Message: #100872
Ольга Княгиня » 19 Apr 2017, 00:47

Introduction to Synastric Astrology. Absalom the Underwater

with the highest value (the wife of a great man or the husband of a beauty). A typical example of this type of partnership is a family union, the purpose of which is to create a prosperous family and raise children. Sometimes in such marriages, the goal is not the upbringing of children, but the successful career of one of the spouses. This type of partnership is characterized by the study by partners of each other and voluntary mutual adaptation in those aspects that are directly related to the main goal of the partnership. The next two types of partners are in a sense complementary.

The saving person sees the meaning of pair relationships in that help your partner out of trouble, for example, save a drowning man. If this requires sacrifices (for example, marrying with a strong misalliance, say, to a prostitute), the person who rescues them readily makes ... until the rescue procedure ends, after which either his rescued partner again gets into trouble, from where it can be pulled out again with enthusiasm, or interest in it disappears, and the union breaks up.

The person being saved sees the meaning of partnership in being pulled out of trouble or saved from misfortune. When this happens, he loses interest in the partner who saved him and does not know what to do with him, and after a while the union breaks up, or the person being saved finds himself in a new trouble, from where he is again rescued by the former or new partner.

Examples of people's attitudes towards partnership could be continued. Offering the types described above, the author set himself the goal of illustrating the fact that the internal positions of people, that is, their a priori attitude to a partner and partnership, often unconscious or semi-conscious, can be completely different and dissimilar, and most importantly - mismatched. For example, it is natural for a person who is being saved to look for himself as a partner of a person who is saving - then their union can turn out to be very stable, and pair meditations are full-fledged for both: the person being saved regularly falls into a binge and almost dies in a gloomy brothel, and the person who saves him is looking for him there on himself drags him back home, undresses, washes, puts him to bed and in the morning gives him cucumber pickle. However, it is quite possible that the rescued person will be pulled out of the ditch, for example, by a purposeful person who will try not to let him plunge into the abyss again, but, say, marry him and force him to earn money for an ever-growing family. And, of course, in such a family, if it is preserved by a miracle (however, most families are preserved solely by a miracle, which once again proves the omnipotence of God and His vigilant attention to all our affairs), there will nevertheless be a deep misunderstanding between the spouses of the role of each of them. in the life of another, and mutually satisfying pair meditations will occur rarely and purely by chance, in situations that will remind each of the spouses of his own archetype, which is technically difficult to implement: the pathos of partnership for the spouse of the saved type sounds in situations that his partner of the purposeful type perceives as a direct betrayal of himself, and situations that give the purposeful spouse the feeling of pair work are incredibly boring for the rescued spouse. Similarly, major misunderstandings, often not immediately realized, arise during the unions of a purposeful person with an adaptable person, the latter with a service person, etc. However, even the partners' awareness of the inconsistency of their positions in relation to each other changes little: such positions are formed in the depths of the subconscious, starting from early childhood, and are very difficult to correct. Partnership is a very powerful experience, and the meditations that arise (and even more so, those that do not arise) in it are almost not amenable to direct control by the will of the participants. Here, only indirect measures are effective, which in general can be characterized as a process of building relationships, and it sometimes bears fruit very slowly. But the main thing that partners who are trying to create a harmonious or at least acceptable reality around them needs to understand is that efforts alone to adapt and harmonize their manifestations are not enough. The main, I must say frankly, the leading role in paired relationships is played by a paired egregor, with which, first of all, one must correlate one's behavior. And if his program is exhausted, then the partners receive credit or non-credit from karma for the joint work done and must disperse - there is nothing else for them to do together, which will be signaled by mutual feelings of boredom and a desire to see each other, which, in case of failure, are often accompanied by heaps of insults, claims and disappointment, and in case of offset - bright memories, a feeling of gratitude to the former partner and the fate that sent him, as well as a feeling of work done in the subtle world, which made him a little brighter.

The most consistent position regarding a partner can be expressed approximately as follows: "My partner, as I see him, is myself, or rather, some part of me, hitherto hidden from me, and now, by the grace of God, exteriorized and turned towards me so that I saw her better and drew the appropriate conclusions.My relationship with a partner is nothing more than a materialization and manifestation in the outside world of the relationship between my my own programs of the subconscious, or aspects of my personality. "Thus, a relationship with a partner is one of the ways of self-knowledge, but if internal self-knowledge often gives a person great freedom to choose his direction, then interaction with a partner, on the contrary, indicates this direction quite accurately, sometimes, from the point of view of the person himself, even too accurately. No one (except the Almighty himself) will bare our soul to us in the way that a partner does, or, more precisely, a paired egregore through a partner. But to look directly at the opening panorama of snow ridges and black abysses are not always desirable, and the gaze directed at the partner becomes foggy, meditation enters a comfortable and familiar framework, sincere smiles imperceptibly become polite, and love turns into a habit that eventually begins to seem bad.Speaking astrologically, the partner cannot do anything else, except in a certain way to accentuate the natal chart of the person himself: scary (if usedto call the representations of medieval astrology) Mars and Saturn are not a partner, but their own, and the conjunction of your Sun with your partner’s Pluto promises irretrievable losses to him - but in accordance with his level of development of Pluto, and if you do not meet on his life path or for humane reasons urgently you leave from there, anyway, the fatal forces, which are symbolized by Pluto in his chart, will find a way to manifest themselves. As Kozma Prutkov rightly points out to us: "Never be shy in front of the enemy, for remember: man's worst enemy is himself." As for the manifestations of the synastric connection of my Sun with the partner's Pluto, it means that the inclusion of Pluto in his life will cause the activation of my solar principle, that is, initiative, creativity, etc. Of course, in this case, the shadow of Pluto will stand above me, but it will be hidden much deeper in the subconscious - in those areas of it, the exteriorization of which is my partner, or rather, his aspect, turned on me. More specifically, this connection can be interpreted, for example, as follows. The circumstances that bring us together give me a burst of initiative or force me to take it; I feel that some higher power, perhaps not very kind, is waiting for something from me, and a lot depends on my choice, especially as regards partner's fate. The partner, in these circumstances, finds himself under the shadow of a certain cloud, gathering over his head and carrying a forced purge, but if you gain honesty and humility, it resolves into an extraordinary new vision, opportunities and purity. Usually the partner attributes this cloud to me, in a good relationship as a joke and not offended, and knowing that I can help him find clarity - not without some sacrifices on his part. It is clear, therefore, that the connection in question means a colossal asymmetry, to which the events occurring during our contacts are inevitably subject - both his and my inner life, and purely external ones: the partner almost always has a harder time than me, but on the other hand, with proper elaboration of the emerging energies and he will acquire much more situations: for example, he will become a celebrity (Pluto as a symbol of working with the energies of large groups), and I, using a synastric connection, can at the same time turn out to be a conductor of his will, say, an administrator or personal secretary. But, no matter how the circumstances of our communication develop, my partner should be very careful with my spontaneously (or deliberately) emerging initiatives, bearing in mind that they include him in little-controlled by him and often quite tough (for him) situations and energy flows; I, on the other hand, can be relatively calm, meaning only

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