Message: #82205
Марк Аврелий » 01 Mar 2017, 08:47

Acupressure for Senior Men

Acupressure for older men 1

Acupressure for older men 2
We direct our efforts to work with the sacrum, epigastric region, bladder, liver, sigmoid colon, inguinal region and anus. Despite the fact that in adulthood the prostate gland suffers from hormonal changes, in this technique it is stimulated last. And first of all, the kidneys (sacrum), the excretory system and the cleansing system are stimulated.

1. Zone of the sacrum. If you have been actively involved in sports, you should know that the residual effects of injuries in this area are initially invisible, and then make themselves felt in significant disorders. If they led a sedentary lifestyle, then already in their youth they could feel that congestion causes frequent inflammation of the internal organs.

We press on the main points in the region of the lumbosacral vertebrae. When massaging, combine the pads of your thumbs to press. When self-massage, combine the pads of the index and middle fingers.

2. Epigastric zone (hereinafter). Treatment of the epigastric zone has a reflex effect on the lumbosacral region. We press on the epigastric zone with the supporting part of the palm for 3 seconds.

3. Liver area. Dysfunction of the liver and gallbladder reduces the general mood of the body, causes apathy, indifference, and in neglected states “spoils character”. Interestingly, such disorders are more often experienced by people with mental labor.

If you don’t move much, frequent four-finger pressure just below your right costal arch should be your daily pressure routine.

4. Area of ​​the sigmoid colon. Congestion in the sigmoid colon causes constipation. And constipation, in turn, causes toxic reactions throughout the body. For timely bowel cleansing, knead the abdomen to the left and down from the navel, this is the zone sigmoid colon.

5. Zone of the bladder. A good excretory function improves metabolic processes and is directly related to the normal functioning of the prostate gland.

The bladder zone is activated by pressing between the navel and the pubic area. Since this area is well accessible, you can act in any convenient way: with your thumbs aligned or with the supporting part of the palm for 5 seconds. Repeat the pressure three times.

6. Inguinal region and anus. With elastic springy movements of the gluteal muscles, stimulate the area around the anus. Then press with your thumb between the anus and the scrotum area. This pressure stimulates the prostate gland, preventing prostatitis and prostatic hyperplasia (prostate adenoma).

7. Pubic area and testicles. To increase the sensitivity of the testicles, rub the area at the edge of the pubic bone (pubic ligament). Elastic compression of the testicles with the palm of your hand stimulates their work. The number of compressions should correspond to the age of the man (number of years lived).

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