Message: #72011
Татьяна Юсупова » 08 Feb 2017, 21:33

Foods to help get back in shape postpartum

The birth of a baby for a woman is accompanied by great joy. But such an important period in life is often overshadowed by the acquisition of a few extra pounds due to hormonal changes.
A breastfeeding mother often has a good appetite. After all, now she eats for two. Frequent waking up at night, broken diet and sleep patterns. All this has a negative effect on the figure. But everyone wants to look good. And not sometime later, but I want to return to my previous size as quickly as possible. But if you go on a strict diet, breast milk may disappear. What to do? You need to balance your diet so that you maintain energy, but at the same time lose weight.
The goal, at first glance, is difficult, but quite achievable. There are foods that are low in calories, satisfying, and beneficial for mom and baby.

High fiber foods

These products, like no other, help to melt centimeters at the waist. An example of such products are buckwheat, oatmeal and corn. They are leaders in fiber content. Proteins and carbohydrates in their composition are valuable sources of energy. At the same time, they do not cause gas in the baby that you feed with your milk. Bran can be added to these products to feel full and speed up weight loss. If you make it a habit to have a bowl of porridge for breakfast, then you will postpone the next meal for a long time. Such nutrition helps to remove toxins, toxins, lowers cholesterol. Also, fiber helps fight one of the most serious problems of nursing mothers – it helps to get rid of constipation.
Low fat dairy products

These foods contain a lot of calcium, but they are low in calories. Calcium is simply a necessary element for those who are struggling with being overweight. It has the ability to help the body burn fat faster. Everyone knows that calcium is simply necessary to maintain bones and muscles in good shape. He is responsible for the condition of our hair, nails and teeth. And during breastfeeding, the body bears a double burden. In addition, kefir, cottage cheese, yogurt contain useful substances that promote digestion. Low-fat fermented milk products should be eaten as often as possible, but nutritionists recommend at least three times a day.

A product for the digestion of which, The body burns more calories than it receives. Spinach очень полезен. It is a source of folic acid, which is involved in the hematopoietic system. Spinach also contains magnesium. Without it, normal growth and strengthening of muscles is not possible. The production of collagen depends on magnesium, which helps to recover from birth injuries, caesarean section. According to nutritionists, spinach should be eaten as often as possible.
Beef, veal and poultry

They serve as a source of iron and zinc. These minerals are very important in milk production. It will also help you stay energized. If poultry is on your menu, choose dark meat. It is more high-calorie, but the mineral content in it is twice as high. Nutritionists say that a new mother should eat meat at least three times a week.

For a quick weight loss, add one egg to your daily diet. Preferably for lunch. Each egg contains several grams of protein, which will help you feel full for a long time. The absence of hunger for a long time will allow you not to be distracted by extra snacks from sandwiches or sweets. Eggs contain the substance choline, which is responsible for the proper development of the brain. Do not forget that the baby receives nutrients from your milk.

Fatty fish are high in omega-3 fatty acids. Without them, the heart will not be able to work normally, and when breastfeeding, it will help the baby’s brain develop and get good vision. In the diet of a nursing mother, fish should be at least twice a week.
Healthy sweets

If you really want sweets and have no strength to resist desires, eat marshmallows, marshmallows without chocolate or dried fruits.
Don’t worry if weight loss is slow. After all, you gained weight within 7-9 months. Sudden weight loss can cause the production of breast milk to stop. Over time, the body will begin to bounce back after stress, the hormonal background normalizes. And then, if you follow the simple rules of nutrition, you can easily return to your previous size.

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