Message: #100641
Ольга Княгиня » 18 Apr 2017, 20:09

Horary astrology. Anna Ungar, Lillian Huber

unfavorable. Therefore, further analysis is necessary in cases. The absence of significators and aspects indicates the ambiguity of the answer.

There is a controversy regarding the appointment of the signs of the rulers for the planets standing after Saturn. In horary astrology, judgments end on Saturn. However, astrologers are increasingly including other planets in their consideration. The following are the ruling planets and co-rulers of the signs:
Aries - Mars

Taurus - Venus

Gemini - Mercury

Cancer - Moon

Leo - Sun

Virgo - Mercury

Libra - Venus

Scorpio - Pluto, Mars

Sagittarius - Jupiter, Neptune

Capricorn - Saturn

Aquarius - Uranus, Saturn

Pisces - Neptune, Jupiter


In horary astrology, the following structures of negative judgments are considered:

lack of action of the moon;

zone over 27° in sign;

Saturn in the 7th house (Capricorn or Aquarius on the cusp of the 7th house);

Moon in Via Combusta (burned path).
The absence of the action of the Moon is manifested when it does not have any major aspects (including parallel and counter-parallel) in relation to another planet before the Moon leaves the sign of this planet. In our opinion, the Moon acts even if it has an aspect in terms of fortune telling (happy). No other aspects are used to determine the absence of the influence of the Moon, except for those listed. Usually the absence of the influence of the Moon means a stalemate, that is, nothing can be determined in essence. The lack of action of the Moon indicates that other planets will not act. Our experience, however, is that the absence of the Moon's action does not make the chart unreadable. Very often, if the planets that determine the destiny have strong aspects, then the event will take place outside the three-month time frame of the chart.

We believe that in relation to a map with no influence of the Moon, one can make the following statements:

1. Nothing will happen until the Moon changes sign, indicating a change in circumstances.

2. A change in circumstances will change the issue itself or make it moot.

3. In case of loss of the terms of the agreement, the agreement will be found.

4. The situation will not develop further. Nothing significant will happen.

5. There is no need to be concerned about this situation.

6. Very little can be done to help or change the situation.

7. The question should in no way concern the querent. The querent has no need to receive an answer.

8. Important facts relating to the problem are not known to the querent, but will influence the answer.

9. The interests of the querent will change and the question will lose its meaning.

10. There is no answer, because the outcome is unpromising.

11. The situation is critical and almost beyond the point where any changes can be made.
If the Moon is at a 3° angle to another planet's aspect and will improve that aspect after sign change, the astrologer may consider the Moon technically excluded.

Any planet can be inactive, like the Moon. The presence of a planet in a zone less than 3 ° from the beginning of the sign means that the question is asked early. Not all conditions have completed their development, it was possible to give an answer. Something else must happen in the situation that will influence the response. Often a horary kar will indicate an area in which the querent will lack information. Sometimes, as soon as new information appears, the question becomes irrelevant.
The zone over 27° in the sign means that the outcome of the situation is already known.

Traditionally, these degrees are not so strictly taken into account when the chart refers to the birth of the querent, i.e. when the situation is related to the planet related to the birth of the querent. This is especially true when that planet is relevant to the issue.

If the Ascendant is within 3° of the sign's cusp, the chart may be examined to further clarify the matter. If the Ascendant is over 27° in a sign and the next sign's lord is within the 1st house, then it should be considered as co-ruler of the querent (question). It is very common to score a card in this way sheds additional light on the situation, which is very important, and can lead the querent to reassess the situation and choose a different course of action.
Saturn in the 7th house or Capricorn or Aquarius on the cusp of the 7th house traditionally means that the astrologer does not understand the issue, has made a mistake or is unable to be objective in evaluating the chart. In this case, the astrologer must carefully recheck the calculations and clarify the issue in order to make sure that he understands it correctly. Often the question contains something that makes it difficult due to the lack of communication between the participants in the events (question). Moreover, the degree of objectivity of the astrologer in assessing the horary chart must be carefully checked.

If the astrologer cannot be objective, the card must be rejected.

If the result obtained also concerns other people, Saturn in the 7th house sometimes has a delaying influence in reaching the climax of the task (goal), even when the card indicates an otherwise favorable result. When the astrologer is also a querent, there are also limitations in judging if Saturn is in the 1st house or Capricorn or Aquarius is on the cusp of the 1st house.
The VIA COMBUSTA region is that part of the Zodiac that lies between 15° Libra and 15°C Scorpio. When the Zodiac and the constellations are aligned, this segment of the sky contains a number of malefic fixed stars that seem to upset and weaken the effect of any planet found within those degrees. The exceptions are 23-24° Libra, which are connected with the favorable stars Spica (Spike - a star in the constellation Virgo) and Arcturus. Sometimes, when the Moon is in the segment of the Zodiac called VIACOMBUSTA, the usual signs considered in answering a question prove to be contradictory, and the answer becomes unfavorable for the person asking the question. Circumstances take a sudden, unpredictable turn, similar to that which occurs under the influence of an eclipse. This implies an unfavorable result (outcome, answer), concluded on the map.

Many astrologers believe that limitations (a strict approach to valuation) make a horary chart unreadable. However, we we consider these restrictions as milestones (indicator posts) that affect the overall interpretation of the chart and, together with other signs present on this chart, allow the astrologer to answer the question.


There are other conditions that are seen as upsetting and debilitating factors in relation to the planets in horary astrology. Among them are the planets in the nodal degree (points of intersection of the orbits of the Moon and planets moving in the opposite direction).
Any planet, regardless of sign, that falls in the same degree as the nodal points (points of intersection of orbits) of the Moon is considered weakened. Some authors attribute a certain fatality to this planet.

However, our experience suggests that such a placement of planets (arrangement) is not necessarily fatal in terms of life or death. Rather, the principle (specificity of action) of the planet leaves a significant imprint on fate and, even though the planet does not directly relate to the essence of this issue as a planet that determines the fate of a person, the affairs of the house that it controls, one way or another, have a decisive (turning point) impact. A planet in the central degree denotes a situation that is no longer viable; something is gone or dead. The situation is over, as shown by the nature of the planet, its sign, and especially the house that the planet rules in the horary chart. For example, the chart drawn for the question "Should I buy a new house?" showed the planet ruling the 10th house in the central degree. This means that in some way the success of the person who asked the question (the querent) was weakened, or there was a danger that there would be no success at all.

Even if the card has given a positive answer regarding the purchase of a new home, the situation relating to the success of the person asking the question must be considered before he or she has assumed an additional financial obligation.

Lack of awareness of a possible fatal situation regarding his success could have served as an impetus for the decision to purchase a new home. However, knowing in advance that the situation might develop, the querent would take measures to protect his success and to limit the side effects predicted by the card.
Planets moving from east to west are of particular importance for the horary chart. The influence of any planet, determine: fate (significator), which is retrograde, is seen as upset or weakened. The weakening of the planet that determines the fate does not necessarily mean that the result will be negative. Very often, a retrograde planet has a positive meaning.

If the aspects of the rulers of the querent take a positive shape with the ruler of the goal (task), regardless of whether the ruler is a retrograde planet, the querent can achieve his goal, but the goal may turn out to be undesirable or disadvantageous (adverse). The querent is well advised to postpone any action until the planets change their direction of motion and begin to move in a forward direction. If the question concerns an agreement pending between two parties (participants), such as

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