Message: #87695
Ольга Княгиня » 11 Mar 2017, 23:47

Fundamentals of Ayurvedic Medicine. I. I. Vetrova

нации, политической партии, религиозной школы, планеты и даже Universe. A person can be under the influence of several of them at once and constantly, whether he is aware of it or not, serves a certain egregor, exchanging energy and information with him. The more time an egregor exists, and the more people it unites, the greater its energy power. Becoming a follower of a certain spiritual and religious tradition, a person immediately receives the support and protection of the corresponding egregore. This energy is sublimated by the Sahasrara Chakra and provides the corresponding needs of the body. In the future, egregor requires specific service. At this stage, a person must not only take, but also give something in return. Energy support now depends on his efforts. If he does not fulfill the tasks assigned to him, then the connection with the egregore weakens. People, who selflessly give themselves to the service of egregor, are in a constant energy-information flow, satisfying the needs of their body and mind. Abstract thinking, creativity, meditation and clairvoyance are associated with the functioning of the Sahasrara Chakra. Contact with the higher forces of nature is impossible without revealing it. If this center is blocked, a person loses some support from above. The movement of the downward flow is disturbed, the person becomes too mundane, the scope of his interests is greatly narrowed. He утрачивает память, а иногда и разум.
The Sahasrara Chakra is projected in the region of the Brahmarandra - the place of fusion of the occipital and two parietal bones (the opening of the large fontanel). This chakra is more associated with the right hemisphere of the brain.
People, у которых преобладает влияние сахасрара-чакры, встречаются в этом мире не очень часто. These are always outstanding personalities, conductors of various egregors. L.N. Gumilyov called them passionaries. Heи оказывают сильное влияние на ход истории, им дана способность воодушевлять и вдохновлять других, за ними следуют сотни и тысячи людей. Some of them, consciously or not, perform the tasks of the heavenly hierarchy, so they can get unlimited opportunities. Even if they are evil geniuses, until they complete their mission, no one will be able to do anything with them. Heи находятся под сильной защитой, их жизнь и судьба не принадлежит им. Some of them are conductors of the will of God, and then they are called prophets and saints. These people can work miracles, because they are given such strength and energy from above.
Chakras of the second circle are divided into two groups - central and articular. The central group (five chakras) creates support for the energy-information centers of the first circle, is responsible for the regeneration of the intervertebral discs and the functioning of the corresponding segments of the spinal cord. The first chakra is projected in the region of the II-III cervical vertebrae and controls the cervical spine. The second is in the region of the II-IV thoracic vertebrae and controls the thoracic spine. The third is located between the II and IV lumbar vertebrae and controls, respectively, the lumbar region. The fourth is in the center of the sacrum, and the fifth is just below the coccyx. By the way, it is the fifth chakra that is associated with the control of the mystical kundalini energy, the nature of which is still not clear. The awakening of this energy causes the activation of all agni (catabolic processes), which can lead to the complete disintegration of the physical body. It's believed that йоги в момент смерти именно с помощью энергии кундалини сжигают свое тело и отправляются в мир Сварги.
The articular chakras, on the one hand, ensure the normal functioning of the joints (since all the elements of the joint constantly experience dynamic loads and damage, their regular “tuning” and regeneration is necessary). On the other hand, bypassing the centers of the brain and spinal cord, they affect all functional systems of the body (meal). By the way, each chakra of the second circle, projected onto the surface of the physical body, forms two marma zones (internal and external), which are used in Ayurveda for acupuncture, acupressure, cauterization, hirudotherapy and bee stinging. Performing rotational movements on the joints, we activate the corresponding chakra of the second circle, including self-tuning of certain body systems (respiratory, digestive, hematopoietic or others).
The chakras of the third circle (21 centers) are located in the projection of all parenchymal (brain, lungs, liver, pancreas, spleen, kidneys, uterus in women and prostate gland in men, external genital organs) and hollow organs (heart, larynx, trachea, bronchi, esophagus, stomach, duodenum, gallbladder, small intestine, large intestine, sigmoid and rectum, bladder). Heи являются своеобразными камертонами, обеспечивающими правильную работу всех жизненно важных органов. In case of dysfunction of an organ or the development of a pathological process in it, the chakras of the third circle turn on the mechanisms of self-regulation and detoxification. By the way, all Ayurvedic herbal recipes necessarily contain the corresponding activator plants of one or another chakra of the third circle, also called "guides". For example, if we are treating chronic or acute hepatitis, then, in addition to the necessary medicinal plants, we must add saffron, which is an activator of the liver chakra, to the phytoreception. For kidney diseases, cardamom is used, and for heart pathology, nutmeg with cloves, for lung diseases, bamboo manna or anise, for stomach damage, pippali (long pepper) or plantain leaf. Most pharmacological preparations suppress the chakras of the third circle, thereby causing addiction and even more chronicity of the process.
Chapter 3
The structure of the human body (continued)
"Slim" body
"Slim" body человека, или психика, состоит из трех оболочек, покрывающих душу (дживу — наше индивидуальное «я»). These are jnana sharira (astromental sheath), vijnana sharira (intellectual body or wisdom veil), and ananda sharira (causal body).
"Slim" body по своему строению и функциям чем-то напоминает современный компьютер, но более сложно организованный. Gyana-sharira represents, as it were, the processor itself. Vigyan-sharira - computer control panel. Ananda Sharira is a monitor where information is projected in the form of various images and symbols. Such an analogy, it seems to us, allows a modern person to better understand the essence and purpose of the "subtle" body.
It got its name due to the fact that it consists of such a thin matter that it cannot be determined using any instruments or senses. Sometimes there are people who claim that, having extrasensory perception, they can read information from the “thin” shells of the soul. Some of them even claim that they "can see" the mind, the intellect, and the causal body. However, с точки зрения ведических канонов, такие способности человеку недоступны. In recent years, however, attempts have been made to create devices that scan information from the human psyche. Is it possible? Yes and no. The fact is that the "subtle" body is projected onto the "gross" (etheric and physical). Taking information from the corresponding zones, one can indirectly assess the state of the psyche.
The Sankhya philosophy, systematized by the sage Kapila, states that the psyche is inherent in all living things in this world: bacteria, insects, fish, plants, birds, animals, man and demigods. All of them have similarly arranged "thin" bodies. However, в зависимости от стадии evolution of consciousness живого существа, возможности психики различаются: чем выше уровень сознания, тем большими возможностями она обладает, тем больше она организована и устойчива. "Rough" body (энергоинформационная оболочка и нейроэндокринная система как управляющая часть физического тела) является приемным устройством психики. Let's try imagine a television station that broadcasts the highest quality programs on several dozen channels. The ability to see these programs will depend on your TV model. Someone has an old black-and-white one, which receives only three or four channels. The other has a simple color TV with limited color gamut and program range. The third, the owner of the Japanese model, watches programs with impeccable picture quality. And the fourth, on top of everything else, also uses a satellite dish and thus has access to several hundred channels. In other words, depending on the position of a living being in a particular evolutionary niche, the “subtle” body has more or less so-called “blockages” that do not allow it to realize all the potential possibilities of the psyche at a given level of consciousness. According to Vedic philosophy, the psyche of a living entity is not destroyed at the time of death. Everything that has been gained, all experience, skills, knowledge will be saved for further self-improvement. But "evolutionary blocks" do not allow us to use the entire gigantic potential of the psyche at this level of our development. Even трудно себе представить, что бы мог натворить современный человек, имея возможности обитателей высших миров. Imagine what can happen if you give a child a control panel for nuclear missiles. Vedic philosophy compares the "subtle" body to a seed, which potentially contains a huge tree that can produce fruits with amazing taste.
So, the "subtle" human body consists of three shells, closely interconnected. The first is called jnana-sharira, or the body of knowledge. It is also called the astromental body. Gyana-sharira can be schematically represented as a five-pointed star. At its center is manas (mind), from which five rays depart in different directions - indriyas (senses): sight, hearing, smell, touch and taste. During the stay of the soul in the physical body, they can manifest themselves only through the senses: eyes, ears, nose, skin and tongue, but their nature is very subtle. Even после смерти, когда душа вместе с эфирной и «тонкой» оболочками отделяется от тела, чувства сохраняют свою активность, хотя органы чувств могут быть разрушены. Indriyas, like tentacles, constantly capture information from the surrounding space. Just as iron is attracted to a magnet, indriyas are


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