Message: #87695
Ольга Княгиня » 11 Mar 2017, 23:47

Fundamentals of Ayurvedic Medicine. I. I. Vetrova

IV-V lumbar vertebrae and extends its influence mainly to the organs of the small pelvis and kidneys.
People who are dominated by the influence of the svadhisthana chakra live primarily with their emotions. Heи верят в то и стремятся лишь к тому, что могут непосредственно увидеть, потрогать или попробовать. Very impressionable and changeable in their moods, they do not use logic and awareness of the world around them in their lives. More often they live one day, float at the behest of the waves, like a blade of grass on a river. They have superstitions. Heи подвержены «стадному чувству». Heи совершенно непрактичны, но очень чувствительны. Heи имеют большую привязанность к сексуальным наслаждениям и очень плодовиты. They are characterized by the dependence of mood on the lunar cycles. As a rule, they quickly develop their internal resources.
The Manipura Chakra transforms and accumulates the energy received in the process of digestion and respiration. Under the action of certain enzymes of the stomach, pancreas, small intestine and bile (jatar-agni - "digestive fire"), food is divided into the so-called "clear juice" and "cloudy sediment". "Clear juice", passing through the liver, turns into a race (blood plasma and lymph), and the "cloudy sediment" is excreted by the large intestine. Rasa, accumulating glucose and fatty acids, delivers them to all tissues of the body, where, under the action of oxygen, ATP is synthesized (the main energy substrate of the anatomical body). The remaining glucose is utilized in the form of glycogen liver and muscles or converted into fat. All these processes are under the control of the manipura chakra. Its energy provides all motor activity of the body. Heа является центром первоэлемента «огонь», управляет всеми видами агни и работой клеточных митохондрий. In other words, the entire kinetic energy of the organism is subject to it. Manipura is located in the area of ​​the solar plexus.
Those who are dominated by the influence of the manipura chakra are incredibly active. Heи постоянно находятся в водовороте событий. True, their actions are very chaotic, and their efforts do not correspond to the results obtained. Heи очень сильно привязаны к объектам чувств. They are not satisfied only with food, sleep and sexual pleasures. Heи жаждут власти, силы, богатства, почестей, славы и ради этого тратят колоссальное количество энергии. Their whole life is long-distance running. They simply have no time to think about the essence of being. They are characterized by self-centeredness, pride and arrogance. Heи весьма неумеренны в чувственных наслаждениях, правда, стараются сделать их как можно более изысканными. In an effort to achieve their goals, they completely forget about themselves, become incredibly patient and hardy. Heи прекрасные бойцы. Most often, their lives end abruptly.
The Anahata Chakra is a center that sublimates all types of energy received by a person - an open energy-informational and biological system that constantly exchanges various types of energy with objects of the surrounding world. When, interacting with others, a person is set to show goodwill, sincerity and compassion, he gets the opportunity to develop the full potential of the anahata chakra. Through this center the nature of the individual soul and God is manifested. Man is the only living being of the material world, capable of not only experiencing, but also cultivating love. Anahata is the soil on which the seeds of love fall. Here you can grow a whole garden that will bring wonderful fruits that bring joy and happiness to others. Лицемерие, страх, корысть, ненависть и равнодушие не дают раскрыться лотосу анахата-чакры и проявиться энергии любви, которая является сущностью нашей духовной nature. Unfortunately, in our age, people, especially city dwellers, communicate with each other at a very low, heartless level. going on the street or while on the bus, they do not perceive the people around them as individuals, so communication is often filled with lies, pride, indifference, hypocrisy, envy and anger. The beginning of a relationship between a man and a woman is often based only on passion; connection through the heart is lost. Later they will create a family in which there will be no love. The children born to them will be deprived of this divine energy from an early age, and the “problem of fathers and children” will arise.
Gradually, people also lose the ability to friendship and other manifestations of love, they begin to take an example from some negative "heroes" - ruthless, callous, mocking any manifestations of good feelings. And then their heart is completely closed.
Anahata chakra is closely related to the cardiovascular system and the thymus gland, and its reduced activity often leads to cardiac problems and autoimmune diseases. However если наши взаимоотношения с людьми построены правильно, то мы всегда будем испытывать радость от общения и постоянное желание отдавать другим все, что мы имеем. Since the sphere of communication is connected with the primary element "air", the anahata chakra is considered the center of this element. Heа проецируется в районе V-VI грудных позвонков, немного правее грудины.
People who are dominated by the influence of the anahata chakra have an open heart. Heи очень искренни и просты в своем поведении. They radiate an extraordinary warmth. Heи добры и милосердны, уважают других и всегда стараются помочь страждущим. Heи доброжелательны, общаются со всеми на равных, независимо от возраста и социального положения. In personal life, they are satisfied with small things. They are very hardworking, they love a creative approach, they put their whole soul into the work they do. Usually they tell others the truth, but try not to hurt their heart. In religious practices, one often follows the path of bhakti (the development of a personal relationship with God based on friendship and love). God and all heavenly hierarchs greatly favor such people, even if they are not very developed spiritually and do not have great intellect.
Vishuddha-chakra sublimates the energy received when the sense organs come into contact with the outside world. Feelings are at the level of the "subtle" body, and in the physical body they have their own organs: eyes, ears, nose, skin and tongue. When the senses come into contact with external objects (by form, color, sound, smell, taste and others) the energy of these objects is transferred to the energy-informational body. It is she who accumulates in the vishuddha chakra - the energy received in the process of perceiving the surrounding world and which is no less important than the energy of breathing and digestion. Without it, the normal operation of the neuroendocrine and information systems of the body is impossible (just as a computer cannot function without electricity). For example, when direct or reflected sunlight hits the retina of the eye, a complex biochemical process of converting light energy into energy of the nervous system takes place.
Various types of art, manifested in society, are designed to harmonize a person through appropriate sensations. Thus, the manifestation of human creativity in all areas of life is very closely related to the activity of the vishuddha chakra. Since feelings are the main source of information for a person, the primary element "ether" has the strongest influence on this chakra.
Vishuddha Chakra is projected in the area of ​​the thyroid gland. On the one hand, it is associated with the sense organs and subcortical areas of the brain, and on the other hand, with the mental body (manas and indriyas).
Those who are dominated by the influence of the Vishuddha Chakra are highly creative. These are people of art - musicians, painters, sculptors, poets and actors. Heи прекрасно владеют своим голосом и обладают способностью передавать любую информацию, преобразуя ее в соответствующую форму. Heи могут заниматься различными ремеслами, которые требуют творческого и неординарного подхода, и не выносят стандартов и монотонной деятельности. Erudite and very sociable, they have little interest in everyday and financial problems, they like to "hover in the clouds" and, as a rule, are poorly adapted to social conditions.
Ajna Chakra transforms and accumulates energy, which contributes to the process of logical thinking (active analysis and synthesis of information). This center ensures the functioning of the cells of the cerebral cortex, which is the receiving device of the vigyana-sharira (human intellectual body). Ajna-chakra receives energy through the subtle body and converts the kinetic energy of manipura, and with great mental stress - also svadhisthana. Some of this energy can be sublimated and used by the lower chakras. In other words, the process of thinking is also a source of energy for the body - for example, many scientists feel a great surge of strength during active mental work.
Ajna Chakra is projected in the area between the eyebrows. This chakra is mostly associated with the left hemisphere of the brain.
People who are dominated by the influence of the ajna chakra have a well-developed intellect and logical thinking. In life, they are most interested in knowledge. Among them are many scientists and philosophers. Their dwellings are filled with scientific books and magazines. Heи исследуют все проявления жизни, имеют развитое мышление, но их чувствительность и интуиция, как правило, слабо развиты, ведь верят они лишь в то, что можно подтвердить экспериментально или пощупать руками. However, some of them become wise men, knowing the truth. Their faith, as a rule, is based on their own experience, knowledge and observations of the world around them. In the spiritual sense, they usually choose the path of jnana (the cultivation of spiritual knowledge with a gradual understanding of their original position in relation to God and the laws of the universe). They usually avoid personal relationship with God, accepting Him as the Absolute Truth.
Sahasrara Chakra refers to the so-called "egregor center". Egregor is a collective energy-informational field that unites various communities of people into a single system. Существуют эгрегоры семьи, города, страны,


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