Message: #82217
Марк Аврелий » 01 Mar 2017, 08:50

Pericardial Meridian

Pericardial Meridian

The existence of the meridian of the heart membrane is very important for us. When we are young, we ignore viruses and infections, oblivious to the fact that each disease reaches the outer lining of the heart and causes short-term inflammation. A young heart copes with infection without pain and interruption. But for health and longevity, stimulation of the pericardial meridian is very important!

We rub the warming composition into nine points of the manual energy channel of the pericardium on the left or on the right hand (the meridians are symmetrical about the vertical axis of the body). The direction of energy movement along the channel is from the center to the periphery. As always, we draw your attention to the versatility of each channel point!

1. Tien-chi.

Tian-chi (“heavenly lake”) is located in the 4th intercostal space, 1 cun outward from the nipple and 5 cun outward from the anterior midline. Indications for using the point: a feeling of fullness and tightness in the chest and hypochondrium, pain in the heart; lung disease (cough, shortness of breath); mastitis.

2. Tien Quan.

The tian quan point (“heavenly spring”) is located 2 cun below the anterior axillary crease, between the long and short heads of the biceps brachii. Find and use the point with the arm extended at the elbow joint and the palm facing upwards. Indications for use: pain in the region of the heart, chest pain radiating to the shoulder blade, pain along the inner surface of the shoulder; cough.

3. Qu-ze.

The qu-ze point (“bend of the lake”) is located on the transverse elbow crease, at the ulnar edge of the biceps tendon of the shoulder. Find and use the point with the arm slightly bent at the elbow joint. When the arm is bent at the elbow joint, the location of the point resembles a shallow lake. Recommendations for influencing the point: fever and allergies; palpitations, anxiety, a feeling of fullness and tightness in the chest and hypochondrium, pain in the heart, trembling hands.

4. Xi-men.

The si-men point (“gap, gate”) is located 5 cun above the wrist crease, between two tendons. The point is used with the arm extended at the elbow joint and the palm facing upwards. Indications for use: pain in the heart, palpitations, insomnia, anxiety, fear; фурункулез, mastitis.

5. Jian-shih.

The jian-shi point (“interval of the minister-envoy”, the pericardium of the heart, that is, its outer shell, is assumed to be the image of the minister-envoy) is located 3 cun above the wrist crease, the bend of the wrist, and 2 cun below point 4 Xi-men.

As a messenger of the “master organ” of the heart, the point is used to get rid of heart diseases and cardiac neuroses, to treat palpitations, pain in the heart, sleep disorders and depression. The point is also used to treat the elbow joint and other pains in the arm; treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (vomiting, diarrhea, bloating); colds (cough, fever, sore throat); improvement in women’s diseases (leucorrhea, amenorrhea or absence of menstruation).

6. Nei-guan.

The nei guain point (the “mountain border” for the passage of disease-causing qi energy) is 1 cun below point 5 of the Jian-shih. By influencing nei kuan, you will relieve pain in the heart. Get rid of anxiety, insomnia; shortness of breath, cough, sore throat; diseases of the stomach and spleen (vomiting, nausea, belching, diarrhea, pain in the epigastric region, bloating). The point can be used to treat the back, elbow joint, finger joints. In women, this point is used for toxicosis during pregnancy (to reduce vomiting), with mastitis and to increase lactation in nursing mothers, with mastopathy.

7. Da-ling.

The da-lin point (“big hill”) is located in the middle of the wrist crease of the hand. The effect of exposure to the da-lin point: treatment of heart disease (pain in the heart, palpitations); improvement of mood, getting rid of feelings of fear, unmotivated fun, depression, insomnia; treatment of the wrist joint; improvement of intestinal motility, elimination of constipation, pain in the epigastric region; treatment of colds and infectious diseases (sore throat, dry cough, ulcers on the surface of the body); improvement in well-being with frequent headaches and tinnitus.

8. Lao-gun.

The lao-gun point (“palace of labor”) is located in the middle of the palm, on the proximal palm crease, between the 2nd and 3rd metacarpal bones. Squeeze the brush into a fist – the tip middle finger will point to this point. Indications for the use of Lao Gong are quite wide: critical conditions (fainting, convulsions – before professional medical care is provided); mental disorders; palpitations and cardioneurosis; pain in the epigastric region; infectious and colds, fever; pain in the joints of the hand.

9. Zhong-chun.

The zhong-zhu point (“middle (finger) leaves”) is located at the tip of the middle finger. The effect of exposure to Zhong-chun: getting rid of heart pain, palpitations; treatment of nervous disorders, speech disorders; treatment of gastric diseases (loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea); lowering blood pressure, getting rid of tinnitus.

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