Message: #83127
Марк Аврелий » 03 Mar 2017, 08:45

Calm Points

of blood diseases, it helps to revitalize the blood and eliminate blood stagnation. The additional effect of the impact on точку: treatment болей на внутренней поверхности бедра, при опухании коленного сустава; treatment of allergic skin diseases (itching, urticaria). The point is used in the treatment of uterine bleeding and other menstrual irregularities.
Yin-gu ("hollow on the yin-inner side") is found with the leg bent at the knee joint at the inner end of the popliteal fold, between the tendons of the semimembranosus and semitendinosus muscles. The additional effect of the impact on точку инь-гу: treatment болезней почек, которые могут быть выражены импотенцией, затрудненным мочеиспусканием и изменением color of the urine, pain and swelling of the joints, and pain on the inside of the lower leg and thigh (i.e., the problems that urinary retention leads to); treatment of diseases of the genital organs (itching of the vulva, pain in the external genitalia in women, pain in the lower abdomen in women and men with irradiation to the external genitalia).
Still points 7
Zu-san-li ("leg" and "villages located on the carriageways") is located 3 cun below the knee, 1 cun outward from the middle of the lower leg
. The point is used for numerous nervous disorders, expressed by various symptoms: depression, palpitations, insomnia, pain in the epigastric region, vomiting, bloating and rumbling in the abdomen, diarrhea, constant hunger, coldness in the stomach, constipation.
Calm points 8
The additional effect of the impact on точку: treatment гинекологических заболеваний (нарушение менструального цикла, дисфункциональные кровотечения, бели, бесплодие, выпадение матки, маститы); getting rid of water metabolism disorders (edema, shortness of breath); treatment of skin diseases (eczema, urticaria); normalization of blood pressure in hypertension; increased visual acuity; treatment of pain in the joints of the leg, getting rid of muscle weakness. The point is also used to normalize blood pressure in hypertension.
Yang-ling-quan ("spring near the hill on the outside of the knee") is located under the knee, on the outside of the lower leg. The harmonizing point of Yang-li-quan is sometimes called "divine indifference". It must be acted upon in case of fear, nervous and depressed state.
Still points 9
San-yin-jiao ("crossing of three channels") is located 3 cun above the ankle, at the posterior edge of the surface of the tibia. The additional effect of the impact on точку: treatment воспалений ankle, knee and hip joints; treatment of diseases of the digestive tract (pain in the epigastric region, vomiting, diarrhea, belching, bloating); treatment of insomnia, headache.

Tai-si ("great mountain stream") is located in the depression between the medial malleolus and the calcaneal tendon. Acupressure is performed for insomnia, palpitations, dizziness, tinnitus, hearing loss, hot flashes. Impact on tai-si is also useful: in diseases of the sexual and urological sphere; pain in the spine and lower extremities; with diseases of the digestive tract (pain in the epigastric region, bloating and rumbling in the abdomen, belching, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, loss of appetite).

Da-zhong ("big heel") is located anterior to the place of attachment of the calcaneal tendon to the calcaneus. The additional effect of the impact on точку: treatment сдавленности в грудной клетке, болей в шее, пояснице и позвоночнике, болей в пятке, крестце, задней поверхности бедра, подколенной ямке, икроножной мышце; relief from difficult urination; treatment of hemorrhoids and nosebleeds; treatment of Shen vital spirit disorders (fear, fear, anger, depression, unwillingness to talk, memory loss, drowsiness, insomnia).
Calm points 10
Jie-si ("mountain stream in the articulation of bones") is located on the outer fold of the foot. The additional effect of the impact on точку: treatment заболеваний желудочно-кишечного тракта (понос, вздутие живота, снижение аппетита, боль в эпигастральной области); reduction of dizziness, tinnitus, irritability. The point is used to treat joint pain, eliminate swelling of the knee.

Li-dui ("steep cliff") is located on the outer side of the 2nd toe, approximately 0.1 cun from the corner of the nail. The additional effect of the impact on точку: treatment болезней желудка (вздутие живота, боль в эпигастральной области, несварение, снижение аппетита); treatment of inflammation of the mucous membranes, rashes on the skin of the face, prevention of edema; treatment of serious nervous disorders; prevention of bleeding (nose); treatment gallbladder diseases.
Calm points 11
Yongquan (“seething spring”) is located in the middle of the sole, between the 2nd and 3rd metatarsal bones, in the depression formed by pressing the toes (in the depression in the middle of the sole). The additional effect of the impact on юн-цюань: точку используют в критических состояниях (отравление, судороги); with pain in the lower back and knees, headache, dizziness, tinnitus, insomnia, palpitations, memory loss, urination disorders; cough, dry mouth and throat.
Calm points 12
Shang-yang ("one of the (five) sounds") is located on the radial side of the index finger, approximately 0.1 cun outward from the corner of the nail.

The additional effect of the impact on шан-ян: снятие отеков в области носоглотки и горла, временное снятие зубной боли; treatment болезней глаз (глаукома, бельмо, отеки под глазами).

Nei-guan - "inner (side of the hand) mountain border" for the passage of disease-producing energy. It is located 2 cun above the radiocarpal fold, between the tendons of the long palmar muscle and the radial flexor of the wrist. The hand while working with the point should be straight with the palm facing up. Influencing Nei-Kuan, you will ease the pain in the heart, get rid of anxiety, insomnia. Acupressure is also indicated for shortness of breath, cough, sore throat; diseases of the stomach and spleen (vomiting, nausea, belching, diarrhea, pain in the epigastric region, bloating). In women, this point is used for toxicosis during pregnancy (to reduce vomiting), with mastitis and to increase lactation in nursing mothers, with mastopathy. The point is also used to treat the back, elbow joint, finger joints.

Tong-li ("passing the junction") is located at the radial side of the tendon of the ulnar flexor of the wrist, 1 cun above the proximal radiocarpal crease. Acupressure is used in the treatment of nervous disorders, expressed pain in the region of the heart, a feeling of constriction of the chest, loss of strength and palpitations, depressed mood, drowsiness, depressed manic state, unsociableness of a painful nature. The additional effect of the impact on точку: treatment болей в области сердца; treatment боли в запястье и предплечье; hearing improvement; removal of edema of the mucous membrane of the throat, fever, reduction in the frequency of dizziness; help with heavy periods and urinary incontinence.

Shen-men ("gate of the vital spirit Shen") is located at the ulnar edge of the proximal radiocarpal fold, at the radial edge of the tendon of the ulnar flexor of the wrist, in the gap between the pisiform and ulna bones. The point is used to treat diseases associated with disorders of the nervous system (palpitations, insomnia, irritability, memory loss, depression). The additional effect of the impact on точку шэнь-мэнь: treatment болей в грудной клетке; and other diseases (sore throat, shortness of breath and cough with expectoration of sputum, hemoptysis, urinary incontinence, belching, loss of appetite).
Tranquility Points 13
Qu-chi ("bend of the lake") is located on the outer side of the shoulder. It is found with a bent elbow joint in the deepening of the elbow crease. An additional effect of qu-chi point acupressure: getting rid of diarrhea and vomiting, abdominal pain; reduction of toothache; treatment кашля, уменьшение отеков слизистой оболочки носоглотки; relief of feverish conditions; normalization of blood pressure in hypertension. The point is traditionally used for pain in the back, in the elbow joint, in the forearm.

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