Message: #352772
Ольга Княгиня » 07 Jun 2018, 23:04

Lose weight together with Ksenia Borodina. About diets, pills, sports, style and … women’s happiness. Ksenia Borodina

мне лучше? And it’s okay if she sees advantages in such a lifestyle, explaining her husband’s behavior with great love, and is even pleased with something. But at the same time, she ceases to take care of herself, to love myself.

And then she invariably understands that she has an unhappy marriage (for example, having found out that her husband is cheating on her) and holds on to him because she is afraid to decide on a divorce, she is afraid of not coping. In the end, she is afraid to be alone for the rest of her life. But we must never forget that our life is not a rehearsal before a big performance: we build our own destiny, right now, at this moment, for real, and no one will give us a chance to replay everything in a new way.

My now ex-husband Yuri is Armenian. I изо всех сил старалась следовать национальным традициям. But I could not get rid of the feeling that he was trying in every possible way to suppress me as a person. Intentionally or not, but he instilled in me a huge number of complexes that prevented me from living. And after all, many men do this, regardless of their nationality.

Yura suppressed me, but did not inspire me. He looked for a catch in everything, did not believe in me. When I was invited to the Cruel Intentions show, he said: “It can be seen that all these laurels are given to you because you slept with someone.” No matter how strong I was, I also wanted support from my husband in important life situations. And I didn’t even have male friends - being married, I didn’t have them so as not to anger my husband.

When I decided to get a divorce, then, of course, I wondered if I could get through the divorce of loneliness.

It seemed to me that if I left Yura now, I would immediately lose my job, I would not be interesting to anyone, I would be unhappy

But after all, I was already unhappy, depressed - this was evident to my friends and acquaintances. In their opinion, I was a poor girl whom everyone only wanted to feel sorry for.

Many women are afraid to leave their husband for financial reasons - they are financially dependent. Luckily, I didn't have this problem. But I тоже боялась последствий. And then I remembered that I am a self-sufficient person. Before marriage, I did not have a rich father, I achieved everything on my own, built my career without outside help.

Having divorced, I have never regretted my decision. When Yura and I began to live separately, I felt much better. Now I have no scandals in the family, which in itself makes my life easier. I сделала этот шаG, хоть он и сложный.

Man is the navigator of his own destiny, and I am for happiness! I хочу видеть рядом с yourself человека, с которым мне было бы комфортно. I верю, что найду such.

It's not easy to bounce back after a divorce. I теперь стараюсь обрести счастье внутри себя, работаю над этим. When I got divorced, I didn’t even have time to really think about everything. At that time, I took on many obligations: interviews, photo shoots, broadcasts on Dancing with the Stars, rehearsals, projects. I по максимуму заGрузила себя работой и ребенком. It helped me get through my divorce. I think I'm lucky.

To take any vital step - from divorce to the decision to radically change yourself, lose weight and become a different person - you need the confidence that everything will work out.

Self-confidence is mostly formed in childhood. Here's how it was for me.

My parents divorced, and when my mother remarried, I was five years old. She с новым мужем, архитектором по профессии, переехала в Италию. I не виню ее, что она оставила меня в Москве. She had to be torn between her loved one and her daughter. She хотела меня забрать в Италию, но в советские времена увезти ребенка за Gраницу, пока ему не исполнилось одиннадцать лет, было нереально. It was difficult for her herself to leave - for a visa she had to stand in kilometer-long queues, go through a bunch of bureaucratic procedures. And when the USSR collapsed and I could already move in with my mother, it was hard for me to leave everything here. I училась в московской школе, была привязана к Москве и к своей бабушке, которая меня воспитала.

I didn’t have a brother or an older sister, and my grandparents were constantly working, so I had to defend my rights in front of educators and teachers, both at school and at the institute.

I remember one case. Since my mother lived in Italy, she brought me high-quality European clothes, beautiful pencil cases, pens, and so on. I was the first to have a Barbie doll and a Tamagotchi. And when uniforms were canceled at school and everyone began to dress the way they wanted or could, the contrast between my things and the clothes of other children from the “Children's World” was noticeable. The children weren't bothered. But aggressively disliked the teachers.

Once the teacher put me in front of the whole class and asked: “Children, look, she is the best dressed, isn’t this a sign of disrespect to you?” I ужасно расстроилась! After all, I didn’t show off by dressing like that. When my mother left for another country, she wanted to make up for her absence at least with gifts. I was pleased to wear the clothes she sent, to play in those toys that she bought for me in Italy. These little things were dear to me, I wanted to have them near.

The understanding that “I can” has been with me since childhood. I выскажу учительнице, добьюсь своеGо, разведусь, если несчастна, похудею. Such a sense of self must be cultivated in oneself. It is important to be strong, courageous, confident

I высказала учительнице все, что думала. Said it was mean to humiliate all children by telling them how they are dressed. And that even though she is a teacher and has a small salary, she should not be so envious. I начала Gоворить, и меня невозможно было остановить.

I Gоворила, что нужно учить добру, любить свой труд и людей, с которыми рядом находишься.

After that, I was not taken to the tenth grade, motivating the decision by the fact that I allegedly misbehaved. I вполне неплохо себя вела, ко мне хорошо относились одноклассники, я участвовала в школьных сценках, была артистична, неплохо училась. The real reason for refusing to teach me further was the rebuke I gave the teacher.

Mom sent me to a private school-lyceum named after Pushkin. There studied children whose parents had other material resources. There, I didn’t stand out so much with my clothes. And there were ten lessons, parties, discos, a theater group. I блаGополучно проучилась три Gода и поступила сразу на второй курс института.

Of course, every woman is pleased to seem weak, to trust a man, to relax. However, I myself solve my problems - financial and other. When I start a relationship with a man, I don’t really let him take care of myself - I immediately feel obligated. It seems to me that I put him in an awkward position, and that he will not cope. Many men, including my ex-husband, say that I am a "man". It offends me, of course. I хочу побороть свой страх и суметь довериться мужчине.

But I точно знаю, что нужно быть сильной, а с мужчиной делать вид, будто я слабая. It is important for weak women to first become strong, and then learn this game. If you immediately show your weakness, it will be easy for a man to crush a woman under him and make sure that she does not have any rights in the family.

Divorce, like losing weight, is not a panacea for all ills. Relationships are a complicated thing, they definitely need to be worked on, but only when there is love. And we sometimes confuse it with ordinary affection, sympathy, sexual attraction, after all. So if you are unhappy in marriage, then you need to leave. And it doesn't matter how old you are - 20 or 45.

Remember: there is only one life, and you need to live it happily, not patiently.

Otherwise, one day, when you are 70 years old. you will look back and realize with bitterness: everything could have been different. But you will not have the advantages that you have now - youth and the opportunity to change everything.

Youth, as a wise man once said, is a shortcoming that passes quickly.

Express diets
Kefir diet

A very strict diet. During the first four days, the body receives only 1000 calories, and on the fifth or seventh - a total of less. You will dramatically lose the right amount of kilograms, but be careful with your health. It is recommended to repeat such a diet no more than once every two to three months.

1 day. One and a half to two liters of kefir during the day, 400 g of potatoes boiled in tubers for lunch, or 200 g for breakfast and lunch.

Day 2 One and a half to two liters of kefir during the day, for lunch - 200 g of boiled chicken fillet.

Day 3 One and a half to two liters of kefir during the day, for lunch - 200 g of boiled beef or veal fillet.

Day 4 One and a half to two liters of kefir during the day, for lunch - 200 g of boiled low-fat fish.

Day 5 One and a half to two liters of kefir during the day, for


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