Message: #67956
Buckshee » 03 Feb 2017, 09:24

Yoga and Ayurveda in 10 simple lessons. Eliza Tanaka

is aggressive and strong, but can be inflexible and rigid. Men tend to be stiff and need a lot of stretching to keep their energy flowing. Shoulders, legs and pelvis need to be made more open to create balance with strength. Most men need to work on learning how to coordinate their stretches with even breathing on a period of at least 40–60 seconds for each.
Feminine energy is resilient, but not always determined or strong. Women tend to be weak rather than stiff, so both strength and stretching exercises are included to bring them into balance. In general, women need to strengthen their upper torso, arms, and stabilizing pelvic muscles. They benefit from strengthening and stretching the legs, including the adductors and abductors.

During this period, it is best not to practice asanas. If you испытываете потребность практиковать их, не делайте никаких энергичных поз, таких, как стоячие позы. Inversion poses are also not recommended.

During the first trimester of pregnancy, you can practice any of the regular asanas. After the first trimester, do not practice any asanas that cause pressure on the abdomen. Yoga beginners should be careful to perform asanas in the last months of pregnancy. The most beneficial for the future mother in terms of childbirth will be the practice of postures associated with the opening of the pelvis and hips, both standing and sitting.
In addition, poses that strengthen and flex the spine are helpful in supporting a child's weight. Pregnant women should also practice inversion poses if they wish to do so and have practiced them regularly prior to pregnancy. But even with experience in performing such postures, it is wise to stop practicing them in the third trimester or consult a doctor first.
After the birth of a child, do not practice asanas for at least a month. When you start doing them again, start slowly and gently. В течение трех месяцев ваша практика йоги должна оставаться осторожной и спокойной, позволяя телу пройти естественный и необходимый период восстановленand I.

Environment: local weather, changing seasons
The doshas reflect the influences of the seasons and the environment. We must adapt to this in order to create the most effective practice.
The desert, where the air is dry, warm and clean, is the environment for reducing Kapha. It makes these types so well balanced that they can practice more general types of yoga in such a climate. But Vata and Pitta types do not do well in such an environment and should avoid excessive heat and dryness. All postures that increase Kapha will be beneficial for Vata and Питты, чтобы стабилизировать большое тепло и сухую энергию пустыneither.
Vata is best reduced in humid tropical environments where temperatures do not fluctuate much. The tropics are an ideal place for Vata to decrease, and a balanced and favorable environment for them. Vata types do not need to concentrate their attention much on Vata-reducing postures, as the weather itself constantly reduces excess Vata. But Pitta and Kapha will need to work harder on their dosha reduction programs to balance the effects of heat and humidity.
Cool and humid weather tends to lower Pitta. However, Vata types who live in cold and damp climates will benefit from the generation of heat during practice.
Kaphas prefer dry and warm environments, so they will also benefit from practicing vigorous, warming postures in cold, damp climates, as this is the most Kapha-inducing type of weather. In a dry and cold environment, such as the desert or the northern tundra, Vata is subjected to very severe trials. Этот климат противоположен тому, который смягчает Вату, поэтому им необходимо создать тепло и влажность в своей жизneither. Pittas do well in cool environments, but they have problems in intense sunlight. Kaphas tolerate dryness well, but they are hard on cold, so warming up poses will be very useful for them.
Hot and humid summers increase Pitta, cold and wet winters increase Kapha, although in general these types of climates increase Kapha with their constant moisture.

Climate factors that reduce doshas
Vata - warmth and moisture.
Pitta is coolness and slight dryness.
Kapha is warm and dry.
Note that Pittas have a damp quality that makes Pitts suffer in hot, humid climates, but they do well in damp, cool conditions. Heat or cold is the main factor for them. Dryness or wetness is secondary.

seasonal changes
As the seasons change, so does the influence of the environment on the dosha types. Your practice can be tailored to help balance the effects of changes in the weather.
Summer brings warmth, usually with some degree of humidity, which means Vata types will be tempered by heat and moisture. Но тепло усиливает Питту, поэтому они захотят практиковать уменьшающие Питту позы для поддержания равновесand I.
Autumn has a cooling and drying effect, when the leaf fall begins, the temperatures become more moderate, so Vata increases. Pitta will decrease in cooler weather. Сухость будет также удерживать Капху от возрастанand I. The focus should be on reducing Vata and increasing moisture in the tissues of the body.
Winter brings very cold and often dry weather which disturbs Vata, especially early winter. Cold and damp, which are part of many winter climates, increase Kapha, especially at the end of winter. Pitta feels better in winter than other types. However, severe cold causes more health complaints in all types, because the body needs a significant amount of heat. Therefore, in winter, most of all colds, flu and other infectious diseases. Поддержание более активных программ асан в зимний период помогает сохранять тепло тела и энергию циркуляции, чтобы предотвращать болезneither.
Spring is a time of generally wet and cool weather, which is natural for Kapha and good for reducing Pitta. Although Vata benefits from humidity and high temperatures, it increases in windy and stormy weather. Although this weather is more common in autumn, it can occur at any time of the year and vary depending on the climate.
We must remember the microclimate of our home, because we spend most of our time indoors.
In winter, many people, even in humid climates, use heating, which enhances the properties of Vata. In summer, the cold and dry air of air conditioners can also increase Vata. Make sure you have the right temperature and humidity in your home, especially in the room you sleep in.
Seasonal effects on doshas

Each type of dosha is prone to behaviors and lifestyles that increase its own energy. Cotton wool types склонны к избыточной активности, потому что это нормальное проявление Ваты. On the physical level, this manifests itself as restless movement, training and travel. On a social level, it's a lot to do with an unstable situation at work and in relationships. Vatas lead a hectic lifestyle, always involved in new projects, talking all the time and not taking care of themselves in terms of proper nutrition or rest. The practice of asanas should aim to calm the Wat, strengthening their attention and reducing their confusion. activity.
Тип Питта беспокоит его избыточная горячность, драйв и страсть, направленные на завоевание высоких достижений в жизneither. Their positive focus often becomes overbearing or intrusive, preventing them from calming down and relaxing. They are usually energetic, obsessive and persistent in achieving their goals. The practice of asanas should be aimed at reducing such qualities, softening arousal and teaching this type of receptivity and openness.
Kaphas are prone to a sedentary lifestyle, they seek ease and comfort, their activity is reduced. They love to sleep, but it is better not to get carried away, although they think that they need it. Kaphas find it hard to fight a sedentary lifestyle and stay active, alert and motivated. Doing dynamic yoga exercises will help balance this Kapha tendency.

Moving or stationary
Vataam is best in predominantly motionless postures, but with a large excess of Vata, this is problematic. Then it is useful for Vata to perform slow controlled movements with a focus on the breath.
Kaphas benefit from movement because they energize them. But Kapha can also benefit from holding still intense and vigorous postures such as the headstand or some standing postures, especially if accompanied by deep breathing.
Питтам полезны медленное легкое движение или неподвижность, если в ней нет большого напряженand I.
They need to relax their intense focus through postures that can release them.

How long to hold static poses
Каждая асана имеет рекомендованное время удерживанand I. However, in general, Vata should hold the posture, but without tension, in order to develop stability and reduce excess Vata.
Pittas should hold the pose for as long as it takes without tension or heat buildup.
Kaphas benefit from staying in the postures for as long as possible, even if they experience some discomfort.

Asana and Pranayama: Using the Breath to Modify the Effects of Asana
Vataam is best used with slow, steady, conscious deep breathing. Ujjayi, the sound that occurs when the vocal cords close can be used by Watami to maintain focus (but only a slight option to avoid stress).
Pitts also benefit from Ujjayi. They may breathe through their mouths to reduce heat. As the Pittas enter the pose, the breath will change. The sound of Ujjayi can be used in their practice to let them hear if they are starting to push into the pose.
Kapha needs deep breathing during postures. Rapid breathing such as Bhastrika (breath of fire) is also good for them.
Ayurveda uses alternate nasal breathing to balance the doshas. Inhaling through the right (solar) nostril and exhaling through the left (lunar) nostril increases heat and reduces Kapha. Inhaling through the left (lunar) nostril and exhaling through the right (solar) nostril reduces heat and Pitta. It is beneficial for Vata to combine both types of nasal breathing, especially right nostril breathing in the morning and left nostril breathing in the


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