Message: #99689
Марк Аврелий » 17 Apr 2017, 06:31

Ritual Action #3

It should be done immediately after the first two.

Ritual action #3 (1)

Starting position:
– deep inhalation and exhalation, breathing is free;
– kneeling, which are spaced at the width of the pelvis one from the other;
– hips are strictly vertical;
– palms are attached to the back of the thigh muscles, just under the buttocks.
Tilt your head forward – the chin is pressed to the chest.
Changing the position of the head back up, stretch the chest and at the same time bend the spine back, slightly resting your hands on your hips.

Ritual action #3 (2)


Return to the starting position – the chin is pressed to the chest. Exhalation.
If there is fatigue, then you can rest a bit and repeat everything from the beginning.
The task of ritual action No. 3 is the same as that of ritual action No. 2: strict coordination of movements with the rhythm of breathing. The depth of breathing is extremely important. If the exhalation is full, it means that there was a full breath before and after that – this is the key (criterion) for determining the depth of breathing. It is the breath that connects our physical body with the cosmos through the etheric body. In the etheric body is the ethereal force. This and other ritual actions, except for ritual action No. 1, can be performed with closed eyes in order to avoid diverting attention to unnecessary things.


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