Message: #68069
Buckshee » 03 Feb 2017, 12:24

Bench Press 180kg. Stuart McRobert

And some get great results from one single bench press. Between repetitions, it is recommended to make a 2-second pause.
2. Thrust of the upper block to the chest: 4x5
3. Twisting with a dumbbell on the chest: 1x30
1. Deadlift: 4x5 (warm up), 2x5 (heavy sets) 2. Shrugs: 4x6
3. "Hammer": 4x6
four. Наклоны в стороны: 1х30 (30 в каждую сторону с тяжелой гантелью).
"It's a bit too simple," I said.
- That's it, it's simple!
To get the result, it is not necessary to come up with all sorts of complexities. The best programs tend to be simple and straightforward.
No fancy equipment, no computer calculations, exotic additives and the latest "peeps" from the experience of champions! Just basic training. But he just does the job!
- Tell me, how long did you keep Chat on the third program?
Flynn told me that Chat went through three 12-week cycles, with a week off. After the first cycle, he squeezed a maximum of 126 kg. By the end of the second - 131. And by the end of the third, he was already rushing to the coveted 135. But.
Flynn kept him: they say, you will set a personal record not in the hall, but in the competition. "But I want it right now!" - shouted the guy. "Relax, buddy," Flynn told him. "Saturday, you'll show yourself in all your glory." He signed Chat up for the straight bench press tournament. I also bought him a pair of cool hand straps and a bench shirt that fit like a glove.

- I would love to cheer for you, - Flynn said to the guy, - but one of my friends went crazy and just on Saturday was going to get married. No matter how much I dissuaded him, it was all to no avail. So I'm going to have to miss the wedding while you're hanging out at the tournament.
- And what happened next? I asked.
"Tragedy," Flynn shook his head.
- This cretin actually got married.
- No, I'm talking about Chat! What happened in the tournament?
- Exactly what I expected. The guy took first place among the beginners.
In the first attempt, I squeezed out 117 kg, in the second - 126, and in the third with ease - 135!
This is what brought him victory. But then he goes for the fourth attempt - and squeezes 142! I said, a T-shirt and belts should be worn for tournaments! By the way, he squeezed out cleanly, technically, with a pause on his chest. But once 80 kg were his limit!
And he pressed these kilograms, bending his back and raising his butt!
What is on your agenda now?
- You know, - Flynn answered, - he really liked to participate in tournaments.
And now he wants me to make him specialized programs for deadlifts and squats. The bench press for him is a passed stage. The guy dreams of becoming a cool powerlifter!
If you already bench press 135 kg, you can immediately move on to the program for experienced ones. It is designed for a minimum of 18 weeks. But do not even try to work on it before you pass the “mark” of 135 kilograms! If you have not yet managed to get to 135 kg, it is vital for you to go through all the cycles described in the first part. Postpone the advanced program until you're really experienced!
I am sitting calmly in the office, thinking about my own, when all of a sudden, all in agitation, he calls.
Stuart McRobert. And he wants me to write an article about the bench press in his magazine. How, they say, to train serious, experienced guys who already press 135 kg and want to master 180.
“Listen, call Kubik,” I said.
- Cube is on vacation, Flynn! Stuart screams.
- You are my last hope! Well, what to do, you need to help out a friend. And I agreed. Especially since I have an excellent system for the experienced. I have been "prescribing" it to my clients for a long time - and always with great success. She even helped Kubik. Do you know who Cube is? Once he was a skinny kid with thick glasses and a very mediocre bench press. But time passed, and... Of course, he still wears his eyepieces, but in "natural" tournaments he squeezes out two of his own weights!
First of all, you must understand that there is nothing mystical or exotic about working on the bench press. All it takes is a lot of time and patience. Add to that common sense plus hard work and the 180kg bench press recipe is ready!
Mountains of articles have been written about bench press training for the experienced. In most cases, this is wild nonsense. All you need is to train according to a simple, reasonable and commensurate program for your strengths. What is required for a heavy bench press? Strong delts, chest, triceps and upper back. Many "pitching" pile on the training of these groups "wholesale" in order to quickly recruit strength for the press. But such a strategy is not suitable for experienced people. If you pump all four groups at the same time, you will very quickly come to overtraining - after all, experienced ones work with solid weights.
I have a different system. It is divided into five phases. The first phase - focus on the chest, the second - on the shoulders, the third - on the triceps, the fourth - on the upper back. And the fifth is already purposeful work on a new maximum for one repetition. That is, you “strengthen” each muscle group separately, and in the fifth phase you “put it all together” and set another personal record.
The first four phases last for 12 weeks, the fifth - twenty. After each phase, there is a week-long break when you do not approach the bar at all. You can run, swim, pedal and romance, go fishing - but stay away from the gym. It is very important! The entire program lasts a year and a half, and sometimes more. But nothing worthwhile is given in a jiffy. And the bench press at 180 kg is no exception. Guys who swear they can bench 22kg in ten weeks are just brainwashing you.
The first four phases are calm, progressive training. You start with relatively light weights, then, from workout to workout, gradually increase the load until the weight is given to you "with a struggle" (usually by the sixth week of the cycle). From now on, "freeze" the weights in all exercises, except for the usual bench press and movements for the muscle group that the entire phase is "dedicated to" (these exercises are in italics in the program, so you will immediately recognize them). Here, too, you need to start with light weights and get to heavy by the sixth week. And then try every week to increase the load by 2 kg, if it doesn’t work out, by 1 (get small pancakes in advance).
At the last workout of each 12-week cycle, try to bench squeeze a new maximum for yourself. First, 2 "warm-up" sets with increasing load (5 reps each), then - single presses. In them, gradually move towards a weight that is 5-7 kg lighter than your previous maximum.
When you squeeze this weight, stop. Then add a load to get 2 kg more than your previous maximum.
If this record was given "little bloodshed", try to do another press - 5 or even 7 kg heavier than the previous maximum. Let's say your previous record is 158 kg. Then the scheme is as follows: 60x5, 100x5, 124x1, 142x1, 151x1, 160x1. And finally - 163 or 165 kg (depending on how you "passed" 160 kilograms). Your task is to increase your maximum by 2-7 kg by the end of each cycle. Like a little. But only at first glance! Because, by completing the entire "five-phase" program, you will add up to 35 kilograms in the bench.
At the end of each cycle, phase, or program (whether experienced or not), you should allow more time for rest and sleep and eat more quality, nutrient-rich foods. The final stage is "new territory", and it must be mastered "fully armed".
There are not many exercises, sets and reps in my program. But this does not mean that they can be done "quickly". Strength training involves long pauses between sets: 3-5 minutes, no less. Some experienced athletes rest even more (up to 10 minutes if the sets are very heavy). To rush is to deceive oneself. So don't run. It makes no sense.
During the bench press, you don’t have to count seconds and, as they say in magazines, think intently about the “constant tension” in the chest. Just push the bar up - as powerfully as possible and perfectly technically. But "push" is not the same as plucking from the chest. So you're bound to damage something. And when you train on a long-term program, you should be afraid of injuries like fire. Imagine that you put in a year and a half to go on a bench press under 200 kg, and suddenly, a week before the record, you stretched something or, God forbid, tore it. Here you can immediately go hang yourself.
When you see that the program includes heavy exercises for the back and legs - deadlifts and squats - do not be surprised. The fact is that these exercises stimulate the natural secretion of testosterone, i. help to gain strength and mass of all muscles.
By the way, many "experts" in the bench press practically do not do squats and deadlifts. But in vain. Since you're in the mood for the "big bench", be kind

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