Message: #68046
Buckshee » 03 Feb 2017, 12:05

Bodybuilding. Menzer

sound the alarm and reduce the number of calories. At the same time, it is also necessary to take into account the metabolic processes that accompany the growth of new muscles. They also require energy expenditure, so excess calories do not necessarily turn into fat.

Тем, кто хочет уменьшить жировые отложения, советую снижать обычную ежедневную норму на 500one 000 калорий в день. Вы будете терять еженедельно 0.5one кг жира. And because you're training with a scientifically designed high-intensity training program, you won't lose a pound of mass. Perhaps it will even grow: it depends on a set of genetic factors. One of my students recently told me that in three months he lost 5 kg of fat, but at the same time he gained fantastic strength and increased his arm circumference by 2.5 cm. Such muscle growth with the loss of fat reserves against the background of a low-calorie diet does not mean that the body will certainly “steal” calories from body fat and “switch” to building muscles. This only indicates that in the mode of negative energy balance, "starved" adipose tissue can become "fueled" to supply nutrition to the muscles and even provide them with some growth. I сказал моему клиенту: раз он добился такого прогресса на отрицательном энергетическом балансе, то после перехода к положительному его, скорее всего, ждут фантастические успехи.

When you reach your "target" weight, begin to gradually move towards a positive balance, i.e. add 300 calories to the norm, and watch what happens when you do.

So, muscle mass grows. Along with it, the need for calories also increases. Then the growth of body weight will begin to slow down and finally stop. Then you должны увеличить поступление калорий от one50 до 300 в день  и вы снова начнете набирать вес. Conversely, when a person "loses weight", their natural need for calories falls. The weight begins to decrease more slowly and finally stops at a certain point. Then cut calories by about 500 more a day and the weight loss will continue.

When strength and mass grow, they act beneficially on each other, and you will see this very soon. An increase in muscle mass provides an even greater increase in strength, and vice versa. If at any point you feel like you need a more positive balance, increase your daily calories by another 400,500. But be extremely careful! If you "go over" with calories, body fat will make itself felt with all its ugliness.

BUTвторитетные специалисты по питанию считают, что диета, рассчитанная на снижение веса, не должна содержать меньше one200one500 калорий в день. A calorie deficit threatens that the body will begin to “eat itself”.

Nutrition and bodybuilding

В начале one995 года мне позвонил молодой человек и сходу заявил, что его неудачи в накачке мышц объясняются единственно неладами с питанием. Without even identifying himself, he bombarded me with questions about nutritional supplements. He poured names like that, and at first it even seemed to me that the guy was a little obsessed with this subject. But, listening to his outpourings, I suddenly realized: yes, he simply does not understand anything either in bodybuilding or in high-intensity training. That's why he has the same mess in his head and on nutrition. Although from the first words he let me know that he was all right, the only "trouble" with food: he was not getting enough, they say, and that's it! A rare case in America, a country of fat people and at the same time supporters of a healthy lifestyle.

In short, the guy's head was in complete chaos. He knew nothing about the principle of intensity, about the need to train to complete muscle "failure", and, therefore, had no idea about stimulating muscle growth by consuming a strictly calculated amount of calories. But even if he had, it would be of no use. It was a clear case of overtraining of the body, he went to the gym 56 times a week and brought himself there to complete exhaustion. Of course, to no avail!

"You know, guy," I told him, "you remind me of a person who really wants to get a tan and for this he goes to the beach in midnight. Spends tons of money on tanning lotions and keeps looking for the miracle cure that is sure to help! Lotion, of course, is a good thing, but it helps only when the main condition is met: the sun is in the sky! In other words, you can sit under the rays of a hundred-watt lamp until the end of your century, rub yourself with suntan lotion every five minutes, and still not "bronze"! You can't change the laws of nature."

Nutrition in the science and practice of bodybuilding is about the same as suntan lotion. Of course, it is important, both for sports and for life in general. But for a bodybuilder, a scientifically designed high-intensity training program should come first. Nutrition plays a secondary role. The bodybuilder must first “turn on” the growth mechanism with the help of training stress, and then, during the rest period, nourish himself with the macro and micronutrients necessary for the growth of strength and mass.

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If you do not praise good deeds and do not condemn evil ones, this does not mean that you are an advocate of higher justice and an objective approach to everyone and everything. As you place yourself above a fight that suggests the impossibility of an impartial assessment of good and evil, think about how and whom you betray, and to whom you give silent support. E. Rand, philosopher

Our time is the time of obsession with secret conspiracies. For example, some believe that in America (and throughout the world) there are underground groups of cabalists who want to change the course of history by impressing us with the help of some mystical techniques of their own understanding of the truth. One such myth is the assassination of John F. Kennedy by a group of fanatics from the military, secret service, and members of Congress who wanted to save us from the scourge of "Kennedy" socialism. Or another myth: Rockefeller and a certain tripartite commission are trying to create a World Government by secretly manipulating the global economy. Such myths from time to time take possession of the consciousness of the nation, although there is not a single fact confirming their authenticity. One of the reasons for this phenomenon is a paranoid fear of an unruly state: the need for sensationalism to keep the media alive.

The conspiracy, however, exists. And it lasts throughout the history of mankind, to the present day. Philosopher Ayn Rand calls it "the headless conspiracy." BUT it is opposed by some fundamental force that controls the course of history from time immemorial without the knowledge and consent of man. This is the power of an idea.

Ideas certainly influence the lives of individuals and nations. The nature and extent of their impact has remained and remain a mystery to many, especially today. The main property of a person as a biological species is the ability to think. This ability, unlike the instincts of animals, is realized only by volitional effort, i.e. conscious purposeful aspiration of the mind to a certain area of ​​the cognizable world. The mind, guided by the will, cognizes the world with the help of concepts or ideas. The quantity, quality and consistency of the ideas assimilated by the mind determine life's success or failure, happiness or suffering.

The "headless conspiracy" has no leader, either individual or group; he is as old as the world and operates without any conscious guidance. Its essence lies in the fact that man, this representative of the animal world endowed with reason, is philosophically short-sighted, if not blind: from time immemorial, he allows himself to swim in the sea of ​​life without a rudder and sails, surrendering to the will of false irrational judgments. Today, when the unheard-of successes of science have irrefutably proven the power of the human mind to conquer nature, such passive behavior is inexcusable.

How many times has a warning been given to humanity: "He who does not learn from history is doomed to repeat its mistakes." But how few people heard him, how few people heeded him! And the most dangerous mistake of a person, responsible for all his misfortunes, poverty, bloodshed, suffering, is his humble consent to treat himself as a wonderful mystery; know as little as possible about the most important nature of one's thinking, its properties and laws.

Ideas or concepts are tools of thinking. Like all things, they have their own nature, their own specifics. Objectively evaluated and understood ideas help a person and entire cultures to realize the meaning of the intellectual and moral values ​​of success, freedom, happiness.

Confirmation of this are the few shining beacons in the bleak ocean of history: ancient Greece, whose cultural leitmotifs were an incredible intellectual enthusiasm that gave rise to new ideas in science, arts, morality, where the very word philosophy, wisdom, appeared, and the Western world was conceived. civilization; the Renaissance, which resurrected the ancient Greek intellectual spirit after a thousand years of the Middle Ages and proclaimed the supremacy of reason; the Age of Enlightenment, to which mankind owes the concept of a new freedom, embodied for the first time in history in the theoretical principles of the constitution of the United States; and the industrial revolution, which led to a standard of living that in previous centuries could not even be dreamed of.

In those eras when philosophy was dead, when man rejected the tools of survival, turned away from true rational concepts, the decline of civilization and the collapse of human progress are

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