Message: #100767
Ольга Княгиня » 18 Apr 2017, 23:49

Horoscope of Sexual Compatibility

cold and calm appearance. Why, then, have the stars made you the ruler of the house of success, when success almost always does not bring you complete satisfaction?


January 10 - February 18

11th zodiac sign

3rd air sign

3rd permanent badge

ruling планета Уран

Lucky number: 4 and all numbers divisible by 4

Astrological colors: blue-green, ultramarine, violet.

Astrological sign: Aquarius.

Astrological stones: garnet, amethyst

Aquarius rules the 11th house of the horoscope


Uranus, the ruling planet of Aquarius, according to astrologers, has the most eccentric behavior of all the planets in the solar system, for example, its axis is deviated from the plane of its orbit by a small angle of 98%, it seems to lie on side. When the Sun is opposite the south pole of Uranus, the entire northern half of the planet is in absolute darkness for about 20 years. When the Sun is opposite the north pole of Uranus, the entire southern hemisphere is in darkness. The features of Uranus that distinguish it from other planets fit well with the descriptions of many people of the sign of Aquarius, these people range from ordinary people to geniuses.

Aquarius is a giving sign, symbolized by a man pouring water. People of this sign are trying to improve humanity. Heи "выливают свои" личности в мир и обычно пожинают плоды: славу, богатство и глубокое чувство принадлежности, которое обычно вознаграждается.

Aquarius has a triple strength, astrologically speaking, he is practically invincible. Firstly, because Aquarius is an air sign and has a strong mind, secondly, it is a constant sign: these people also have perseverance and perseverance, and thirdly, because of the ruling planet, his life is freed from petty earthly affairs that interfere so much in everyday life. And it is not surprising that so many famous people were born under this sign.

Distinctive Uranian features: originality and self-expression.

It is impossible to force Aquarius to say and not do as they want, regardless of the consequences. In fact, Aquarius is synonymous with self-expression.

Aquarius also has some detachment and often they seem cold and indifferent to people. Heи не всегда вступают в отношения с людьми, но они никогда не бывают безразличными. Heи любят служить и существует опасность, что люди будут пользоваться этим. If he does not listen to wise advice, then his nobility can exhaust him spiritually and materially.

Heи уравновешанны, редко обижаются, пока после раздумий не решат, что с ними поступили неправильно. Heи уравновешаны и рассудительны, т.к. they adapt well to various conditions of life, all sorts of objects of well-being do not attract them.


Aquarius excites everything new, so they are looking for new interesting people, they want to touch and hold with different bodies. They are stimulated by variety in sex. Partners, but for them this is not sexual immorality, but an Aquarius life. In the sign of Aquarius, an internal conflict is concluded, because. he is a permanent sign, he wants to strengthen his status quo, on the other On the other hand, he wants change. Therefore, they often come into conflict in various ways. Heи колеблются относительно женитьбы, и не женятся столько - сколько это возможно.

Their craving for humanity as a whole is very great, but they still choose one as their spouse and for life. Of all the signs of the zodiac, Aquarius is the first to try to free themselves from social and parental guidance, they enjoy resistance and rebellion.


In general, Aquarius is not adept at non-sexual maneuvers. Heи обычно очень искренни в своих желаниях и целях, и часто подвергаются несправедливости. They are easy to get the better of in this regard.

In personal matters, they speak openly about their intentions and too often their sincerity fails them. Aquarians are usually happy people and are often rewarded for their originality, despite the fact that other people often get the better of them.


Never disrespect the mind and personality of Aquarius, do not let him think that he is a mere tool for your pleasure. He не будет терпеть это. Do not offer Aquarius to spend one night with you - they will refuse, they need to get to know their partner.

Remember: Aquarius rules the house of friendship and believes that the result of sexual intercourse is the acquisition of a new friend.

Since they are curious, most of them want to have contact with everyone, to know personally all forms of sexual experiences and many Aquarius at least once, but everyone will try. People who have entered into a relationship with Aquarians should remember that they consider themselves different from others. The way it is. He не умещается в отведенные рамки, он восстает быстрее, чем люди других знаков, длительные сексуальные отношения с ним не возможны, т.к. after a month of intimate relationships, Aquarius's mistress will become his best friend, and then his lover. Aquarius will rarely leave the same friend to sit at home, when he goes in search of a new lover, they go together.


Aquarius is a kind, gentle sign, ready to help. Heи осбенно довольны, когда к ним обращаются за советом и они одни из лучших советчиков. Heи скромны и редко пытаются добиться преимушества над своими товарищами.

In love, they are very faithful and spiritually devoted, but always a little reserved and do not like to show their emotions.

Uranus is a powerful friend of Aquarius and often affects the choice of his profession, in general Aquarius is a positive sign, 80% of famous people are born under this sign. So those who communicate with him, who were born under this sign, are happy. Aquarians instill hope and courage in them.

Because Aquarius rules the house of friendship - he is a master of personal relationships, his devotion knows no bounds.


The main threat to the success of Aquarius is his tendency to waste his abilities on trying to take a prominent position in society, they talk a lot about the future, but not always their ideas become reality. Because of their desire to do whatever they want, despite the consequences or the opinions of other people, people will judge them by their appearance and will not be able to see their sincerity and other virtues, a wise Aquarius will do well if he understands that he will soon achieve his goals, if he acts within a conditional framework, even if this is a temporary compromise, there is a danger for him to become superficial, he demands an extraordinary combination of virtues from people, especially in the intellectual field, but if he does not find this, then he can reduce his requirements and be "together with everyone." They shouldn't have done this: it would have been better for them to move on and look for new, smarter friends.


I'm afraid Aquarius is the biggest loser in the love economy. In fact, the average Aquarius tends to shy away from all matters relating to the economy. Heи слишком заняты человеческими ценностями, тайнами человеческого существования, миром души и ума, чтобы хотя бы заметить, что большинство людей стоят на коленях перед золотым тельцом.

Because Aquarius knows how to adapt to people below him. In order to achieve a sense of belonging, they are often content with what they currently have at hand, instead of being more selective. In other words, they rarely compete for economic power to buy love and sex.

The naive Aquarius allows his nobility to reach such an extreme that as a result he is left without any means of subsistence.

But not all people of this sign are such carefree philanthropists, Aquarius is a permanent sign and is determined to achieve their goals. Few of the people of this sign can not come to the rescue when they are called and therefore they are considered simpletons, but despite this, they will always possess wealth of soul and mind.


Until the age of 29.5, they need to look for the most suitable partners among the signs of Gemini and Libra. All three are air signs, their relationships are fragile and changeable. Gemini offers intellectual stimulation, fun camaraderie, while Libra offers balance and harmony.

After 29.5 years, they are more interested in practical earthly life, and then they are often compatible with the signs of Virgo and Aries. Virgo's sharp mind and ability to work tirelessly can help Aquarius enter the realm of practicality. Aries offers Aquarius flaming ambition and serves as a good example of his "I" for him.

After 41.5 years, Aquarius acquires a positive direction in his personal life and work, and he is ready to enter into high society. At this time, he is very compatible with his opposite sign - Leo, who has also already begun to go in this direction. If previous connections between Aquarius and Leo were unsuccessful, our grown-up Aquarians can try again, because. by this time they have become more diplomatic and know what can and cannot be expected from the Lions.


Aquarius is very faithful in all areas of human relationships. This is a constant sign and these people feel best when they see familiar faces and places around them.

In his youth, Aquarius is a devoted and trusting friend, he usually brings his friendship to old age.

What about matrimony? Well, first try to get him to marry at all. But when he finally marries, he is faithful to the end, in his own way, maybe not always romantic, but always consistent, calm and a little reserved.


Why don't you rebel against the system, why are you so disorganized and unstrategized? You are now the first and central sign, all attention is on you. Never before has mankind been so dependent on you. The dawn of your age is rising - the age of Aquarius.

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