Message: #87695
Ольга Княгиня » 11 Mar 2017, 23:47

Fundamentals of Ayurvedic Medicine. I. I. Vetrova

automatically attracted to sense objects.
Vision perceives six primary colors: red, orange, yellow, green, purple and blue. Rumor is the six main semitones of the musical series. The sense of taste perceives six types of it: sweet, salty, sour, pungent, bitter and astringent. Smell - six basic odors, similar to taste nuances. Touch - six basic tactile sensations: heat, cold, expansion, pressure, compression and friction. Combining with each other, they all create an endless range of sensations.
Connecting with the objects of the material world, the senses capture not only certain information, but also the corresponding energy. Then they deliver everything captured to the mind (manas), where sensations arise. Mind is omnivorous; during the waking period, he constantly absorbs information and energy of sense objects, and at night he analyzes and sorts it out. During the day we experience tens, if not hundreds of thousands of sensations; some are perceived by us as negative and cause suffering, others bring pleasure. At the same time, the same object of feelings can cause completely opposite sensations in different people. For example, some people like avocados, while others like the taste of soap. Some people admire jazz music, others can't stand it. The mind tries to reject unpleasant sensations and repeat those that bring pleasure. He управляет нашим физическим телом на подсознательном уровне. The place of its projection is the subcortical centers of the brain. If, while walking along the street past the garbage dump, you smell an unpleasant smell for you, in the future the mind will force your legs to bypass it. You will not even think about it - everything will happen by itself. In the same way, when you see a beautiful girl on the other side of the street, you can, at the command of the mind, go there or even change the original direction of your path. During the day, these things can happen quite often. If we think about this phenomenon and constantly observe ourselves, we will make many important discoveries for ourselves.
The mind, like a computer, has many programs, in the cells of which (files) it writes various information. Any of our desires immediately turns into the so-called "elemental" (mental image), which has a certain personified form. When our desires, thoughts or actions violate the laws of the harmony of the Universe or throw us away from fulfilling our dharma (ordained duty) and the path of evolution, the elemental takes on the appearance of some kind of monster (as in horror films or computer games). On the contrary, pious actions, bright and kind thoughts, love and mercy for others, the desire for self-realization and the fulfillment of one's karmic duty give rise to elementals that look like angels. Elementals fall into one of the mind matrices and remain there for a long period of time, sometimes in many incarnations. Elementals are born during the waking period, and at night Manas directs them to the appropriate "file". Obviously, it is with these phenomena that the phase of sleep with dreams is associated. The mind opens different “files” in turn, trying to find the most suitable place for our particular desire. Each "file" is like an unfinished movie. New elementals entering there increase the number of shots taken. This is how our karmic programs mature. Often dreams look like fantastic and surreal pictures due to the fact that the elementals are not in "their" program. Then the mind takes them out and moves them to another place. The world of Manas is infinite in its manifestations and colors. When a person sees dreams, he observes his ripening karmic programs. С этим связан феномен вещих снов, однако их разгадка очень сложна, так как чаще всего они имеют чисто символический meaning.
At the moment of death, the mind scrolls through the most mature karmic programs and chooses one of them, which becomes the cause of the next birth. In other words, the mind is the field of activity of a living being, where we constantly throw the seeds of our desires, and then with our actions and aspirations we make them germinate, develop and bear fruit. Whether they are bitter or sweet is entirely up to us. This is called the law of karma. Some of our desires are realized very quickly - within a few days, months or years, while others require hundreds of incarnations (it all depends on the nature of the desires and the ability to confirm them with concrete deeds). However любые желания, даже самые невероятные, рано или поздно будут исполнены, поэтому ум называют также древом желаний.
Some of the people under under the influence of alcohol or drugs is able to see her elementals. In some Tantric practices, narcotic plants are used to obtain information about the state of their astromental field. Negative elementals, called demons in Christianity, create various sinful inclinations of the mind - pride, envy, greed, condemnation, anger, hatred, fear and others. These negative stereotypes, sometimes formed in past births, force us to act in this life contrary to our conscience and moral and ethical principles. That is why the mind is also called Satan. Those who are under the influence of tama- and raja-guna, i.e. they go with the flow, not realizing either their nature or the nature and laws of the world around them, or they are constantly in passion, striving to satisfy all their material desires, turning their life into a long-distance race - they act contrary to their spiritual nature, violate the laws of harmony of the Universe, cause much suffering to themselves and others. It is very difficult to overcome the influence of the mind. As the hero of the ancient epic "Mahabharata" Arjuna said: "It is easier to stop a hurricane than to subdue your mind." However, all religious scriptures and spiritual authorities point out that if a person tries to make his life righteous, follows his dharma with firmness, engages in spiritual practices and cultivates love in his heart, he will surely conquer his mind and make it his best friend.
Vigyan-sarira (intellect), or buddhi, is the control system of the "subtle" body. Благодаря ему мы способны манипулировать стереотипами ума, планировать деятельность, отказываться от нежелательных поступков, познавать окружающий мир, регулировать активность своего физического тела и контактировать в материальном мире с другими souls. With the help of the intellect, we can overcome the influence of the natural course of life and even defy Destiny.
The intellect is no less complex than the mind (manas). He состоит из пяти основных структур: познавательной, целевой, волевой, эгрегорной и творческой, каждая из которых подразделяется на два уровня. The first level is more or less developed in most people (Homo sapiens). The second level is fully revealed only in some, which largely depends on the stage of spiritual evolution of a person and the degree of his passionarity.
Cognitive intelligence has two centers (levels of knowledge).
The first is the center of logical thinking. He дает способность выявлять связь между схожими предметами, явлениями и внутренними ощущениями, синтезировать получаемую от чувств информацию и анализировать ее методами индукции и дедукции, выполнять математические вычисления, использовать в общении с другими людьми вторую сигнальную систему, обучаться и извлекать необходимые сведения из своего ума. Thus, the intellect has only working memory; basic memory is at the mental level - manas.
The highest structure of cognitive intelligence is the center, which gives us the ability to receive information directly from certain matrices of the Universe, from the inhabitants of the world of Svarga and even from God, bypassing the logical chain of reasoning. Such phenomena as clairvoyance, divination, telepathy and the like are associated with this center. A person receives some information that he cannot immediately explain or prove, so he has to first take it on faith and only then be convinced of its correctness. Sometimes it happens in a dream, sometimes in reality, like an epiphany. Some scientists have made their discoveries in this way. For example, Mendeleev saw the periodic table of chemical elements in a dream, and only after some time he was able to scientifically substantiate the existence of this law.
As a rule, Western people use logical intelligence to a greater extent in understanding the world, so they are very pragmatic, it is difficult for them to take anything for granted. In the East, penetration into the truth occurs mainly through a higher source, knowledge is transmitted along the chain of disciplic succession without evidence and is often excessively mystified and shrouded in mystery; At the heart of knowledge is trust in one's mentor, which, however, as life shows, is quite justified. Ideally, to achieve harmony in the knowledge of the world, the development of both structures of the intellect is necessary.
Target intelligence also consists of two structures. The first center (level) is responsible for setting tactical (near, minor, everyday) and strategic (global) goals. As mentioned earlier, the mind constantly makes us repeat the sensations that we once enjoyed, or seek new sense objects. In other words, tens of thousands of desires are constantly activating our mental field. How to prioritize among them? How to give up less significant pleasures for the sake of more important, global ones? And how can one act contrary to one's own desires if one is forced to do so by the laws of society, a duty performed, or the instructions of a spiritual teacher? This is exactly what the first center of target intelligence is intended for. For example, if a person wants to become a good lawyer, he must pass the university exams, study for five years, and then get a good practice; all the while he is forced to give up many daily


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