherosclerosis. The healing properties of fermented milk products have long been known, for example, they have a beneficial effect on the composition of the intestinal microflora, preventing putrefactive processes. Sour-milk products not only treat, but also increase vitality, relieve fatigue. They are much better absorbed by the body, richer in vitamins, stronger in antibacterial action. Dairy products contribute to longevity.

That is why sour-milk and kefir diets have recently become very popular, which not only help to gain normal weight, but also have a rejuvenating effect, which has always been in demand. This book provides recipes for preparing various fermented milk products at home, as well as healthy fermented milk diets.

Milk and dairy products
Milk is a secretion product of the mammary glands of mammals. It is a white liquid with a yellowish tint, slightly sweet in taste.

In Russia, people mainly consume cow's milk, which is processed at state-owned dairies. This gives some guarantee of the good quality of the product.

In the national cuisine of some peoples, milk of other animals is also used - sheep, camels, mares, goats, etc. So, cheese is prepared from sheep's milk, shubat from camel's, and koumiss from mares' milk.

The composition of milk is very complex, and it differs in different animals and different breeds. In addition, the composition depends on the stage of lactation of the animal, the time of year when milking was carried out, etc.

The composition of milk includes complex proteins containing all the essential amino acids. From a medical point of view, these proteins are complete, because. contain almost all vitamins and enzymes in varying amounts.

The mammary gland (udder) consists of cells penetrated by nerves, blood and lymphatic vessels, which deliver the substances necessary for the synthesis of milk. In the cells of the gland, alveoli are formed - bubbles with droplets of milk, which moves through special tubules into a cavity called a cistern, where it accumulates. Cows have 4 such milk tanks.

The number of fat droplets in the milk emulsion reaches 2 billion pcs/ml. Therefore, milk has a high fat content.

Milk also contains carbohydrates, mainly monosaccharides. The main milk carbohydrate is lactose. Its splitting in the intestines is slow, due to which the fermentation of the dairy product is restrained.

The fats that make up milk are in a state of emulsion, i.e., in the form of droplets suspended in the thickness of the liquid. They are a complex mixture of triglycerides, also containing lecithin and fat-soluble vitamins.

Fat droplets in milk are very small - 0.5-10 microns. In addition, they have a low melting point, which makes milk fat easily digestible. The human body spends minimal effort to digest and assimilate milk and dairy products. The calorie content of milk is not very high - 60 kcal per 100 ml of the product.

Milk processing in dairies
In order to increase the shelf life, fresh milk is filtered and cooled, after which it is sent to dairies, where it is cleaned, normalized, pasteurized, homogenized, cooled and packaged. Thanks to the processing of milk, its beneficial qualities are preserved and the rapid development of microorganisms that have entered the milk is prevented.

Milk is cleaned in special centrifugal milk cleaners or filtered under pressure. This removes impurities.

To remove bacterial cells from milk, special centrifuges are used, and the purification process itself is called bactefunation.

Normalization of milk is a decrease or increase in the content of fat in it in order to bring this indicator to normal. The fat content of milk should not exceed 3.2%. High-fat milk is passed through a separator-normalizer or mixed with whole milk. Pasteurization of milk is carried out in order to increase the duration of its storage. To do this, after normalization, milk is subjected to heat treatment at a temperature of 75–85 ° C with a holding time of 15–20 s. Pasteurization is instant, short-term and long-term. For each type of processing, different equipment is used.

Instant pasteurization occurs within a few seconds without exposure. The temperature at the same time reaches 85–90 °C. With short-term pasteurization, milk is heated to 74–76 ° C and held for 15–20 s. Long-term pasteurization is carried out at a temperature of 65 ° C with a holding time of 30 minutes. Most often, dairies use the method of short-term pasteurization.

Another type of mandatory processing of milk prior to its entry into the market is homogenization. This is especially necessary for the further production of fermented milk products from milk. Homogenization is the mechanical crushing of fat droplets into smaller particles. This is done to obtain a milk emulsion that will not separate during storage.

After homogenization, the milk is quickly cooled to a temperature of 4–6 °C and sent for bottling.

Fermented milk products are obtained from pasteurized milk in two ways - thermostatic and reservoir.

In the thermostatic method, homogenized milk is poured into containers and fermented in thermostats, after which it is cooled to a temperature of 8 °C.

With the reservoir method, a ready-made product is poured into containers, previously aged for fermentation and maturation in special large containers.

Dairy plants sometimes use an activation method based on the use of ultraviolet and infrared radiation to sterilize milk.

Types of milk
Mostly pasteurized milk is used for food. It is of several types:

- whole (normalized milk with a certain fat content - 3.2% or 2.5%);

- reconstituted (milk, fully or partially prepared from canned milk, which is then cleaned again, homogenized, pasteurized, cooled and bottled);

Reconstituted milk is obtained by dissolving whole milk powder in warm water and holding for 3-4 hours. During this time, the proteins swell, the watery taste disappears, the milk acquires normal density and viscosity.

- high fat milk (normalized milk with a fat content of 6%, which is subjected to homogenization);

- baked (fat content of at least 6%, subjected to homogenization and pasteurization at a temperature of at least 95 ° C with exposure for 3-4 hours);

- protein (milk, to which powdered or condensed milk was added during normalization, is characterized by a high content of dry fat-free elements);

- fortified milk (made from whole or low-fat milk and fortified with vitamins A, C and D);

- low-fat (milk containing no more than 0.05% fat and obtained from pasteurized milk by separation).

According to some nutritionists, sterilized milk can be harmful because milk proteins and calcium are denatured during sterilization and cause further health problems.

Characteristics of milk of various animals
In addition to cow's milk, a person consumes the milk of other animals.

Sheep milk

This milk is richer than cow's milk. It is rich in proteins and is characterized by increased acidity and density. It has a grayish tint due to the lack of carotene. At the same time, the content of vitamin A in sheep's milk is higher than in cow's.

Sheep milk contains 6% protein, 80% of which is casein and 20% whey proteins. Sheep milk обладает высокой биологической ценностью. It is used as food by the peoples of the Crimea, Transcaucasia, the North Caucasus, Central Asia and other regions. So, in Greece, sheep's milk makes up half of all milk produced in the country.

Sheep milk вместе с козьим используют для cooking сыра, самыми известными сортами которого являются брынза, рокфор, кашкавал, пекарино, кобийский сыр и пр. IN Средней Азии из овечьего молока изготавливают масло.

The production of 1 kg of cheese requires 50% less sheep's milk than cow's.

Lactation in sheep lasts 5-7 months. They begin to milk them from the end of the 3rd month after lambing. Milk yield from a sheep averages 50–250 liters of milk per lactation period, in some animals this figure reaches 1300 liters of milk. At the same time, the fat content of sheep's milk is 7.3%.

Goat milk

It is rich in albumin, calcium, phosphorus and vitamin C, and is otherwise similar in composition to cow's. Goat milk светлее коровьего из-за низкого содержания в нем красящих substances. Milk coagulates in the stomach in small flakes, making this product easily absorbed by the body.

Goat milk употребляют как цельное, так и переработанное в виде сыра и кисломолочных продуктов. It is considered an excellent preventive and therapeutic agent for gastrointestinal diseases. Goat milk часто используют в диетическом питании при язве желудка, а также в детском питании.

Goats are bred in Switzerland, Russia, France, New Zealand and other countries. They play an important role in animal husbandry. There are especially many goats in mountainous areas, where cows are difficult to keep. Goats are widely used as dairy animals in India, Africa and Central Asia.

It is believed that the goat was one of the first animals tamed by man. The ancient Greeks believed that goat milk makes a person strong and courageous.

In a year, a goat produces milk 15–20 times its weight. From cow's milk per year they get 3 times more protein than from its meat, and from a goat - 8-10 times more. On average, a goat's milk yield for 5–8 months of lactation is 700–800 liters. Some animals can give up to 1700 liters of milk. At the same time, the fat content of goat's milk is at least 4-5%.

Mare's milk

According to historians, the horse was originally domesticated for meat and milk.

Later it was used as a working animal.


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