Message: #100641
Ольга Княгиня » 18 Apr 2017, 20:09

Horary astrology. Anna Ungar, Lillian Huber

the sale of property, marriage, etc., and one of the two planets determining the judgment is retrograde, then it is quite possible that the party to which this planet, will change its mind to conclude an agreement. If the retrograde planet is a planet that determines the fate of a lost child, pet (beloved pet) or object, then the person will return or the lost thing will be found, but the position of the lost person or thing may be worsened (upset, weakened).

The presence of retrograde planets can also mean a return to the previous state. For example, if the question is about finding a job, and the ruler of the 10th house is a retrograde planet, then the querent may find it useful to return to the previous state (position). If the question concerns marriage or divorce and the fate-determining planet of the 1st or 7th house is a retrograde planet, the person represented by such a planet will change his mind.

Often, if the ruler of a quesitid is a retrograde planet, then it can be out of reach for the querent.

Some astrologers believe that Mercury retrograde has an impact on the issue, although it is not included in the chart as a planet that determines the fate (harbinger planet). In this case, the querent or quesitid may change his mind (change his decision), or the circumstances surrounding the case may change.
The mutual perception of the planets is a reinforcing factor in a horary chart and occurs when any two planets on the chart are located in each other's signs. For example, Venus in Gemini, Mercury in Taurus are in mutual perception. The mutual perception of the planets in a horary chart is considered as if the planet occupies its own sign in the same degree as the planet of mutual perception and, moreover, as occupying its actual place on the chart. At first it is perceived as having aspects of its own, and then as having aspects of the planet with which it is in a state of mutual perception.
Light transmission is one of two circumstances in which answers to questions can be given based on diverging aspects. It occurs when two fate-determining planets separate from aspect to each other (or actually do not form any aspect to each other), and the third planet, moving more quickly, creates an aspect first to one of the planets that determine fate, and then immediately in relation to the other, before the latter changes sign or creates an aspect to the first planet (in relation to the first planet). This third planet transmits light from one fate-determining planet (significator) to another, thus recreating the divergent aspect. This is interpreted to mean that through a third party, which is a planet moving more, or as a result of the conditions that existed before the question was asked, the desired goal is achieved, the understanding of the essence is achieved.

This conclusion can be both favorable and unfavorable, depending on the aspects between the planets-pointers (harbingers that determine fate), and also depending on the aspect created by the planet that transmits (translating) light. For example, if Saturn is in 2° Virgo and Mars is in 7° Taurus (both harbinger planets that determine fate), and these planets are in a diverging trine, and the Sun is in 1° Capricorn, first trine with Saturn, and then with Mars, then the Sun will transmit the light of the trine between Saturn and Mars, thereby restoring contact. Another example: the Moon at 8° Gemini will be first sextile to the harbinger planet Jupiter at 10° Aries and then to the harbinger planet Mars at 12° Leo. The moon will transmit light by strengthening (strengthening) the relationship between the harbinger planets.
The gathering of light is another circumstance in which the question can be answered on the basis of diverging aspects. The gathering of light takes place when the two precursor planets separate from aspect to one another, but both come into aspect to a third planet moving more slowly. This third planet represents the third party to which other parties can turn and be helpful in finishing the job (helping get things done). Whether this consummation (conclusion) will be favorable or unfavorable depends on the divergent aspect between the two precursor planets and on the aspects they create in relation to the planet moving more slowly. For example, if Mars at 5 Aries and the Sun at 7 Libra are the harbinger planets in a chart, and both of these planets square Saturn at 9 Cancer, Saturn will collect light from the Sun (when the Sun makes its aspect to Saturn) and bring it to Mars (when Mars makes its aspect to Saturn), allowing the divisive opposition between the two harbinger planets to be considered as an applied opposition. Another example: Venus at 4° Taurus and Mercury at 9" Virgo are the harbinger planets on the chart. Saturn at 11°C scorpio will collect light from Mercury and bring it to Venus, allowing the diverging trine between Venus and Mercury to be read as a trine in use.

It should be noted that when reference is made to the speed of a planet, we are referring to the speed of that planet's movement through the Zodiac. The speed of movement is determined by the distance of the planet from the Sun. The closer to the Sun a given planet is, the faster it passes its orbit around the Sun and the faster its movement (movement) through the Zodiac.

The order of the planets according to their speed of movement, starting with the fastest moving and ending with the slowest moving, is as follows:

Moon, Mercury, Venus, Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Ur Neptune, Pluto.

Although Pluto is slower than Neptune most of the time, Pluto's orbit is closer to the Sun at present and throughout this century than Neptune's. Therefore, the speed of Neptune's movement through the Zodiac is slower than the speed of Pluto's movement. Therefore, we currently consider Neptune's speed to be the slowest in the Zodiac.
Условие Refraction имеет место тогда, когда две планеты-предвестники входят в аспект друг к другу, но перед тем, как завершить аспект, одна из двух планет становится ретроградNoah. An individual (personality) indicated by a planet turning retrograde may shirk (depart from the intended goal) or change their intentions.
The horary chart is a powerful tool and can be read independently of any other astrological chart. However, whenever possible, the astrologer should examine the querent's natal chart as well as the horary chart. If the degree of the Ascendant coincides in the querent's chart relating to birth in the horary chart, then the matter is considered to be of the highest degree.

When the Horary Ascendant coincides with a planet in the chart relating to the birth of the querent, that planet is of the highest degree of great importance and is read as a secondary co-ruler.
There are several branches of astrology that are closely related to horary astrology. Two of them are event (chance) astrology, i.e. event astrology, and selective astrology (choice astrology). Event astrology involves chart prediction for the time and place of an event that has already happened. These cards are read in the same way as the horary cards. Limitations in the evaluation of aspects can be neglected, and both divergent and convergent aspects can be used for consideration. Choice astrology charts are drawn up for a predetermined (given) time for future events. In this case, the astrologer chooses a time in the future in order to start an event that will have a birth chart with favorable signs. If the event actually (really) started at that preselected moment, then this card is the event card for this case. This chart is read in the same way as the horary charts, but the limitations in the evaluation of aspects are ignored and both aspects are used: both convergent and divergent. Moreover, when using the choice charts, the astrologer must take into account the configurations related to the birth and development process.

Part II

In horary astrology, a convincing answer to a question can only be expected when there is a strong need to seek an answer. If there is no actual relationship between non-creatures, the map will often contain a restriction (prohibition) on scoring or the map will be confusing and unreadable.
The secondary house system is a method by which the astrologer turns (flips) the chart and uses another house as the 1st house. For example, if the querent asks about a spouse, the querent is represented by the 1st house and the spouse is represented by the 7th house. This is a direct (immediate) house. When counting secondary houses, the house of the querent is counted as the 1st house and the houses are counted from there. For example, if the querent asks about the spouse's employer (employer), the card is rotated to use the 7th house as the 1st, and the employer in this case represents the 10th house, counting from the 7th (4house of the horary chart). This is a derivative - a secondary house, since, within the context of the question, the querent has no relationship with the employer, except for the connection through the spouse (spouse).

This method of obtaining secondary houses can be extended to the derivation of further derivatives. For example, the querent's mother is represented by the 10th house, which is direct because the mother is directly related to the querent. At the same time, the house

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