Message: #100872
Ольга Княгиня » 19 Apr 2017, 00:47

Introduction to Synastric Astrology. Absalom the Underwater

the outside world, as a rule, is not the same. The world is arranged justly, if you look at it globally and take into account its entire past and future history, and extremely unfairly, if you take into consideration a small fragment of it. And since the plot that binds together the two human destinies, always a small and by no means isolated fragment of the world, there is no need to wait for symmetry and justice, not to mention the primitively understood equality, between partners. There are no rigid patterns in personal relationships and general fragments of fate, and attempts to find any specific and clear strategy for relationships and behavior are doomed to failure - but this does not mean at all that relationships in a couple are chaotic and not subject to any laws. On the contrary, they are always controlled by a reasonable force, which in this text is called a paired egregor, and which always tries to hint to partners what, in fact, is required of them - but people are so inattentive to themselves and others that it would even be strange if they suddenly began to listen to something completely ephemeral. Nevertheless, a synastric map can say a lot not only about the joys and difficulties of communication, but also about the karmic task of the couple and the features of her relationship with her egregor, and, of course, this book is nothing more than the first uncertain step in this direction. Astrology is to a large extent the art of diagnosing impasses at an early stage in their passage. In other words, it is often difficult for an astrologer to say what to do in a given situation, but it is much easier to say what not to do in it. As for the choice of partners, here in no case should one be guided by forecasts for synastry. Fate sends meetings, and every person you meet in your life should be treated with maximum attention, considering him as a partner, albeit a short-term, but full-fledged one, through whom (or to whom through me) Divine revelation can flow at any second. The meaning of synastric astrology is to help people understand relationships that have already somehow developed and a karmic program has been found in them that is worth compiling a synastry and interpreting it. The author is skeptical about the possibilities of selecting marriage pairs with the help of computer processing of synastry - although, of course, the ways of the Absolute are inscrutable, and, perhaps, he gives someone permission for this. The lower the evolutionary level of a person, the more standard the set of programs for his behavior, and the more clichéd and boring the set of stories and meditations that he encounters when communicating with partners. The paradox of communication lies in the fact that it most often takes place at a level that is significantly lower than the evolutionary level of both partners; speaking in the language of the school, then for some reason bad children spoil the good ones (and themselves become even worse at the same time), and are not re-educated, ennobling from the adopted virtues. It should be recognized that in the first phases of the manifestation of a paired karmic program (the beginning of the manifestation of a paired egregor), partners most often serve as black teachers for each other, although they do not always notice this. Of course, no one will consider envy, jealousy, narcissism and full readiness to accept any sacrifices from the outside world as virtues, and these qualities are most clearly manifested precisely in partnership. But love!... - this is a bright feeling, which for many people is the main content of life, turns into such fierce selfishness and shamelessness that the swamp leech, compared to another lover, begins to seem like a model of altruism. However, conflicts between partners (explicit and hidden), their mutual dissatisfaction, the inability, despite all efforts, to find a common language, and other problems of the couple are always objective in the sense that they are a manifestation of tension in the paired egregore, which may not be related to the shortcomings of partners, but simply to mean that they are doing something that does not correspond to his program, or, conversely, stubbornly do not do what he expects from them. The difficulty here also lies in the fact that in this game of three persons - two partners and a paired egregor - opinions about what each of the participants should do often differ greatly, and the now fashionable ideal of "equality" in partnership in practice cannot serve constructive guideline. Whatever you say, after all, men differ from women, and not only in anatomical terms. However, looking at any synastric chart, it is easy to find that the asymmetry of relations will be the rule, not the exception: for the most part, both the synastric aspects of the positions (the planets of one of the partners in the houses of the natal chart of the other) and the synastric arc aspects (the arcs between the planets, one of which is located in the natal chart of one partner, and the second - the other). This means that if the Sun of the first partner falls in the fifth house of the second, then the Sun of the second will not necessarily be in the fifth house of the first, and the synastric conjunction of Mars-Venus does not imply an indispensable synastric conjunction of Venus-Mars in the same synastry.

Thus, it is better to imagine paired relationships as joint service to a paired egregore, rather than as service to each other (excluding, of course, partners of such a level that each of them is able to constantly see Shiva in the other, but then they do not need this textbook either). However, the paired egregor also depends on partners who are able to brighten it or, conversely, obscure it, which will subsequently affect the quality of their relationship and joint work. If a paired egregor is imagined as a sailboat in the subtle world, then it needs to have its deck washed from time to time and the sides polished - this corresponds to constructive showdowns, reasonable agreements, correctly found compromises, etc. If you don’t build relationships in a couple and “live as you live”, the egregor gradually becomes polluted and falls into decay: holes appear in the sails, shells stick to the sides, the hold begins to leak, maneuverability and stability on the course are lost ... and reefs and shallows always arise at the most inopportune moment, and escaping on the atoll, waiting for an ocean ship to pick you up by chance (“... and the team will replace your husband”) is not the most pleasant experience. In the light of these ideas, it is possible to distinguish between the consumer attitude of partners towards each other and towards a paired egregor: individually and both together. However, first, some typology of people's attitudes towards partnership should be proposed.

A rude person seeks to simply subjugate his partner and force him to serve himself and his whims, not particularly thinking about either meditation or a paired egregore. On the contrary, finding himself in a subordinate position, he tries to grab as many crumbs as he can from the master's table, in the secret hope that someday the roles will change, and then he will take his own - but again, there is nothing about paired meditations or about paired egregore and thoughts.

A purposeful person seeks not only to subjugate his partner, but at the same time change him in the direction he wants: this is how a hunting dog is trained. This is usually done "for his own benefit", but, as a rule, it is easy to see whose benefit is pursued by such education, which uses a whip more often than a carrot. Once in a subordinate position, this person will purposefully minimize losses from oppression, establishing contact in his own way, but slowly standing up for himself a plan for liberation from tyranny. A purposeful partnership differs from a rough partnership in some (albeit superficial) attention that partners pay to each other, mainly in the light of their goals (hunting great snipes). Here, the paired egregor is no longer as tough as in the case of a rough partnership, and the partners influence it to some extent: for example, they can agree so that for the most part they avoid corporal punishment of the educatee; then his revenge after his release will not be so cruel.

The accommodating person sees partnership as an exercise in getting the most out of life and seeks to find a mutual arrangement that would provide both with a minimum of inconvenience. At the same time, work on oneself is not supposed, but a person can still spend a certain amount of effort to find the most successful turn in space and a way of contact - but if they are not pleasant enough, he spreads his arms and says (out loud or to himself): "I did everything you could, so either adapt yourself, or - we'll say goodbye, remaining friends. " Usually a person who adapts is looking for a partner of the same type, and when pleasant and easy meditations end, he tries to part peacefully, which for some reason rarely works out.

The man of service considers the goal of partnership to be the achievement - together with the partner - of some specific goal; sometimes a partner acts as her, who in this case is endowed

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