Message: #68070
Buckshee » 03 Feb 2017, 12:20

Flat stomach in 3 minutes a day. Kurt Brungardt

much more often than other muscles, but should not be done on a daily basis.
The 3 Minute Abs Program solves this problem. You can consistently train each area of ​​the abdominal press in turn for three days, giving them the maximum load on one of the days and providing a good rest on the other days. On rest days, each muscle will perform only auxiliary work, receiving a light tonic load. This is the secret of success.


The choice of load in the training process is the most important moment to achieve the goal. In technical terms, the amount of load determines the level that will provide stimulation of muscle development. And in practice, this means how hard your workouts should be. Since you will train only one part of the abdominals every day, it becomes possible to work with maximum loads to achieve the highest results. It is for this reason that bodybuilders only work one or two muscle groups daily. In order to achieve optimal results from your workouts, you must force yourself to exercise until muscle fatigue. Because hardly anyone likes to train before occurrence of muscle pain.
The 3 Minute Abs Program requires you to experience muscle fatigue only once per workout. If you stick to the traditional training program, then during each workout you will have to bring yourself to muscle fatigue three times (once for each abdominal area). It is likely that in any case, after 2-3 minutes of training, you will exhaust your capabilities. And the end of the workout will be wasted. Because it is very difficult to force yourself to the maximum impact for 8 or more minutes. The 3 Minute Abs Program provides an environment that promotes intense work throughout your workout, where you work at the right level of intensity all the time, and the whole session ends up being effective.


Focus is your ability to always keep your goal in mind, both in the short and long term. In the short term, it means focusing on the work of the muscles during training. Since the entire workout should last only three minutes, it will not be difficult to maintain attention. And most likely there will not be a situation when, already in the middle of the lesson, they begin to think about where to dine in the evening. In the long run, it will be much easier for you to stay motivated, since you will train a certain part of the abdominals only once every four days, and you will not have time to get tired of the monotonous training scheme. Every time you start your workout it's like it's the first time.


• It allows you to do every workout with more intensity.
• It provides each part of the abdominals with maximum recovery time.
• It reduces the risk of dropping out.
• It connects the mind and body.
• Every day you do a variety of exercises that diversify your activities.
• Training will take you only 3 minutes a day.
Any of us can find 3 minutes a day for exercise: in the early morning, before lunch or dinner, after work, while watching TV, when the commercial break starts, before going to bed, etc. The only but very important The condition is that classes should always take place at the same time whenever possible. The proposed program is able to captivate you, and then you will surely see positive results. The 3 Minute Abs Program will give you what you really need: simple exercises based on modern principles and the best possible results in the least amount of time,

Brief information on anatomy

You may not be an expert in anatomy to successfully train your abs and slim your waistline, but knowing the basics will help you mentally visualize the muscles you're exercising at any given moment. This chapter provides explanations and illustrations for the three main muscle groups that you will develop in accordance with the proposed program.

rectus abdominis

The rectus abdominis muscle runs from the pubic bone to the sternum. This is exactly the muscle that people often compare to a washboard when they talk about a well-developed abs.


The obliques of the abdomen run from the top of the pelvic bones and the crest of the pubis to the ribs (in the lower part of the chest). The obliques attach to the rectus abdominis and serratus anterior (which covers the ribs). When these muscles lose their tone and become covered with fat, they form a kind of roller around the waist. These muscles frame and protrude the rectus abdominis, and also define the shape of the torso, as they run along the sides of the body from the hips to the chest.
As shown in the figures below, the obliques cross the rectus abdominis diagonally. The external and internal obliques of the abdomen cross, creating a kind of mesh.


Kinesiology is the science of human movement. It studies the anatomical characteristics of movements, that is, which muscles contract when moving different parts of our body. You need to understand a few basic principles that you will constantly encounter when training abdominal muscles.


Workouts usually start with the upper abdominal muscles, since many are already familiar with the most common exercise for developing abdominal muscles, namely: lifting the upper body in the supine position. When performing this movement, the following occurs: (1) The shoulder blades are lifted off the floor; (2) The chest moves towards the hips. So the first rule is:
If during the exercise the chest moves towards the hips, then the muscles contract, and, accordingly, the training of the upper abdominals.

Raising the pelvis in the supine position

Lower Abdominal

When you train the lower abdominal muscle, you perform a kind of reverse movement. The most common example of this is lifting the pelvis in the supine position.
When this movement is performed, the following occurs: (1) the pelvis lifts off the floor; (2) the pelvis and hips move towards the chest.
So the second rule is:
If during the exercise the pelvis and hips move towards the chest, then muscle contraction occurs, and, accordingly, the lower abdominals are trained.


Every time you twist your torso (turns), you tense, that is, train, the oblique muscles of the abdomen. The most common example of this is the twisting movement of the torso in the supine position.
When performing this movement, the following occurs: (1) one shoulder blade is lifted off the floor; (2) one part of the chest moves towards the opposite (so-called opposite) thigh.
So the third rule is:
If during the exercise one side of the chest moves towards the opposite "(opposite) thigh (twisting movement), then the contraction occurs, and, accordingly, the training of the lateral (oblique) abdominal muscles.
You also tense your obliques each time you simply lift one half of your upper body off the floor without a twisting motion. An example is the lateral torso flexion in the supine position. In this case, one part of the chest moves towards the thigh of the same name.
The recommendations and examples given in this section will allow you to correctly analyze each exercise for the abdominal muscles and determine which part or parts of it you are training in each particular exercise. movement.

body workout


The next two chapters are devoted to the principles of proper training of the body and brain. You must become familiar with the basics of both physical and mental (brain training) training for the following two reasons:
one. Having mastered the principles of proper training, you can achieve the best results in the shortest possible time.
2. With proper training, you will avoid possible injuries.
Although this book is only about training the abdominal muscles and getting rid of the annoying stomach, you should familiarize yourself with the FOUR BASIC PRINCIPLES, the "pillars", of the overall health improvement program. The fact is that, only using the general principles of recovery, you can competently build physical training and solve the problem of getting rid of the stomach with an integrated approach. The health program includes four sections:
(1) muscle strength training;
(2) cardiovascular training;
(3) stretching (stretching) of muscles;
(4) rational nutrition.


When training the abdominal muscles, in order to avoid injuries and other negative consequences, special attention must be paid to the correct position of the neck and lower back. Let's start with the first one.
When rocking simulators began to be used to train the abdominal muscles, the problem of overstraining the muscles of the cervical spine and the prevention of injuries to this part of the body became very acute. It is very important that there is no significant pain in the neck area. This is easy to achieve without any special tools. I would even dare to say that without special devices, using the correct technique of movements, it is much easier to do this.
When you do lowering-raising the upper body in the supine position, it is easy to damage the muscles of the neck, although the neck muscles are not at all the issue here. The problem is that your head, burdened with mortal thoughts, weighs no less than five kilograms. Thus, in order to avoid pain in the neck, you should think about the position of the head when performing the exercise.
Proper movement technique: To avoid pain in the neck, two basic principles should be followed:
one. When doing exercises for the abdominal muscles, you need to ensure that between the chin and the chest there is a space the size of an apple or your fist. That

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