Message: #58762
Татьяна Юсупова » 18 Jan 2017, 15:56

Lose weight fast and tasty

A protein diet is a lot of meat and fish. This, of course, will appeal to those who cannot live without meat. True, you still have to give up sweets and starchy foods. For 2 weeks, the protein diet promises to get rid of 3 to 8 kg of excess weight, and at the same time build muscle – which is why it is popular among athletes and bodybuilders. How good is such a satisfying diet and who better to refrain from losing weight quickly and tasty Protein diet – it’s the Atkins diet, it’s the Kremlin diet. This diet was developed by scientist Robert Atkins. Then the Kremlin diet was built on its basis.
The name of the diet speaks for itself: you need to “sit” on proteins. Therefore, the diet contains a lot of meat, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy and seafood. Foods rich in carbohydrates are limited – bread, cereals, pasta, vegetables, fruits, etc.

Principles of a protein diet
1. The basis of the diet is proteins: meat, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy and seafood.
2. Bread, pasta, potatoes, cereals, vegetable fats should be consumed in limited quantities.
3. Vegetables and fruits are present in the diet, but in small quantities.

How does the protein diet work?
Meat, fish, eggs and other protein foods are very satiating, so there is no feeling of hunger inherent in most diets. At the same time, fewer carbohydrates enter the body, so the body begins to use its fat as a source of energy. Due to this, weight loss occurs.

Also, during the diet, the body loses a lot of fluid, due to which it also loses weight.
Simple and beautiful, you say. In reality, everything is not as cloudless as it seems: in addition to the advantages of a protein diet, there are a lot of disadvantages. So before you get rid of cereals and pasta and stock up on meat, fish and eggs, study the disadvantages of a protein diet.

Cons of a protein diet
1. The diet of a protein diet cannot be called balanced in any way – in addition to a small amount of carbohydrates and fats, there is a lack of vitamins and minerals. And therefore the picture is disappointing – brittle nails, dull hair, dry skin, unhealthy complexion, fatigue, poor sleep are possible.
2. Another disadvantage of protein diets is an increased load on the kidneys. The more protein you eat, the harder your kidneys work and the faster your body loses fluid. To prevent this from happening, you need to drink as much liquid as possible.
3. On A protein diet may lower blood sugar levels, so brain tissue, liver can suffer, and cardiovascular diseases develop.
4. A protein diet is not recommended for older people – protein increases blood clotting, which means it increases the risk of blood clots in blood vessels. It is contraindicated for problems with the kidneys – with a violation of their function, gastrointestinal diseases (chronic pancreatitis, colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, dysbacteriosis), gout.
In any case, if there are any health problems, before going on a protein diet (like any other), you need to consult a dietitian.

An example of a protein diet
First week
1 day
Breakfast: black coffee.
Lunch: hard boiled eggs, boiled cabbage salad with vegetable oil, a glass of tomato juice.
Dinner: fried or boiled fish in any quantity.

2 day
Breakfast: black coffee with crackers.
Lunch: fried or boiled fish, salad of fresh cabbage and vegetables with vegetable oil.
Dinner: 200 grams of boiled beef, a glass of yogurt.

3 day
Breakfast: black coffee with crackers.
Lunch: large zucchini fried in vegetable oil, apples.
Dinner: 2 hard boiled eggs, 200 grams of boiled beef, fresh cabbage salad with vegetable oil.

Day 4
Breakfast: only black coffee.
Lunch: raw egg, 3 large boiled carrots with vegetable oil, 15 grams of hard cheese.
Dinner: fruit.

Day 5
Breakfast: raw carrots with lemon juice.
Lunch: big fish, fried or boiled, a glass of tomato juice.
Dinner: fruit.

Day 6
Breakfast: black coffee.
Lunch: half boiled chicken, fresh cabbage or carrot salad.
Dinner: 2 hard boiled eggs, a bowl of grated raw carrots with vegetable oil.

Day 7
Breakfast: tea.
Lunch: 200 grams of boiled beef, fruit.
Dinner: any of the previous days, except for dinner on the third day.
Second week
Repeat the first week in reverse order. That is, the diet of the eighth day of the protein diet is completely equal to the diet of the seventh, 9=6, 10=5 and so on.
Tea, coffee should be drunk without sugar, meat should be without seasonings and spices. In addition, it is allowed and even recommended to drink at least a liter of water per day – plain or non-carbonated mineral.

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