Message: #283
Олеся Бонд » 22 Apr 2016, 15:42

Lose weight to spring effective ways to lose weight

Light diet With its help, you can reduce weight by 2-3 kg within two to three weeks. For breakfast every day – coffee or tea without sugar or with low-calorie sweets, plus 2 cookies and a piece of cheese. Monday Lunch – a glass of kefir, 2 oranges or apples; dinner – 120 g of low-fat cottage cheese, an egg, 2 cucumbers. Tuesday Lunch – a piece of chicken, 2 cucumbers – dinner – 120 g of low-fat cottage cheese, 0.5 l of milk. Wednesday Lunch – 100 g of cheese, orange or apple; dinner – 200 g of salad, 2 eggs. Thursday Lunch – a piece of chicken, 2 cucumbers – dinner – 200 g of salad, an egg, 50 g of sausage without fat. Friday Lunch – 120 g cottage cheese, orange or apple; dinner – 100 g sausage, egg, tomato. Saturday Lunch – a glass of yogurt, 2 apples or oranges – dinner – 120 g of cottage cheese, a glass of milk. Sunday Lunch – 100 g of sausage, cucumber – dinner – 100 g of cheese, tomato day Lots of water and fruits. Days 2-9 Exclude alcohol, bread, pasta, leave only foods rich in proteins – cheeses, low-fat cottage cheese, fish, meat, legumes, nuts, oatmeal, buckwheat, millet. On the 4th day, fats begin to be burned in the body.Then you need to spend 2 weeks of separate nutrition along with physical exercises and a 20-minute run. The second cycle is again a protein diet and separate nutrition. The result is minus 7 kg per month. Inna Specialist comment: Lamukhina Oksana Anatolyevna, doctor of the first qualification category, dietitian, specialist in ozone therapy of the SWISSMED Swiss Center, nominee for the Grace Prize-2008 in the Best Medical Center nomination: “First and most important – no hunger strikes! overeating increases the amount of fat, and during starvation, cell mass is lost, the percentage of adipose tissue after fasting increases!Fasting is absolutely ineffective for weight loss and even dangerous!The main nutrients that it is important to pay attention to are fat (especially hidden) and “empty calories” from sugar and white wheat flour, so it is better to exclude products with these substances from your diet. Secondly, remember that proper eating habits and a normal attitude towards food are not formed immediately and suddenly. a normal diet in which all major food groups are present. This will help maintain health and cell mass, a high metabolic rate and, therefore, easily part with fat. A few tips that can significantly alleviate the condition of the gastrointestinal tract: The most important thing in the diet is breakfast, which should be maintained within 400 kcal. If you eat less, then you will certainly want to “finish your meal” at lunch or dinner, and this, as you know, is bad. You should forget about fried foods, and it is best to boil or steam the food you eat. If possible, you should significantly limit the intake of salt, as it stimulates the appetite. Also, the list of “forbidden foods” is replenished with alcohol and mayonnaise. Alcohol will not only whet the appetite, but also load the body with extra calories. And mayonnaise is just fatty and harmful. Try to saturate the body with protein foods – chicken breast, salmon and beans will be great helpers in this. Do not forget about fermented milk products – they contain the calcium necessary for each of us. Eat citrus fruits – they reduce appetite and charge vitamins. Drink more – at least 2 liters per day. Preferably mineral water without gas or green tea without sugar. You should not impose strong restrictions and go on diets consisting of one or two products. It’s much better to eat a little of everything. Replace the usual plates for the second with dessert saucers, and use small cups instead of bowls for soup. Remember: soup is important, and eating lean vegetable soup dulls hunger much better than flour and fat. You should not completely give up sweets either. In winter, serotonin is needed – it will support good health and cheer you up. Therefore, please (but only occasionally) yourself with a slice of dark chocolate, low-calorie sweets and fruits. Milkshakes are also suitable for this, but only if the calorie content in them is reduced to a minimum. And third, it is useful to arrange 1-2 unloading days in week. The main thing is that a fasting day does not immediately follow overeating. Indeed, on fasting days, we lose weight not due to fat, but due to water. The next day, water should return along with kilograms. What then is the meaning of unloading days? Facilitate the work of the entire gastrointestinal tract, which suffered from overeating! So that after unloading, the stomach, intestines, liver, and pancreas begin to work better and easier, with renewed vigor! And, of course, the most important thing – do not ignore physical activity. After all, losing weight, not supplemented by proper exercises, leads to flabby muscles, hanging skin.

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