Message: #100767
Ольга Княгиня » 18 Apr 2017, 23:49

Horoscope of Sexual Compatibility

the two signs Mercury rules - Virgo and Gemini. People of these signs are highly intelligent and captivate Sagittarians.

After 41.5 years, Sagittarius is already a developed personality, he has acquired self-control and the ability to look inside himself. At this time, he becomes very aggressive, domineering and, moreover, independent. Then he is very compatible with Taurus and Libra. Both signs can get along with powerful people.


In youth - bad, with some exceptions of highly developed, intellectual types. In marriage, it is average, and then only if their spouses can endure their desire to be with the "crowd". The best period for compatibility with Sagittarius is after 35 years.


Why are all your love affairs so short? Why do you immediately back off at the slightest sign of imperfection?


December 22 - January 19.

10th sign of the Zodiac.

3rd earth sign.

3rd main character.

ruling планета: Сатурн.

Lucky number: 8 and all numbers divisible by 8.

Astrological symbol: goat.

Astrological colors: black, dark brown, ash gray, blue and pale yellow.

Astrological stones: turquoise, onyx, moon crystal.

Capricorn rules the 10th house of the horoscope.


The astrological characteristic of the ruling planet Capricorn - Saturn gave the English language a new word: the adjective "saturn", which means "gloomy", "lead". Usually refers to a sluggish, inert, gloomy character. All astrologers believe that this is the most accurate characteristic of Capricorn. He постоянно хандрит и часто впадает в меланхолию.

High Capricorns seem gentle and meek, but don't let yourself be deceived by their appearance. Heи редко бывают довольны тем, что другие люди считают удачей, и полны решимости достигнуть чего-либо. Why not? Don't they rule the 10th house of the horoscope, the house of success? Isn't this the main sign that gives them a unique power? And isn't this an earth sign - an ultra-practical personality, great discipline and a great outlook on the world? All this, taken together, gives them a great advantage over their rivals.

Capricorn's happiness lies in hard work. He - основной материалист знака Зодиака, и, как Козерог, его символ, он должен быть уверен с каждым последующим шагом, что его путь по восходящей тропе к намеченной цели - безопасен. Each birthday should bring him closer to the pinnacle of success, otherwise he will become gloomy and withdrawn. Capricorns are intolerant of frivolity. They do not care if others notice their capabilities, as they highly value themselves. The goat is also concerned with only one thing: to climb to the top, overcoming obstacles with perseverance, endurance and ambition.


Under the influence of Saturn, Capricorn is sexually shy and reserved. Saturn is a slow planet, completing the first cycle of the Zodiac in 29.5 years, and Capricorn is like him. The sexual life of Capricorn can be divided into three periods:

1. Youth years. At this time, he is very reserved about sex, prefers to think more about studies and about the profession. Like people of the opposite sign - Cancer - Capricorns are shy, but behind their calm appearance lies a strong passion. Their passion is not as open and free as that of Scorpio, but restrained and disguised. Capricorn's sexual impulses are not regulated by their subject of love. Capricorn is an earth sign, his desires are real and practical.

2. In the second period of Capricorn's sexual life (let's say from the age of 30) they usually achieve some kind of success in business and then, already more confident, they begin to experiment in the field of sex. Fearing that they may lose a lot of precious time, they try to catch up with their astrological brothers and sisters and truly dissolve. Capricorn men rarely have the alluring mannerisms of Aries and the sexual dynamism of Gemini. But they feel at ease in the financial world, they know the price of affection and what they want to pay with. And they relate to love relationships from a position of money and power. Capricorn does not know how to play beautiful love, does not know how to flatter, although he is smart enough to outwardly somehow formalize his interest, for example, send flowers, sweets, theater tickets. In relations with the woman he loves, he relies on his status and dignity, hoping that by doing so he will earn her approval. He добивается женщин также, как добивался бы повышения по службе. If he is also handsome, then the woman will definitely hope that she has found her ideal. But let's be honest - Capricorn is not the most passionate lover. He достаточно похотлив, но холоден и сдержан и не способен создать романтическую обстановку love.

3. In the third period, Capricorn shows itself. After 40 years, he usually achieves the long-awaited prosperity and decides to destroy the facade of moderation and restraint in his sexual life.

To sum it all up, it can be understood that very few people achieve harmony between the romantic and sexual aspects of their personality, these two areas collide all the time.


To say that Capricorns are skilled in non-sexual manners is to underestimate them. Because Capricorn invented non-sexual mannerisms.

If we were to determine under which sign the most fortunate people were born, we would find that the largest percentage of them are born under the sign of Capricorn, then, in second place, Cancer.

An ambitious Capricorn man in an isolated world of business and secret love affairs. Capricorn's non-sexual behavior is always associated with the price that Capricorn offers. Capricorns are very patient and can wait a long time in order to get what they want, in other words, they can "wait out" the competition.

Capricorn women are no less skilled in non-sexual maneuvers; they need their husbands to succeed in business, their friends to cater to their desires, their relatives to support them in everything. events. Heи неустанные труженики. When they are involved in non-sexual intrigues, they are extremely cautious and reserved.


First of all, you need to remember that the romantic aspect in a relationship with Capricorn rarely lasts more than three months (long enough time to strengthen the relationship). Then sex. The aspect will be reduced to mere necessity.

Capricorns need to be able to brush aside the cold embrace of Saturn and show everyone that red blood still flows in their veins.

The word "career" is synonymous with the sign of Capricorn. Men - Capricorns provide the best family. Women make excellent mothers and housewives, even if they are a little harsh with children and lack a certain talent for creating a cheerful mood in the house.

The ascending goat, the symbol of Capricorn, usually always makes it to the top. His star gave him the ability to overcome all obstacles in his path. Perseverance, perseverance, foresight - most Capricorns are endowed with these qualities.


Capricorn's most serious flaw is their tendency to be despondent and melancholy. Heи с ужасом смотрят в будущее. Heи должны выработать в себе "юпитерский" (оптимистический) взгляд на жизньи верить, что завтра будет лучше, чем сегодня и что все будет хорошо.

We must not forget about the selfishness of Capricorns, which can lead to suffering. In their struggle for their goals, there will be periods of discord and depression. But if it seems to them that everything is standing still, there are no shifts, they need to take courage: Saturn will help them. But this planet moves so slowly that Capricorn needs to get used to its rhythm. He также должен понять, что деньги предназначены для того, чтобы их тратить, и что самые большие страхи Козерога перед будущим не оправданы. He должен перестать быть таким подозрительным, это не идет ему, и прекратить проявление своего темперамента и плохого настроения.


Capricorns usually know the price of everything, often they buy a thing in advance, and sex is also on this list. Capricorn seems to have a strong sense of inferiority and therefore they manage to acquire money as compensation, as power over what they simply cannot achieve over love.

A large percentage of Capricorns live to a ripe old age and occupy good posts in recent years. And they wield that power mercilessly, but rarely do it in an open way, they do not like to be in the spotlight. But they want and will act in their own way. It seems that they are trying to catch up in their youth.


Up to 29.5 years, the most suitable partners for Capricorn should be sought among the signs. Taurus and Virgo. All three are earth signs. The relationship between them is easy and a little passive, but usually stable.

After 29.5 years, they begin to lose their restraint and become less strict. Here they are often compatible with the sign of Aquarius and Scorpio. Aquarius teaches them to be noble and kind, to look at life humanely. However, Scorpio is the best choice because they are smart and cunning, business Capricorns admire them.

After 41.5 years, Capricorns usually achieve their goals and the heights of their mind. Then they are often compatible with zn. Pisces, other "self-sacrificers" who give Capricorn spirituality.


In their younger years - well, especially up to 30 years old, at this time they are modest and take care of business. In marriage - very good, up to 35 years. Saturn, the ruling planet, forces people of this sign to follow the narrow path of loyalty. However, they are always a little reserved.


When will you understand that the only guarantee of success in life is the mind of a person, and not the amount of money?

Why don't you business leaders realize that your ruthless commercial spirit has almost killed everything humane in you?

And finally, we know that you are not very calm and are scared to death, despite the

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