Message: #67956
Buckshee » 03 Feb 2017, 09:24

Yoga and Ayurveda in 10 simple lessons. Eliza Tanaka

your practice will be in this regard. When you have health problems, remember to move slowly, practice listening to your body, and remain fully aware of your body's needs.

What will you need
Asanas are best performed on level ground or on the floor, on a woolen blanket or rug, or on a special mat. If possible, always use the same equipment for practice. Have everything you need on hand: a pen and paper, a candle and matches, mats, blankets, props, eyecups and towels. The interaction of body and mind is softened by familiar familiar surroundings, so it is most effective to practice daily with the same objects in the same place at the same time.

Where to practice
Practice in a well-ventilated room. If you занимаетесь на свежем воздухе, лучше всего избегать прямых солнечных лучей, чрезмерной жары, холода и сквозняков. Not only will this be hard on your body, but it will also distract you from the inner focus that is so important in yoga. Choose a quiet, secluded place where there is no traffic, dust and enough territory for all movements.

When to practice
The body loves regularity and easily perceives a certain rhythm. As far as possible, practice every day at the same time and in the same place. Consistency creates a stronger sense of security. As a result of this, your self-esteem will increase, participation will be emphasized and your ability to hold attention and concentrate will increase. The most important thing is that you are attentive and consistent, so choose the right time of day to start classes.
Next moments are helpful in choosing the best practice time for your type of practice. The body is rigid early in the morning, but the mind and prana are alert and fresh. And morning asanas help in detoxification. During the day the body is more reactive, but the mind is less disciplined and unable to begin the practice.
The Vata type, with their volatile nature, needs regular practice the most. The morning between sunrise and 10 o'clock is optimal for them, as their energy often decreases during the day. Kapha is also best suited in the morning, but as early as possible. Им также принесут пользу вечерние занятand I. It is good to practice Pittam in the morning and afternoon, but they should avoid practicing between 10-2 pm and any other time when they are hungry. In general, the morning practice is good for every type, it gives a boost of energy for the whole day, while the afternoon and evening practices restore strength and reduce the stress received during the day.
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Asana Recommendations

и с тем, как вы себя чувствуете каждый day. Remember that if you enjoy doing it, then the classes will benefit you.
ki given in this book to avoid problems.
any. This sequence is neutral and balances the energies created by the postures. Use this order even if you don't practice all of the exercises listed here.
They are important for the diaphragm and intercostal muscles, and they restore balance in the spine at the end of the practice of asanas, just before performing Savasana. Please remember that lung capacity may decrease in these postures, so breathe deeply. To make sure you are getting enough air, you can breathe through your mouth.
neither. When you are working on correcting a single functional imbalance (muscle), you may want to practice more on one side than on the other.
. Relax to adjust your postures as needed to eliminate this tension. Yoga positions are not static - they are organic. Regardless of your body type, I recommend breathing in while establishing and stabilizing the posture. With each exhalation, lengthen, build, and expand the pose.
ite and be moderate in your movement. Constantly watch yourself both outside and inside.

want to do it. Yoga should enhance your energy, not deplete it. In essence, your yoga classes can be great. an energy management tool through which you can create health and longevity.
I am an important posture for both Vata and Pitta. One of the main goals of asana practice is to learn how to do Savasana well. It is during this position that the body is again filled with the energy created during the practice and balances it. Many great teachers have said that Shavasana is the most important position and the main reason why we do all the other asanas. It is also a form of pratyahara or sensory surrender in which we can relax our motor organs and experience the peace that is the true goal of yoga.

Notes on specific physical needs
If your practice is draining you, then you are probably doing too hard or incorrectly (especially when bending over), dehydrating yourself, or practicing a type of asana that is not suitable for your body.
If you физически истощены по какой-либо причине, не насилуйте себя. Практикуйте только восстановительные упражнения столько времени, сколько вам потребуется для восстановленand I. If you have the flu, bending over will help you clear the virus from your body. Mild expectorants and lung exercises will flush the virus out of your body through vigorous forward bending. In case of infections, they need to be localized. Do not perform an asana or any movement that will spread the infection to all the tissues of your body. If you страдаете от высокого или низкого кровяного давления, астмы, грыж или ишиаса, вам нужно перед началом занятий проконсультироваться с доктором или опытным квалифицированным преподавателем йоги.
Yoga can be good for asthma if done slowly and without strain. У тех, кто страдает грыжей или ишиасом, наклоны вперед могут вызвать ухудшение состоянand I. Never do forward rotations and forward bends, and never exercise through pain.


For a truly effective yoga practice, it is not enough to mechanically follow a series of prescribed precepts. Our practice should have the same flexibility that we are trying to develop in our bodies. This chapter shows you how to tailor your asana programs to suit your age, health, lifestyle, and weather.

Yoga follows the flow of nature. When we think about changing the practice of yoga for different age groups, we must keep in mind the nature and energy of these separate groups. Например, детские программы будут фокусироваться на удерживании внимания и развлечении, когда дают детям способ познать самих себя и исследовать новые ощущенand I. According to Ayurveda, childhood is the stages of Kapha life, so postures and movements that reduce Kapha (mucus) are important. This should aim to eliminate congestion in the head and sinuses and prevent the accumulation of Kapha in the lungs and lymph glands. Thus, children will suffer less from colds, flu or allergies.
Adolescents and young people have more energy and a higher need to show it. Таким образом, в практике асан для этой возрастной группы больше подойдет более ин тенсивный раджастический стиль, в котором значительная доля движения и физического напряженand I. After adolescence comes the stage of Pitta, in which people want to be noticed and achieve things that will give them the recognition of others. Young people in particular easily become aggressive and overly hot. This means that even vigorous practice must end on a cool and calm note, with proper relaxation, otherwise Pitta will increase.
As we get older, our energy levels slowly decrease. We want our yoga practice to raise rather than lower it. Correct practice would focus on stimulating the body's systems and maintaining flexibility and strength. Older people, people of mature age, are by nature more calm. For them, a quiet practice that emphasizes the very process of doing exercises with work on the breath is much more useful than one that uses large amounts of energy. Performing vigorous postures is best done systematically to avoid injury.
The onset of old age is marked by the stage of Vata. Процесс старения увеличивает эту дошу, уменьшая телесные жидкости и ограничивая наши движенand I. From this point on, many degenerative diseases begin, especially arthritis and other conditions that damage the bones. To counter this, we need an asana program that maintains a healthy range of motion in all joints of the body, especially in spine. Restorative postures become necessary both to maintain energy after difficult postures, and to restore vitality after excessive fatigue or stress.
Since the asana is an ideal exercise for reducing Vata, it becomes more important to practice as we age, especially if we have Vata constitutions. For those who want to live longer, asana is an ideal exercise. Посредством уменьшения Ваты открывается энергия праны, чтобы обновлять нас на очень глубоком уровне тела и сознанand I.
Useful yoga exercises for the elderly include the following: exercises for the eyes to maintain vision; modified or complete inversions to resist the effects of gravity that cause the body to age; stretching the quads and hamstrings to maintain mobility; stretching and opening the upper half of the torso to facilitate proper breathing and general strengthening; and stretching.
Older people become more introverted and prone to contemplation. Old age marks that period of life when our outward or material development naturally gives way to inward or spiritual pursuits. During this period, it is important to develop consciousness by practicing concentration techniques (Dharana).
Of course, individuals in each age group have different energy levels and will want to adjust programs accordingly. It is also important to remember that every age group will benefit from breathing practices and regular relaxation practices. See the life stage chart below. The years proposed in it are only hypothetical. The transition from one stage to another occurs gradually.
Stages of life

The practice of yoga is a wonderful tool for bringing the active and passive energies of your body into balance, making it less prone to injury, abuse and premature aging.
The masculine energy


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