Message: #352702
Ольга Княгиня » 07 Jun 2018, 22:23

Kefir and sour-milk diets. Slimming, rejuvenation, healthy eating. Linisa Zhuvanovna Zhalpanova

In Central Asia, Kazakhstan, Bashkiria, Buryatia, Khakassia and Yakutia, the horse is still used as a meat and dairy animal.

Mare's milk имеет голубоватый оттенок и сладковато-терпкий вкус, а также обладает бактерицидными свойствами. It is used to make koumiss, which is used in the treatment of tuberculosis, peptic ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract and anemia.

The lactation period for a horse is 6-12 months. Milk yield during this time varies from 1100 to 2600 liters, in some animals it reaches 3000 liters.

Mare's milk has less fat, protein and minerals than cow's milk. But the content of vitamin C in it is 5-7 times more.

Mare's milk можно использовать в цельном виде при вскармливании грудных детей, поскольку по своему составу оно очень близко к женскому молоку.

camel milk

This milk is the main food product of the population of the desert and semi-desert regions of Central Asia, Kazakhstan, Armenia and Georgia. camel milk имеет сладковатый специфический привкус и более густую, чем у коровьего молока, консистенцию.

Camels are humpless, single-humped and double-humped. The lactation period for camels lasts 15–19 months. One-humped camels during this period give 1500-2000 liters of milk, and two-humped camels - 800-1200 liters. The milk of two-humped camels contains more dry matter and fat than those of one-humped camels.

camel milk употребляют как в свежем виде, так и в виде кисломолочных продуктов — таких, как творог, айран, катык, чал, шубат и др. Из верблюжьего молока также делают масло и сыр. All these products are of high quality and medicinal properties. According to doctors from the Israeli city of Beer Sheva, camel milk is useful for severe food allergies and for restoring the immune system in children.

“Everyone and always considers milk to be the easiest food and is given for weak and diseased stomachs and for a host of other diseases, such as heart, kidney, etc.” (I.P. Pavlov).

buffalo milk

Buffaloes are bred in Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Dagestan, Central Asia. In addition, these animals are widely used in Turkey, Italy, India, Bulgaria, Romania, etc. These animals are very resistant to hot climates.

buffalo milk обладает приятным вкусом и запахом, по консистенции оно более густое, чем коровье. Отличается повышенным содержанием сухого вещества, жира, белка и минеральных substances.

The lactation period in buffaloes lasts 7-10 months. During this time, milk yields reach 760-1750 liters, in some buffaloes - 4000 liters. The fat content of milk is 7–9%.

buffalo milk употребляют в свежем виде. In addition, cheese, butter and dairy products are made from it.

donkey milk

According to the chemical composition and physical properties, this milk is close to mare's.

It contains many immunoglobulins, so it is considered a therapeutic food for children, including infants. Koumiss is prepared from donkey milk.

There is also vegetable milk, which is the sap of a tropical tree called galactodendron. In the people, this plant is called a dairy, or cow, tree. Its juice really resembles cow's milk, not only in appearance, but also in nutritional properties and taste.

reindeer milk

This milk has a very thick consistency, reminiscent of cream. It is usually diluted before use.

All dairy products can be divided into several groups.

Cream is the fat portion of milk. They are obtained by separation. Cream содержат больше жира, чем молоко, благодаря чему обладают высокой питательностью.

Cream употребляют непосредственно в пищу, предварительно подвергнув их пастеризации. To do this, fresh milk is cleaned of mechanical impurities, heated to 35–40 ° C and passed through a cream separator. The resulting cream is normalized and pasteurized.

Pasteurization of cream is carried out at a high temperature, which gives it a pronounced aroma and a greater guarantee of purity from bacteria. The high fat content reduces the heating effect, so a higher temperature is required for cooking.

Pasteurized cream is poured into containers and cooled. They should have a sweetish taste, a creamy tint, a uniform texture without lumps of fat or protein flakes. The fat content in cream differs depending on its type and ranges from 10% to 35%.

Dairy plants produce whipped cream with a fat content of 27–28%, as well as drinks based on it.

Milk canned food
For longer storage, milk is canned. Depending on the method of production, canned milk is divided into condensed and dry.

Condensed canned milk
Condensed milk

It comes in two varieties - with and without sugar. For the preparation of condensed milk, fresh whole or skimmed milk is used. A certain amount of water is evaporated from it, and then canned with sugar or simply sterilized.

The main process of preserving dairy products consists in pasteurization of milk, which is then sent to a vacuum apparatus, where in the middle of the process the temperature is maintained at no higher than 55–58 °C, and at the end it rises to 60–63 °C. After that, the condensed milk is cooled, poured into jars and hermetically sealed. Thanks to the addition of sugar to some condensed milk products, they are highly nutritious and have good taste.

Low-fat sweetened condensed milk is made from skimmed milk. Whole sweetened condensed milk is made from pasteurized whole milk.

The word "liter" is of French origin. It is a unit of measure for volume and capacity in the metric system.

Dairies also produce canned milk - coffee and cocoa with condensed milk, condensed cream with sugar, etc.

Cocoa with condensed milk and sugar is prepared with the addition of cocoa powder. Coffee with condensed milk is prepared with the addition of natural coffee. Сгущенные сливки с сахаром получают из свежих пастеризованных натуральных сливок и milk.

Dry milk canned food
Их получают путем почти полного удаления влаги из milk. The moisture content in dry milk products does not exceed 7%. Because of this, they are well preserved for a long time.

Dry milk canned food готовят с помощью тепловой сушки 2 способами: пленочным и распылительным. Canned goods include:

rancidity (caused by fat oxidation);

- lumpiness (occurs due to the absorption of moisture as a result of insufficient tightness of the container);

— unpleasant smell and taste (resulting from storage of products at high humidity and poor ventilation of warehouses).

Whole cow's milk powder

Его получают с помощью высушивания свежего цельного пастеризованного milk. This product is of the highest and first grade. In retail trade, only top-grade powdered milk is allowed to be sold. Its taste and smell should be like that of fresh pasteurized milk without foreign taste and smell.

Powdered milk of the first grade may have a slight fodder flavor and color with a slight creamy tint. The product may contain individual burnt particles.

Skimmed cow's milk powder

It is not categorized. Продукт готовят из обезжиренного milk.

Cream сухие с сахаром

They are made from fresh pasteurized cream and cow's milk by drying. The product is of the highest and first grade. Dry cream packaged in airtight packaging should contain no more than 4% moisture, and in non-hermetic packaging - no more than 7%.

So that milk does not burn when boiled, it is recommended to put a piece of refined sugar or 1 tsp in it. granulated sugar. Milk boiled with sugar lasts longer.

It is an easily digestible dairy product. Butter contains all the main components of milk - proteins, fats, lactose, vitamins (in particular, retinol and tocopherol), etc.

Butter по истечении некоторого времени теряет свой вкус, даже находясь в холодильнике. In order to restore freshness to the oil, you need to stick peeled, washed carrots into it and leave it for 3-4 hours.

Butter is made from cream by churning it in a churn. Butter широко используется непосредственно в пищу, а также для cooking различных блюд, улучшая их вкус и увеличивая питательность.

Peasant butter is similar in composition to butter made at home. The nutritional properties of peasant butter are enhanced by the remaining buttermilk, which is rich in lecithin, unsaturated fatty acids, lactose and proteins.

Butter бывает также соленое и несоленое (кислосливочное и сладкосливочное). It contains 25% moisture. Unsalted butter contains 72.5% fat, salted butter has 71% fat and 1.5% salt. In addition, it is characterized by a high content of B, PP and C vitamins, as well as mineral salts.

You can cook green oil. To do this, wash and finely chop the parsley and mix it with mashed white butter. Add 1 tbsp to the mixture. l. sour cream and citric acid to taste.

Sandwich butter can be sweet cream and sour cream. It contains 61.5% fat and 35% moisture. The oil has a more pleasant taste and smell, has a homogeneous plastic consistency, its color can vary from white to light yellow.

Butter смешивают с протертой через сито соленой или копченой селедкой и получают селедочное масло. Пикантное масло получают путем добавления к растертому сливочному маслу томатной пасты, 1 ч. l. cottage cheese or cheese and a small amount of onion, grated.

Butter не подходит для жаренья, т. к. в нем содержится 35 % молочной сыворотки, в состав которой входят вода и белок. Protein under the influence of temperature changes and becomes harmful.

Ice cream
It is made from pasteurized milk or cream by mixing with sugar, stabilizers and flavorings and flavors, after which the mixture is frozen and whipped.

Freezing and whipping of the mixture is carried out in special devices - freezers or ice cream makers. When whipping, air enters the mixture, as a result of which it volume is doubled. Freeze the mixture at a temperature of 14–15 °C below zero.

IN молочном мороженом содержится 3,5 % жира, 15,5 % сахара, 29 % других сухих substances. IN сливочном мороженом — 10 % жира, 14 % сахара, 34 % других сухих substances. IN пломбире соответственно содержится 15, 25 и 30 % substances.

Scientists have found that the human stomach and intestines are insensitive to the temperature of ice cream, because during its use the product has time to warm up.

Secondary dairy raw materials
These products are obtained during the production of drinking dairy products, butter, cottage cheese and cheeses. These foods include buttermilk, whey, and skim milk.

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