Message: #94494
Марк Аврелий » 31 Mar 2017, 07:46

Forward Squatting Step Exercise

Forward squatting step exercise

Starting position: squat down. Put your hands on your knees, bend your arms at the elbows. On the count of “one”, take a step forward with your left foot and inhale. Then, without stopping, take a step forward with your right foot and inhale again. And so on. With each step, take a short and noisy breath through your nose. The exhalation silently leaves immediately after each inhalation. Inhalation is active, exhalation is passive. An exhalation is an outgoing inhalation.

After squatting forward 8 steps, stop and rest for 3-5 seconds (if you feel unwell, you can extend the rest to 10 seconds), then again take 8 steps, sniffing the air briefly and actively at each step. Since the size of our city apartments does not allow you to move in a straight line for a long time, walk in circles.

You can rest depending on how you feel after 8, 16 or 32 steps-breaths. If your legs swell and hurt and it’s hard for you to squat, straighten up, stand up to your full height for these few seconds of rest. After that, squat down again and continue to walk around the room, sniffing loudly and gaining the required number of breaths-movements. The norm for this exercise is 96 steps-breaths (“hundred”).

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