Message: #68069
Buckshee » 03 Feb 2017, 12:24

Bench Press 180kg. Stuart McRobert

Shortened version: bench press and close grip press on Monday (sets and reps as in the main program), squats and curls on Wednesday (sets and reps as in the main program). Friday - deadlift, close grip bench press, crunch set - and that's it! Alternate heavy and light weeks for deadlifts and squats (as in the first phase).
The fourth phase is work on the upper back, that is, on those muscles that will serve as a "cushion" for your bench press. Developing your upper back is one of the best ways to "strengthen" your bench press. In addition, it will help the technique "elbows against the widest."
Monday 1. Становая тяга от уровня колен: 6х5, два последних сета - с максимумом для пяти повторений.
2. Shrugs: the scheme is the same as in the deadlift.
3. Normal bench press: 6x5, scheme as in the deadlift. In all repetitions, a short pause on the chest.
four. Жим лежа узким (40 см) хватом: 2х6-8, в каждом сете с максимумом для данного числа повторений.
5. Grip exercise: 2 sets of any heavy movement. Or just hang (as long as possible) on a pull-up bar (wrapped in a towel).
Wednesday 1. Жим сидя: 5х6 (постепенно увеличивая нагрузку, два финальных сета - с максимумом для б повторений) 2. Тяга на блоке книзу: 5х8-10 (два "разогревочных" сета с нарастанием весов, 3 "рабочих").
3. Wide grip pull-ups: 1 set to failure without additional weights. The movements are measured, without swinging and jerking.
four. Тяга гантели одной рукой: 2 сета по 8-10 повторений на каждую руку, вес во всех сетах одинаковый.
Friday 1. Приседания до параллели: 6х5 (с постепенным увеличением нагрузки до веса на 9 кг легче вашего максимума для 5 повторений; 2 финальных сета - самые тяжелые).
2. Rise on toes standing: 2x20-30
3. Rise on socks sitting: 2x20-30
four. "Молоток": 3х8-10 (постепенно увеличивая нагрузку, финальный сет - самый тяжелый).
5. Deadlift on straight legs: 1 x 20 with half your own weight. This exercise is only for stretching the muscles of the lower back. The weight is constant throughout the phase.
As before, after the sixth week of the cycle, increase the weights only in the "target" (in italics) exercises, i.e. in the bench press and back movements. All other weights remain unchanged until the end of the phase. On the last day, try to hit a new single high.
Shortened version: Monday - exercises 1,2,3, Tuesday -1 and 2, Friday - 1 plus a twisting set. In the second half of the cycle, squat for a week with a moderate weight, a week with a heavy one (this will protect the lower back from overload). The scheme of sets and repetitions as in the main program.
This is where the hardest work begins! You must muster the new power potential of the chest, shoulders, triceps and back and go on the offensive on the bench press! The fifth phase consists of five four-week mini-cycles. In the first week of each mini-cycle, you will do five reps on all bench press sets, and in the second week, three. For the third week, the scheme is as follows: 2x5 "warm-up" (with increasing weight), then single presses with a large "take-off" in weight: up to 95% of the previous maximum for one repetition. In total, single presses can be from 4 to 7. For a guy who presses 172 kg once, it looks something like this: 60x5, 100x5, 124x1, 146x1, 158x1, 164x1. Your strength will really burst, so watch your technique and don't try to "jump" over your previous single maximum. Wait until the fourth week. (It is very important not to push the time. Even if you feel that you can do everything, do not rush: you go more quietly - you will go further.) In the fourth week of the first mini-cycle, try to take a new one maximum. The scheme is the same as in the third week (for a guy who presses 172): 60x5, 100x5, 142x1, 158x1, 168x1 - and 174 or 176 (new maximum). Week 5 is the start of a new mini-cycle (5 reps per set of bench press, etc. as described above).
In general, in the fifth phase you will work on your bench for 20 consecutive weeks or even longer. In the first week - up to a maximum of 5 repetitions, in the second - to a maximum of 3, and so on. An experienced bench press specialist can handle such a load. But on one condition: if it “slows down” with other exercises. In deadlifts, squats, traction down, and other exercises - the standard progressive mode. Start with relatively light weights, get to the maximum by the sixth week. Then return to the lungs again and repeat the six-week cycle. And the third time - the same thing. Don't try to combine 20 weeks of bench work with heavy training on the rest of your body. This number will not work. Fifth phase plan:
1. Bench press. Week 7 of each mini-cycle 5-7 sets of 5 repetitions, increasing the load, the last set - with a maximum of 5. Week 2 of each mini-cycle 5-7 sets of 3 repetitions, increasing the load, the last set - with a maximum of 3. Week 3 of each mini-cycle 5-7 sets: 2 - "warm-up" with increasing weight, then - single presses with an increase in load to 95% of the previous maximum for one repetition. Week 4 of each mini-cycle Same as week 3, but with a "rise" to a new high.
2. Incline Dumbbell Press (30 degrees) or Close Grip Bench Press (40 cm): 4 x 5-8, start easy and work your way up to the "top" weight in the last set. Do this exercise only in the 1st and 2nd weeks of each mini-cycle.
3. Thrust on the block down: 4x5-8, start easy, increase the load gradually, the final set is the hardest.
Wednesday 1. Приседания до параллели: 6х3 (4 "разогревочных" сета с нарастанием нагрузки, 2 сета с весом на four.5-9 кг легче вашего максимума для трех повторений).
2. Rise on toes while standing: 4x12-15 (weight unchanged).
3. Twisting: 1x20-30 (with weights on the chest).
Friday 1. Становая тяга от уровня коленей: 5х5 (4 "разогревочных" с нарастанием веса, финальный сет - с максимумом для 5-ти).
2. Press from behind the head while sitting: the scheme is the same as for the deadlift. (Do this exercise only on the 1st and 2nd week of each mini-cycle).
3. Lifting the bar for biceps, standing: the scheme as for the deadlift.
four. Подъем на бицепс обратным хватом: 4х15 (2 "разогревочных" сета с нарастанием нагрузки, 2 - с максимумом для 15 повторений).
5. Any grip exercise: 2 sets.
Shortened version: on Monday only bench press and 2 sets of deadlifts.
Move your next workout from Wednesday to Thursday. Squats, curls (2x6-8) and crunches - in the first week. And in the second - squats, deadlifts, twisting and lifting for biceps (squats - only "warm-up" sets).
Well, that's the whole program: short, simple, sweet - just what the doctor ordered!
Note by Stuart McRobert: All of the above is written by Flynn himself.
Kubik wanted to edit, but we didn't let him.
Kubik's note: I carefully read the materials and did not find anything to complain about. The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. As the lawyers say, the verdict is final and not subject to appeal.
So, do not hesitate - get down to business! Record guaranteed!
BIG BENCH Copyright (c) 1993 by Brooks D.Kubik and Stuart McRobert. All rights reserved. Cover illustration work by Eleni Lambrou, Copyright (c) 1993. Published by CS Publishing Ltd., Nicosia - CYPRUS.

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