Message: #68070
Buckshee » 03 Feb 2017, 12:20

Flat stomach in 3 minutes a day. Kurt Brungardt

few seconds. As улучшения вашего физического состояния вы можете начать применение отягощении, наклонной доски или идти по пути изменения темпа выполнения упражнений.

A detailed description of the exercises is provided below.

Part one

Number of repetitions
Raising the upper body in the supine position with legs raised: 30 sec 5-20
Raising the upper body in the supine position with legs raised and knees bent: 30 sec 15-20

Part two

Raising the upper body in the supine position with bent knees: 30 sec 15-20
Raising the upper body in the supine position, legs in the "frog" position: 30 sec 15-20

Part Three

Raising the upper body in the supine position, legs in the "rider" position: 30 sec 15-20 Raising the upper body in the supine position with legs up: 30 sec 15-20


Raising the torso in the supine position with legs raised up
Lie on your back, lift straight legs up so that they form a right angle with the body (knees slightly relaxed), head and neck muscles are relaxed.
Tightening your abdominal muscles, lift your torso so that your shoulder blades are off the floor. Return to starting position. Repeat.
• Concentrate on the work of the muscles of the upper abdomen.
• Don't let yourself relax as you return to the starting position. Once your shoulders touch the floor, begin the next rep.
• At the moment of the highest tension, hold the position for a moment.
• If you find it difficult to keep your feet in the position shown, prop them up against a wall.


Raising the torso in a supine position with legs raised and knees bent
Lie on your back, lift your legs up so that the thighs are perpendicular to the body, bend your knees. The shins should be parallel to the floor. Relax your head and neck muscles.
• Keep the tension in the abdominal muscles constant throughout the entire exercise.
• Concentrate on the work of the abdominal muscles.
• Don't let yourself relax as you return to the starting position.
• At the moment of the highest tension, lock the position momentarily.
• Make sure you lift your shoulder blades off the floor as you perform the movement. Do not move your head and neck.
• Keep your lower back pressed to the floor at all times.
• Relax your head and neck muscles.


Raising the upper body, legs in the "rider" position
Lie on your back, spread your legs and bend them slightly at the knees as if you were sitting on a horse, Relax your head and neck muscles.
one. Наклоните голову вперед, максимально приблизив подбородок к грудной клетке. Hold the position for 10 seconds.

2. Tilt your head exactly to the side, as if putting your ear on your shoulder. Look straight ahead. Hold the position for 10 seconds. Perform the movement to the other side. Hold the position for 10 seconds

3. Gently tilt your head back, holding it with your hands. Hold the position for 10 seconds.

Get on all fours, resting your palms and knees on the floor.
Raise and straighten your right arm and left leg at the same time as shown. The raised leg and arm should be parallel to the floor (or as close as possible to this).

Hold the position for two seconds and then slowly return to the starting position. Start with ten repetitions in each direction and gradually increase their number to twenty. Do the exercise on the other side.
Raising the legs and arms in the supine position
Lie on your stomach, stretch your arms up, palms down.
At the same time, raise your right arm and left leg to such a height that you do not feel discomfort.
Hold the position for two seconds, then slowly return to the starting position. Gradually increase the number of repetitions to twenty. Do the exercise on the other side.
Exercise for training the muscles of the lower spine
Lie on the floor on your stomach. Place your heels on a firm footing (a trainer or partner can hold your feet). Extend your arms along your body. This exercise can also be performed without leg support.
Slowly raise your shoulders and chest as high as you can.
Hold the extreme position for two seconds and slowly lower yourself to the floor. Gradually increase the number of repetitions to twenty.
Exercise for training the muscles of the middle part of the spine
Lie on the floor on your stomach and place a firm pillow under your pelvis. Place your heels on a firm footing (a trainer or partner can hold your feet). Extend your arms along your body.
Slowly raise your shoulders and chest off the floor to height that is comfortable for you.
Hold the position for 2 seconds and slowly lower yourself to the floor. When you can do twenty reps without much effort, place a second pillow. This will increase the load and range of motion. (This exercise is no different from the previous one, except for the use of a special hard pillow).
If you are one of those unfortunate people who suffer from lower back pain, you will have to overcome significant difficulties when you begin regular training to strengthen your back muscles. It is very important to start with small loads and increase the intensity of training gradually. You may be able to get a lot done at first, but remember, it's the quantity, not the quality of the work. You have to be very careful and very gradually create the foundation for strengthening the muscles of the back, and then for building the strength of these muscle groups. Lower back problems will not go away in the blink of an eye, just as restoring the normal function of the back muscles will require patience and time.
It is very important that you learn to distinguish between good muscle pain and bad muscle pain while exercising. This issue has already been discussed before. If you suffer from low back pain, then you should avoid spasmodic, prolonged, shooting and peripheral pain during exercise. And remember, before you start regular training, you should definitely consult a doctor.
If you have problems in the lumbar region, it is very important to understand that half of these problems lie in the weakness of the muscles. You should certainly strengthen the weakened area of ​​​​the spine. Appropriate stretching exercises (stretching) and special strength training will help you with this. If you care about the condition of your back, then you should do this throughout your life. And the key to solving the problem is exercise.
Future prospects
By continuing to learn the basics of training, you have come to the point where you should learn more about the patterns of the effects of physical activity on the human body. You already know your body better and are ready to enter into a dialogue with it. You can ask questions and are ready to receive answers to them. In training, you already have the right to rely on your intuition. To help to you in this process, this chapter discusses two stages of physical training: the "peak" period (in sports, this is the state of the highest athletic performance) and the transition period, or the period of relative rest and deloading.


Training periodization is a method of organization and systematization that helps to plan physical activities. This chapter gives a brief description of it. Putting it on your training program, you will get just what you need.


The basis for the allocation of different periods of physical training is the main adaptation syndrome, studied back in the 30s. It implies a description of the process of human adaptation to stress. This process has three distinct phases:
one. Стадия тревоги. This is the primary individual reaction to the training load. It can be expressed as a protest of the body, which affects the deterioration of muscle performance due to pain.
2. Stage of resistance. At this stage, the body adapts to the training effects by creating various adaptive mechanisms. These mechanisms can be both physiological and psychological in nature. Adaptation at this stage has a clear positive connotation and leads you to achieve your goal.
3. Stage of exhaustion or overtraining. When physical stress is too great for a particular person, then signs of overtraining appear:
Lack of physical strength to perform the planned load.
Chronic fatigue.
Loss of appetite.
Weight loss, mainly due to muscle mass.
Lack of motivation and low self-esteem.
If you overtrain, you are unlikely to be able to follow your program and expect the planned results. If you want to avoid overtraining, you must also consider environmental stresses: social upheaval, malnutrition, lack of sleep, too much work.
Your goal is to stay in the resistance stage (number two) and periodically return to the anxiety stage. This will allow your body to adapt to the physical stress of training, leading to the achievement of your goals. Keeping in mind the above patterns training process, you will be able to competently draw up a training program.


This period is characterized by the fact that all the ELEMENTS OF COMPLEX BODY CORRECTION that you have included in your program are at the highest stage of their development. Undoubtedly, all this is purely individual. As for, for example, high-class athletes, this period, also called the state of sports form, is very complex in terms of the number of constituent components that should be skillfully brought to a simultaneous peak in their development. These are: strength, endurance, technical skills, special nutrition, psychological preparation, etc. The same can be said about bodybuilders.
If you want the "peak" period to fall just in time for the beach period, then you should include three main

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