Message: #72013
Татьяна Юсупова » 08 Feb 2017, 21:37

How to eat after childbirth in order to lose weight and not harm the baby while feeding

Breastfeeding is a great time to relax and eat plenty. You can eat a lot and not think about the consequences, but they themselves will remind you of themselves.
You should eat at least 1200 kcal per day, more is also not recommended. A mother who has been breastfeeding her baby for more than six months should increase her food intake by 200 kcal per day.

You should not smoke or even become a passive smoker while breastfeeding, as this can lead to an increased risk of respiratory diseases and provoke sudden death in a child, and also cause a decrease in your milk supply.

How to lose weight fast and still breastfeed your baby?

Any natural remedy can greatly affect feeding and your nutrition. Always check with your doctor before using them.
You should not switch to a vegetarian diet, because it contains a very small amount of vitamins B12, D, and calcium, so they will have to be consumed additionally.
Always remember that during the feeding period of your baby, you should eat for two so that your baby gets everything he needs with milk.
Do not forget to take care of yourself: eat regularly, do not skip a single meal, because you need to have a lot of energy, because you have a small child in your arms.
Eat only healthy and nutritious food. Try to eat at regular intervals, after about 180 minutes (toddlers eat this often), eat a little bit. Do not eat a lot and only a couple of times a day. Eat so that your energy balance is always normal, so that you can produce the amount of milk your baby needs, but at the same time remove extra pounds.
Try to give your preference to cereals, whole grain bread, wild rice, as well as vegetables and lots of fruits.

Many women eat well during pregnancy and gain weight well, and after giving birth they do not know what to do with this weight. We must try before and after childbirth to eat only healthy food and in a certain amount.
Especially in the postpartum period, the body has a great need for calcium and folic acid, it also needs magnesium, zinc and vitamins.

Weight Loss Recommendations

Do not rush and lose weight at a very fast pace, because you gained it on for 9 long months, and you want to lose weight in 1 month. There is an opinion that weight must be lost slowly, then it will definitely not come back.
In this case, diets practically do not help, but behavioral changes will benefit. This means that you need to change the time of the meal and its quantity (that is, how and what you eat).
You should not buy foods that are high in fat and high in calories, and you will eat them late at night. Do not eat chips, ice cream, chocolate bars and large amounts of sweets.
Also, do not lose weight by taking medications.

postpartum diet

Only the constant consumption of food in small portions will lead to weight loss. It would be nice to lose only 1 kg in one month, 2 is already a lot because this can cause increased fatigue and a decrease in the amount of milk. Here, your kilograms are an indicator of how well you eat.

Fluid intake

You need to drink at least 8 glasses of fluid per day. It is better to give your preference to fruit juices, milk or water.
There is one simple rule – to drink so that there is no thirst. If your urine has a dark yellow color, then you need to drink more, if it is light yellow or clear, then this means that you are drinking the amount that you need. If mommy gave birth to twins or triplets, then you will have to drink more.
Try to limit your caffeine intake: three cups a day will be enough, because if you use more of it, it can cause a strong heartbeat, feelings of anxiety and overexcitation, and caffeine reduces the amount of calcium consumed by the body.
He is able to easily pass with milk into the baby’s body and stay there for a long period. Try to drink less tea and coffee, cola and cocoa. Once a day is enough for you. Only in this way can you avoid overexciting your baby, and not encounter the difficulties that are associated with his sleep.
Do not drink alcohol while feeding. It is able to lower the reflex, it also changes the taste of milk.
You can replace one meal (when there was no opportunity to eat) with a liquid supplement or a nutritious drink, because they contain the vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats and carbohydrates you need.
For in order to lose weight and not harm the child, you need to know exactly how to lose weight correctly. In no case should mom resort to diets, because a woman undergoes some hormonal changes during this period, and any diet can provoke the development of depression. For что бы она не появилась, необходимо хорошо и правильно питаться и даже не думать о диете.

Foods to Avoid While Breastfeeding

You can lose weight and not harm your health and your baby, doing everything right, proper nutrition will help you with this. It must be remembered that buns and cakes will not give any benefit to the baby, and if you stop using them, you will be able to lose weight much faster.
Know that all smoked meats have a very bad effect on the health of your child, so you should not eat smoked sausage, lard, fatty meats. A child needs vitamins, proteins and carbohydrates, not a huge amount of fat.
Eat only lean meat and never fry it. Also eat eggs and dairy products because they are a great source of protein.
You should be aware that any fatty food can cause constipation in a child.
Salty, pickled and canned food should not be eaten in any case, as there is nothing useful in it.

What should be the diet after childbirth?

Eat at least 5 times a day, then you will succeed. The last time you should eat is three hours before going to bed.
You should not load your body with strong physical exercises, because immediately after childbirth, they are generally prohibited. But in order to lose weight, you must not lie on the couch. You can do yoga (there are methods specially designed for women who have recently given birth). Walk a lot.
Within a couple of days after giving birth, a woman begins to think about her weight. After all, everyone wants to have a figure that was before childbirth. How to return to it, not everyone knows. After all, it is very scary to harm your baby.
Do not drink boiled water.
Instead of a hearty dinner, you can drink tea without sugar, or kefir. Breakfast is a must and should never be skipped.
Do not taste food while it is being prepared. Cook your own dishes and bake, but never fry. Try to replace half of your diet with vegetables and fruits, and not with meat and sweets. They can be boiled, stewed and baked, but not worth it. add oil to them.
Remember that legumes can harm the baby, and red and orange fruits can also cause allergies. Don’t eat too many tomatoes.
Dairy products are very useful, but you don’t need to eat sour cream, because it is quite high-calorie, but eating cheese is very useful, because it has a lot of calcium, which both of you really need.
When the child is 7 months old and he begins to receive additional food, then only you can go on a more rigid diet.
Before lunch, try to eat porridge or pasta, after lunch you should not do this.
Eat your last meal at 6 pm, and then you can only drink water or green tea without sugar.
Remember that each organism is individual, so review everything and draw conclusions for yourself.

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