Message: #75019
Buckshee » 13 Feb 2017, 17:57

Sumo Grip Barbell Deadlift

Sumo Grip Deadlift

Sumo Grip Deadlift buckshee
The deadlift equally pumps the largest muscle masses – the legs and back of the athlete. If only one deadlift is lonely in your training program, don’t worry about a small number of exercises, because when you do it, you simultaneously perform 8 movements: leg press, leg curls, calf raises, back extension, twisting of the press, bending in the wrists, shrugs and thrust down with straight arms. Well, how impressive? And you say only one thing, but what a complex!
Biomechanical advantages of the sumo deadlift compared to the classic deadlift:

greater range of knee extension at the bottom of the lift;
more vertical position of the body;
the distance over which the weight is transferred is significantly reduced;
the bar is closer to the body, which makes the leverage used more effective;
requires great strength of the quadriceps and tibialis anterior.
Exercise deadlift sumo: the practical side of the issue

Of course, the exercise is technically rather complicated, and its incorrect execution can lead to at least an off-target muscle load and, at the most, to injury. Therefore, strictly follow the steps below.

Step #1.

Equip the bar by hanging a working weight on it. Come close to the projectile and put your feet much wider than your shoulders (turn your toes 45 degrees). Squat down to such a position that your straight arms can take the bar with an overhand grip. Collectively strain the entire muscle corset. Look forward. This is the starting position.

Step #2.

Inhale deeply and use your leg muscles to lift the barbell. Keeping your back straight, straighten up. Exhale at the hardest part of the lift.
It is also necessary to remember the observance of the following technical chips:

When doing a sumo deadlift, you should get up (from the crouch) with the bar, not pull it.
the line of motion of the knee joint and the feet must match;
so that the knees do not close inward, it is necessary to select adequate weights;
the lower leg should be vertical to the floor;
if you have strong legs, then start it is necessary to start with a lower gray, if there is a strong back, it is necessary to shift the load on it, slightly raising the pelvis;
the separation of the bar should be smooth, no jerks;
the heel should become your projection of the center of gravity;
use shoes without a heel (weightlifters) and a weightlifting belt;
always perform a hyperextension exercise before the deadlift, this will prepare your back for the upcoming loads;
if you are a beginner and have never done a deadlift before (especially sumo), then practice first with a regular dumbbell instead of a barbell.
if you feel that you cannot hold the barbell throughout the exercise, then change the grip from direct to mixed grip.
keep your back always straight and do not round;
do not beat the bar off the floor;
the bar slides along the shin throughout the movement.
Видео Sumo Grip Deadlift смотреть

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