Message: #77202
Марк Аврелий » 17 Feb 2017, 08:59

Eka Pada Bakasana II

Eka Pada Bakasana II

Eka pada bakasana ii
This asana strengthens the organs and muscles of the abdomen, as well as the arms, chest and back. In this asana, our body acts as a lifting mechanism, and different directions of movement cause different parts of the body to bear its weight. From this the body gains strength.
Fold your rug or blanket in four and kneel in front of them.
Place your right hand on the floor on the outside of your right knee and your left hand on the outside of your left. Align your palms parallel to each other and point your fingers strictly towards the head. The distance between the palms should not exceed the width of the shoulders.
Move your knees towards your head and lower the top of your head to the middle of the mat.
Having fixed the position of the head, tear off your knees from the floor and straighten your legs. Bring your toes closer to your head and press your heels to the floor without hunching your back.
Push your chest forward and lengthen your spine. Hold this position for a few seconds. Do 3-4 breaths.
As you exhale, slightly push off the floor, bend your knees and lift them up. Lift both feet off the floor at the same time. Once you have mastered this position, stretch your legs up. As you exhale, pull your kneecaps up, point your toes toward the ceiling, and balance. You have taken the intermediate asana Salamba Sirshasana II.
Exhale, lower your legs so that they are parallel to the floor. Bend the left knee and place the left shin on the back of the upper left arm as close to the armpit as possible, as in Bakasana. Move the right leg to the right until it goes behind the right arm so that the inside of the right thigh touches the back surface of the upper part of the right arm.
Exhale, pull the torso up, lift the head off the floor and stretch the neck forward. Move your right leg forward and straighten it without touching the floor. Straighten arms to balance.
Remain in the pose for 15-20 seconds with full extension of the spine and right leg. Try to breathe normally.
Bend your right knee, lower your head to the floor and return to Salamba Sirshasana II.
Repeat the asana on the other side for the same duration. Stretch the left leg straight forward, and place the bent right leg on posterior surface of the upper right arm.
Lower your feet to the floor, bend your knees and lower them to the floor as well. Place your hands on the floor and come out of the asana.
Six months of daily yoga practice is required to perform this asana.
Do not perform this asana without first warming up the neck.
Eka Pada Bakasana is contraindicated in the following ailments: hypertension, atherosclerosis, weak blood vessels in the eyes, chronic conjunctivitis, glaucoma, any kind of bleeding in the head.
While balancing in this asana, make sure that the forearms from the wrists to the elbows are perpendicular to the floor and parallel to each other, and the shoulders from the elbows to the shoulder joints are parallel to the floor and to each other.

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