Message: #277911
Ольга Княгиня » 12 Dec 2017, 18:42

Marry in 2 months! Or How to get married, and at the same time remain yourself! Julia Shchedrova

Marry in 2 months! Or How to get married, and at the same time remain yourself! Julia Shchedrova

YOU are beautiful, but your strategy DOES NOT WORK!
You are a charming woman, regardless of your age and appearance. Like any of us, you want to love and be loved. But for some reason, you just can't get into a serious relationship with the opposite sex. It's just that your strategy of behavior with men DOES NOT WORK, and after breaking up with another candidate for a hand and heart, you torment yourself with questions:
• Is there something wrong with me?
• Why did he leave without explanation?
• Why is another woman better than me?
• How am I going to live without him now?
• Where can I find another boyfriend?
• How can I impress this gentleman?
• How can I win his heart?
• Can good sex make him propose to me?
• Maybe I should learn how to cook?
• Why does he eat my salads but doesn't propose?
• Maybe we're not right for each other?

Not only young ladies who have experienced "unhappy love" for the first time, but also experienced women in love relationships, who, nevertheless, step on the same rake with every new man, plague themselves with such questions ...

Imagine for a moment that you have in your hands a rare book with unique techniques and practices (not only sexual!) and a well-honed harmonious program to attract a worthy man into your life. Now think how much easier it would be for you to communicate with the opposite sex if you knew the unique technique of conquering men's hearts, revealed in this book! Do you think you would feel shy when meeting young people? Would you be afraid to lose someone you like? Would you doubt your feminine attractiveness and irresistibility? Of course not! You would have experienced confidence in your feminine strength and endless drive!

"Marrying is not difficult,
It's hard to get married."
Folk wisdom.

If you have repeatedly been disappointed in the men with whom you were going to build a serious relationship, and came to the conclusion that you need to approach the search for a husband more thoroughly, this training book is for you.
I propose an algorithm for finding a soul mate, which was invented and tested by me, my girlfriends, girlfriends of my girlfriends, and so on. My main advantage development is that it works 100% when two important conditions are met.
First, you must follow the sequence of the algorithm for attracting a partner into your life. In no case should you swap two-week tasks in places or ignore any of them. In secret: if you consider any task to be superfluous, it is precisely this task that you need most of all, therefore this is your problem. Secondly, you must trust what is written here, and then the result will not be long in coming.

Please note that tasks for every two weeks consist of several Actions. You can apply all the proposed options for Actions, but, as practice shows, three or four of them are enough to achieve the goal - your choice.

And one more thing: from the first day of the program, keep a diary, codenamed "Marry in 2 months." Write down there all your discoveries and insights, successes and doubts, questions and answers that will come to you during the two months of the program.

If you like to spend time at the computer, you can start an electronic diary, or a blog in LiveJournal. The main thing is not to miss a single day. Written reflections will help you better understand yourself, separate the "wheat from the chaff" and move far in the field of interpersonal relationships.

1st and 2nd week. DISCOVER YOURSELF
"A perfect man seeks everything in himself, an insignificant man in others."


As much as you would like to start looking for a potential husband this very second, I advise you to wait a little longer.

I have been waiting for so many years - but two weeks is a lot? No, dear, you have to be patient! Trust me - the result obtained at the end of this program will exceed your expectations. But for this you need to try. Do you remember the saying “Without labor you can’t even take a fish out of the pond”? And without difficulty to force a man to take lifelong responsibility for you and your children (present and future) - all the more it will not work.

This week you are accumulating your efforts in the direction of self-knowledge. And this is the most important part of the program.
First of all, you must find... yourself. You must understand what kind of husband you need, for what purpose (many discoveries can be made here!), why right now and what you need to change in yourself in order to meet him. It will help you figure it out special test. Answer the following questions with the utmost honesty, because your happiness depends entirely on this. Write down your thoughts in your diary. So…

1. Is your career stable? Does your job give you creative self-realization, confidence and independence - all the things that should not concern men?

Explanation: What you have achieved so far in your career plan may answer the question of whether you are ready for a serious relationship. If you are too passionate about work or have not yet decided in life, failures may haunt you in your personal life.

Agree that a woman for whom work is the main thing in life is unlikely to seriously interest a man. The same can be said about a girl who does not know what to do with her life, and dreams of shifting the entire burden of her financial problems onto men's shoulders.

2. Do your parents understand that you are already an adult? (Even if you are over 40, think about this question...)

Explanation: If your personal life is not going well, it's time to look at your relationship with your parents from the outside and try to understand if they do not limit your opportunities as a woman. Many of us, already adults, without realizing it, are still trying to please our parents or, conversely, to annoy them. If you are still your mother's or father's daughter, and not an independent woman, it's time to grow up!

3. What exactly are you most afraid of? To be childless or abandoned, to lose control of your life or financial independence, to get involved in other people's financial problems, or to get fat because you have to have a hearty dinner every night with your loved one? You must find the answer yourself. This will be the reason why you subconsciously do not want to enter into a serious relationship with a man.

Explanation: Your fears are a good reason to build a relationship with yourself first, and only then think about a relationship with a man.

4. Have you dealt with your childhood fears and resentments?

Explanation: This point is the beginning of a long journey of personal growth that will be the key to a happy personal life.

5. Can you describe in great detail what kind of relationship you dream about?

Explanation: If you don't know who you want, you'll never meet the "right" man.

6. Your "support group" (girlfriends, friends, mom, siblings) really support you?

Explanation: It happens that our loved ones prevent us from having happy relationships and "help" us stay single. Therefore, before accepting the advice and help of friends and relatives, think about their motives.

7. Are you trying to get into a serious relationship with the wrong goals?

Explanation: A tight skirt will help you make a lover, but only your wits will help you find a promising friend.

8. Are you pushing things too hard when you meet another boyfriend?

Explanation: Except the Lord God, no one is able to create the world in seven days. So don't force things! According to psychologists, the pace of a normal serious relationship should be as follows:

A. Stay out of bed with him for at least a month and a half. Don't think about the old rule of "three dates" - it was in the distant seventies, when AIDS was not yet known.
B. Don't call him your boyfriend until you've dated him for at least three months.
B. Do not move in with him earlier than a year after you met.
D. Before choosing a wedding dress, discuss with him the problems of raising children, abortion, housekeeping and finances.

Note: Adults, and those who think they are, can speed things up. But at your own risk!

9. Is each new choice you make better than the previous one?

Explanation: If you learn not to repeat your mistakes, you can avoid being disappointed again.

Do not rush to answer all questions at once. Take the time to think about each of them, believe me, this is very important. And only after you have worked well on yourself, start looking for a candidate for your hand and heart.


Family psychologist Elena Serova conditionally divides all women into “wild”, “domestic” and “domesticated”. And each female type has different reasons for loneliness and a different attitude towards it.

"Wild" women, as a rule, do not have incentives to marry, because such women themselves are a bit of a man (at least in terms of self-esteem and life guidelines). "Wild" is not some Asya Klyachkina from the second floor, who really wanted to, but did not get married. "Wild" like independence


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